The NAQCC June Field Day 2024 Challenge NAQCC Monthly Challenges are originated and information regarding rules, ideas, or suggestions go to Gary K1YAN. Email him at . Challenge results and the Challenge App (the online Challenge tracking and reporting application) is administered by Charlie N1AOK. Email him with any questions at PLEASE SEND ALL CHALLENGE SUBMISSIONS TO CHARLIE!!! (If you use the online Challenge App, it will automatically send it to him). THE CHALLENGE APPLICATION HAS MOVED! THE NEW LOCATION IS: http://naqcc.wb5rvz.org The ARRL FIELD DAY Challenge PREMISE: The annual FD Challenge is one of our most popular challenges according to the number of logs submitted. Work at least the required number of ARRL/RAC Contest Sections during field day, either from your home station or portable from the field. TIME FRAME: As in the ARRL FD Rules. RULES: ARRL Field Day rules govern all aspects of the contest for purposes of this challenge, except as noted. You must use QRP or QRPp power. The other station may use any power. You may use any type of antenna. If you are part of a multi-op FD station, no matter what call sign is used, even if it is your own, only the QSOs MADE BY YOU PERSONALLY at QRP or QRPp power count. Entities to be counted are the ARRL/RAC Contest Sections used for the FD exchange, not US States. The ARRL/RAC Contest Sections, which include US States, Canadian Provinces, Puerto Rico (PR), Virgin Islands (VI) and DX ( a single entity consisting of any country aside from those just mentioned ), are listed below. The DX entity may be counted ONLY ONCE regardless of how many different DX countries you work. A number of states and provinces have multiple contest sections. Each section counts toward your total worked. For example: New Jersey has southern NJ, SNJ and northern NJ, NNJ. Each counts toward your total. ARRL/RAC CONTEST SECTIONS: W1 CT EMA ME NH RI VT WMA W2 ENY NLI NNJ NNY SNJ WNY W3 DE EPA MDC WPA W4 AL GA KY NC NFL SC SFL WCF TN VA PR VI W5 AR LA MS NM NTX OK STX WTX W6 EB LAX ORG SB SCV SDG SF SJV SV PAC W7 AZ EWA ID MT NV OR UT WWA WY AK W8 MI OH WV W9 IL IN WI W0 CO IA KS MN MO NE ND SD VE AB BC GTA MAR MB NL NT ONE ONN ONS PE QC SK DX DX If you need some help with your alphabet challenge record keeping take a look at our Alphabet Tutorial page for everything from some great pencil & paper methods to fully computerized tools. AWARDS: A certificate and Participation Point go to everyone who works at least 30 ARRL Contest Sections, either from home or portable in the field, and submits their results before the deadline. A Participation Point goes to everyone who works at least 10, but not 30 or more ARRL Contest Sections, either from home or portable in the field, and submits their results before the deadline. You can get only 1 challenge Participation Point this month even if you participate in both the Field Day and the normal June challenges. CERTIFICATES: If you work all Continental US sections OR all VE sections we’ll send you a NAQCC FD CLEAN SWEEP certificate. Make all contacts at QRPp power, 1 watt or less, and get a QRPp endorsement. For the US certificate only, there are endorsements for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands and DX sections. Submit a statement that you have worked the required contacts and for a QRPp endorsement the maximum power used to make the required contacts. You may use both QRP and QRPp power during the contest as long as all the required contacts for a QRPp endorsement are established and completed at 1 watt or less. Contacts for this certificate are only from the current year contest and do not accumulate from year to year. There are no antenna restrictions for this award. NOTE: DEADLINE TO SUBMIT THE REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR THIS CERTIFICATE IS THE SAME AS THE CHALLENGE SUBMITTAL DEADLINE (see LOGS section below). If you work all 50 states, we'll send you an NAQCC WAS certificate. For the WAS certificate, you must have used only simple wire antennas. See the awards page for details. If you work all 8 Canadian provinces, we'll send you an NAQCC WAVE certificate. For the WAVE certificate, you must have used only simple wire antennas. See the awards page for details. LOGS: For your report, just tell us the number of ARRL/RAC Contest Sections worked and list them alphabetically by their abbreviations. Also tell us if you worked from HOME or PORTABLE so we may put you in the correct category. Please preface any soapbox comments