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May 2019 QRP/CW Sprint (#175)

Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page. Questions should go to him at pix_newemail_kf0u (1K).

KF0U Comments - Finished at 91 logs. Guess Dayton strikes again. Thanks for all your help and look forward to working with everyone during the July Sprint.

N2CN Comments - Cross-checking is complete and the results are final.

Final Results

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
WB1GYZ   14   14  28   10  280  x2   560  Sloping vee 150 ft.
KN1H     13   13  26   10  260  x2   520  400' End-fed wire
K1IEE    10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  OCF 120FT long wire @ 30FT

W2 Division
W2SH     29   29  58   14  812  x2  1624  270'dpl@45'; inverted L,86'V,68'H
KA2KGP   25   24  49   15  735  x2  1470  G5RV up 25 ft.
WA2JSG   10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  Vertical
W2JEK    10   10  20    7  140  x2   280  End fed wire 110 ft long, up 20 ft

W3 Division
K3JZD    48   45  93   25 2325  x2  4650  40m dipole @ 25ft
K3ESE    35   33  68   19 1292  x2  2584  20M EDZ @ 50' + 80M dipole @ 70'
KE3V     27   27  54   13  702  x2  1404  Inverted L @30'
NO3J      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  End fed at 25'
AK3X      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  40 meter EDZ at 27 ft
K3EMS     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  G7FEK @ 25 feet

W4 Division
KB4QQJ   29   28  57   18 1026  x2  2052  EndFed slopper
WT4U     26   26  52   16  832  x2  1664  132' end-fed Inv V @ 35'
N4OW     18   18  36   12  432  x2   864  Butternut HP6v
WG8Y     15   14  29   11  319  x2   638  Maxcon 10-80ocf & 35ft.
WX4RM    15   14  29   10  290  x2   580  6BTV gnd mtd vert
K4JPN    12   12  24   11  264  x2   528  80M CF Zepp
K4KBL    13   13  26   10  260  x2   520  OCF dipole @ 45'
WB4OMM   12   12  24    8  192  x2   384  G5RV at 35 feet
AF4OI     9    9  18    9  162  x2   324  80m dipole @25ft
K8LBQ    10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  Inverted vee @ 30'
W4HH      7    7  14    7   98  x2   196  135 ft end fed wire, 15 ft high
W4DUK     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  135' end-fed wire up 20'
N4FI      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  An attic 40m dipole
N4API     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  5BTV ground mounted vertical

W5 Division
KG5HCF    5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  Dipole @ 20'
$N2CN     3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  Vertical

W6 Division
WK6L      2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  Windom Inv. Vee.,20 and 40M

W7 Division
KC7DM    12   12  24   10  240  x2   480  480' horizontal loop @ 60'
KF7WNS    5    4   9    5   45  x2    90  232' OCF Long Wire

W8 Division
WB8LZG   22   22  44   15  660  x2  1320  Dipoles @ 30'
NF8M      6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  40m hamstick on car
W4XX      5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  80m doublet 30ft
N8BB      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  Fan dipole @40'

W9 Division
WB9HFK   53   53 106   26 2756  x2  5512  OCF Dipole at 25 Ft.
K9DRP    16   16  32   13  416  x2   832  EFHW @ 40'
KB9BVN   16   15  31   10  310  x2   620  Attic Dipole 30 feet up
KD9EBS    5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  Wire Dipole at 25 feet, in the attic.
K9EYT     5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  Dipole 25 ft
KA9FQG    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  G5RV @ 37 FT

W0 Division
N8LA     14   14  28   11  308  x2   616  Dipole @ 35'
AA5LH    11   10  21   10  210  x2   420  25' Delta Loop 
NN0SS    10   10  20    6  120  x2   240  80m inv vee @40 ft
KD0DK     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  130 ft long wire 
K2HT      2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  Gnd Mted 14AVQ

Canada Division
VA3NU     5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  Grd mtd vert

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division

W2 Division

W3 Division
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  Attic flat top inv vee
N3LPJ     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  170' inverted L at 85'