with "SOAPBOX:" so we will know what you want posted and what is private. TO AID IN THE PROCESSING YOUR ENTRY, PLEASE USE THE EXACT FORMAT SHOWN BELOW: [Your call] [space] [total sections claimed] [space] [alphabetical list of sections worked, single spaced] Example: K1YAN 6 EMA KS LA MI ND WV There should be no special formatting, no extra characters like commas, hyphens etc. , only plain text in a horizontal format with no tabs and single spaces between items. Send your results as text in the horizontal format shown above to: E-mail: You must type that address into your email program.) Subject must read: (your call) NAQCC (month) Challenge For example: K3WWP NAQCC February Challenge All entries must be RECEIVED before the 10th of the following month at 2400Z. All the above get a certificate and participation point. All below get only a participation point. Not eligible for a certificate or participation point for the following reason(s): @ = Non-member $ = QRO power Soapbox: AB9BZ: I made contact with 47 ARRL Sections during this year's field day while running QRP CW. DX included both France and Russia. 73 Dave ab9bz VE2KZW: I have done Field Day and Winter Field Day using CW with our radio club call sign VE2CRO but this year, I operated under my own call sign, in CW with the Ultra Porta Paddle from AME and my KX2 at 5 watts to my Buddipole set as a flat top dipole and to an end-fed random wire. The biggest challenge was to make sense of the machine gun speed of participants; I ended up doing mostly S&P, to make sure I would get their class and section properly. I did one contact on 80m, 32 on 40m, 11 on 20m and 12 on 15m, for a total of 56 contacts. Noisy at times but manageable. The equipment was a pleasure to use and I will certainly repeat the experience. 72, Robert. ****************** This year, I did Field Day by myself, from home, using my Elecraft KX2 at 5 watts powered by battery. Two antennas were used: a Buddipole configured as a flattop dipole and an end-fed random wire. The biggest challenge was not running QRP but trying to keep up with the keying speed of contesters. I ended up doing mostly S&P to make sure I would get their proper class and section. By the way, I made a QSO with Nova Scotia (NS) which is missing from your list; my DX QSO was with England. Lots of fun. 72, Robert VE2KZW #10242 WT4U: Got my new high-band QMX working (after replacing the ADC chip) and had some good success operating 1E Saturday night on 15 and 20m. Some more Sunday morning, then about the time I realized the 30-section goal for the NAQCC FD Challenge was in reach, everyone went home and the bands died. Switched rigs to get 40m and worked #30, SC, by CQing near where I heard him work someone I already had. Done with 15 min to spare before guests arrived. Whew! KU4A: Portable operation class 1B battery Chris KU4A NAQCC #1960 WD9EGW: I’d not planned to get on the air for Field Day until I saw the NAQCC challenge. I figured I could at least work 10 sections, so I set my MC750 vertical on the back deck and put the KX2 on the kitchen table. Lots of activity and some great sounding CW. I had a great time and look forward to next time. 72, Chuck ************************************************************* I was operating from home, but my setup is portable. I don’t have a dedicated shack so my portable MC750 vertical sat on our deck and the KX2 was on the kitchen table. The KX2 was running 5W out. The batteries were charged from the mains before Field Day started. I operated as 1E. I don’t know if you consider this Home or Portable. If you need it, my NAQCC number is 11549. If you have any questions or if my format isn’t right, please email me so I can correct it before the deadline. 72, Chuck W8KRZ: Worked from home station N3SW: #6295 HOME AB9BZ: Hope you had a good FD2024. 47 SPC's on my K2. 72 ab9bz Dave KN1H: Operated portable in camper. It rained most of the time but no lightning. 100% solar charged batteries for everything including radio, lights and laptop. Elecraft KX-2 at 5W output to 40M EFHW supported by tree about 25' up. Fed antenna as 1/4w on 80M. Very happy with antenna for portable ops. 238 Qs, all cw. WA2FBN: Where we all Ts ? Needed 8 more Ts !! Had all the other letters. Fun sprint TNX 72 Ken - WA2FBN WO7T: Worked 1D from home in 115 degree Phoenix. My first NAQCC Challenge and Field Day at 5W utilizing my revitalized K2 to 132' EFHW. It was quite fun and I should have committed to more time and completed WAS 72 Mark NAQCC 0981 |