W4 Division
K3RLL    10   10  20    8  160 x1.5  240  9:1 Unun to 53' wire up & over garage 

W5 Division
NF5U     26   25  51   15  765 x1.5 1148  40m/80m trap dipole at 33ft

W6 Division

W7 Division
WA6YPE    0    0   0    0    0 x1.5    0  EFHW @ 18'
N7QR      0    0   0    0    0 x1.5    0  Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials

W8 Division
K8NGW     9    9  18    6  108 x1.5  162  43' gnd mtd vert w/ 32 radials

W9 Division
AA9L     11   11  22    9  198 x1.5  297  160-80-40 trap dipole @ 50 feet
N9SE      8    8  16    7  112 x1.5  168  Inverted Vee @50 feet

W0 Division
KD0V     28   26  54   16  864 x1.5 1296  Cf Zepp @ 30 feet

Canada Division
VE3IDS   13   13  26    9  234 x1.5  351  Doublet @ 35' HW-101@ 5 watts

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     22   22  44   15  660       660  20m inv v, 40 m dipole @ 30'

W2 Division
N2ESE     7    7  14    7   98        98  80m-ocf@25ft

W3 Division

W4 Division
KB9ILT   61   61 122   27 3294      3294  Dipole at 40 ft & End fed at 60 ft
K7EK     35   35  70   18 1260      1260  135' OCFD @ 22'. 90' T2FD @ 22'.
N4MJ     24   24  48   16  768       768   Windom @ 50 feet
W4OEP    27   27  54   13  702       702  Inv Ell @ 33 ft
KU4A     15   15  30    9  270       270  40m slp dip @ 40'
K4VIG    10   10  20    7  140       140  ZS6@45'
AA2VG     3    3   6    2   12        12  300 ohm TV twin lead fed inverted Vee 

W5 Division
NA5N     12   12  24    8  192       192  Gnd mtd 4BTV Vertical & KX2
WD5RS     9    9  18    9  162       162  132' EFHW
K5MBA    10   10  20    6  120       120  40M EFHW inverted vee abt 25 feet
WI5H      9    9  18    6  108       108  95' wire loop
KY5M      3    3   6    3   18        18  Ocfd @ 15'
KE5YUM    4    4   8    2   16        16  Random wire at 25 feet

W6 Division
W6JIM     3    3   6    2   12        12  Dipole @ 30'

W7 Division
KF7Z     21   21  42   15  630       630  Dpl@ 25'

W8 Division
W8EWH    20   20  40   13  520       520  OCF Dipole at 40FT
WA8SAN   16   16  32    8  256       256  End Fed wire @ 25 Ft.
K3CTN    10   10  20    8  160       160  Inverted L @ 30'
N8VAR     5    5  10    4   40        40  40m Dipole @ 20ft
N8XMS     5    5  10    3   30        30  R7 Vertical
WB8ENE    4    4   8    2   16        16  40M dipole @ 15'
AB8SV     2    2   4    2    8         8  Indoor attic dipole

W9 Division
K9CW     42   42  84   23 1932      1932  40m/80m inverted V at 60'
AB9BZ     5    4   9    4   36        36  End Fed Half Wave

W0 Division
AA0W     18   18  36   15  540       540  Dipole at 30 feet
K8UDH    10   10  20    8  160       160  Center Fed Zepp @ 35'
WD0K      3    3   6    3   18        18  Zepp@25 ft.

Canada Division
VE3GNU    4    4   8    3   24        24  End-fed @ 35'-20'

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key


K4BAI    48   48  96   19 1824      1824  TH6DXX 55' 40M dip 35' 88' zepp  50' 80v
KJ4R      0    0   0    0    0         0  10/15/20 Tribander

Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted: 91
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 134
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1191
States represented: 38 + ON


WB9HFK - Stayed on 40M for entire Sprint. Thanks for all the Q's! Sorry to those I just could not pull out of the noise. See everyone next month! 72, Mark WB9HFK .

AF4OI - Got a late start but had great time any way. Used my Kenwood 590SG at 5 watts to 80m doublet, straight key and AC2C NAQCC SprintLogger. Till next time, 72, Bob, AF4OI,KY, 8923. .

N4OW - Spent the first hour on 20. Many loud 599 and 589 sigs from the north. Enjoying the pile ups :) At 0100 all stations seemed to go to 40 and 80. Heavy QRN on LF I called it a night. Super fun. 72 de AL, N4ow 7700 .

WB8LZG - Hello Fellow sprinters ! I fired up the FT-1200 on battery power tonight. Interesting condx tonight. 20m was open fer abt an hour and I snagged 4 QSOs there,including old pal W2SH, but NO WEST COAST stns ?? 40 was up and down QSB but lots of stns to work. Thought I heard NF8M calling but he faded fast. Went to 80 and found old friend Louis N8LA. Finished out the evening on 80 which was quieter than 40. I worked 2 new members wid numbers over 9000. AL7RS 9612, and W9DRP 9548, WELCOME to the NAQCC gents. Wonder when we will top 10,000 members?? See u all next sprint. 73 Gregg WB8LZG .

AB9BZ - Tnx for the QSO's, 72 de AB9BZ .

WT4U - 40m was rather noisy, but I was shocked at how dead 80m was until I started shutting down after the Sprint and noticed that my desktop S2 noise generator (laptop power supply) had been plugged in the whole time! Apologies to everyone I couldn't hear for my own QRN. A non-member joker sent his SKCC # backwards as a NAQCC #. If he'd have just sent his pwr I could have used that multiplier!

K4VIG - First try at Sprint. Had fun even if only able to operate around an hour. .

WA2JSG - Conditions tonight were excellent here, but I'm afraid I could only spend 50 minutes or so in the sprint, as I have to get to bed early so I can leave here for Dayton in the wee hours. Used my IC-7000 tuned down to 5 watts because my regular QRP radio (IC-703) is packed away in car. Hope to be at FDIM Thursday evening, wearing a red NAQCC hat. Might try come QRP after Dayton from Shelby County, Tennessee to end of month See y'all next month! .

KU4A - Easily the best conditions on 40m in a long time. Music to my ears. .

WD5RS - QSB was terrible for the first half hour and then things improved a little. Spent the night riding the AF gain trying to eliminate enough of the noise to make a contact. All in all, a fun time. .

KF7WNS - I didn't have much time to spend and just starting to hear some stations on 40m when I had to leave. Fun challenge as usual. .

K7EK - Once again 40m seemed to be 'the' band. I made a few good contacts on 80m but it was rough going with lots of noise. Good turnout this sprint. I had a blast, as usual. I look forward to the next one. Best regards, Gary, K7EK / KY .

KN1H - Got a late start. Found 40 in pretty good shape but 80 was just a lot of noise. Great to work all who could hear me! IC-7300 and Nye Viking Master Key. .

K3ESE - I wasn't able to get in on the fun until 0120, but the action was pretty much steady. Nothing heard on 20, 40 was in good shape, and 80 yielded some late results. .

WB1GYZ - 20 showed signs of life early in the Sprint. Let's see what next month brings. .

KB9BVN - 20M was dead to me...moved down to 40m and found a few. Great time, on vacation this week but missing out on FDIM and the Hamvention. Thanks to everyone hearing my K2 at 5W to my attic dipole...apparently aimed directly at Georgia tonight. 72 es OO de KB9BVN .

K4BAI - 20, 40 and 80 in pretty good shape. Skip not too long on 20 with QSOs as close as OH. Rate was slow and I called a lot of stations who didn't answer me and didn't reply to my CQs. Stayed on 20 too long. 40 was great and skip was short. Easy to work other GA stations. Best distance was to NM. 80M was a bit noisy, but signals were good and worked as far as TX on that band. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI. Look for me May 21-28 as VP5/K4BAI and with three others as VP5M in CQ WPX CW contest. .

VE3GNU - Challenging conditions here---mostly weather-related, but generally noisy bands. Started with 20, ended on 40. Thanks to all, along with hope for continued improvement 'down the road'. Jupiter at 5 w. and Begali paddle. .

WA6YPE - A real challenge from my canyon QTH, but I love challenges. My first sprint but not my last. .

W4HH - 40 was wide open!!! Welcome change from last few months of dead bands. .

N4MJ - Fun evening. Thanks to all participants. Stayed on 40m except for one contact and that was on 20m. Heard one station on 80m calling CQ NA. Around 0200Z the band just about died, then suddenly came alive again. During that short time all I was hearing was K3JZD & K4BAI, both were 599 for short time. .

N8XMS - An injured hand from a DIY plumbing project earlier in the day made working the key difficult. So I used my paddle for 5 quick QSOs and called it quits. Conditions were not good for my few minutes and I hope that they improved for all of you as the evening progressed. .

KA2KGP - 20m. was open 1st 1/2 hr, 40 & 80 were in good shape but QRN on 80 from lightning crashes. Rig: ICOM IC-7000 at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. 73 to all

K5MBA - Good conditions this evening. S&P 10 contacts. Loudest signal @ S7 was K9CW. Had a great time. 73's Bob .

K3EMS - Lots of QRM tonight .

N7QR - IC706, 1958 Vibroplex Presentation, Butternut HF6V gnd mtd w/o radials with a tuner. Only on for the first hour. Heard a half dozen stations on in the mud but no takers. Russ Portland OR .

AA2VG - In for just a short time tonight from my vacation spot in South Carolina. 72 Peter AA2VG .

AA5LH - A first for 20 M Contacts. 40 M contacts were abundant & very copyable. Thanks to all who participated. See all next month. 73s

K9DRP - My first ever sprint using a cootie! (Got fumble fingered a few times.) I heard N0RZ a couple times - wish he was calling CQ. Noticed several stations that I usually hear CQing in S&P mode tonight. Nice to work a few stations on 20. .

K8NGW - Even with lots of QSB on 20M and lots of QRN on 40M, it was still a fun evening. .

VA3NU - Stayed on 40 tonite. Lost a few to QSB, QRM and called others but no response. All in all it was fun. 72 73 .

KY5M - 1st time attempting NAQCC contest. Only made 3 contacts, but it was fun. Look forward to improving my skills and score. :-) .


W2SH - 20m was open but the skip distances, although 1,000 miles south to FL, were no more than 700 miles to the west. The band dropped out quickly after the first half hour. 40m was active with a skip zone that barely went out to 1,000 miles. In the final half hour 80m had excellent signals out to 800 miles, but almost no activity! A quick peek at 40m at the very end brought a rock solid QSO with KF7Z in WY, 1,800 miles distant. Contestant magnifico, K4BAI, graced my log with QSOs on each of the three bands.

K3RLL - 1946 Vibroplex Lightning, K3 to 9:1 Unun to 53'stealth wire up and over garage (HOA Restrictions). Seemed like really tough sledding here tonight with lots of noise and weak signals except K4BAI & KB4QQJ who were very strong into FL tonight. 72/73 ... Don .

WI5H - Got started a little late and was pleased to find I could still work a few on 20M. Worked 40M for a while then worked NF5U on 80M and went back to 40M to finish. 72 CU AGN .. .

WD0K - strange conditions tonite, strong stations calling over stations being worked, and some stations (seemed local) forgot we are a qrp group. Interesting though! 72 de wd0k .

AK3X - Only had about ten minutes to play in the sprint. 40 meters seemed to be in good shape. One of these days I will get more free time in the evening. 72 for now, Peter .

W2JEK - Got on a little late. Nothing on 20. Found most of the action on 40 and had 3 QSO'S on 80. Band conditions not great and noisy. Had fun anyway. 72 DON W2JEK .

K9EYT - Nothing on 20, 40 picked up on the last hour Rig KX3 dipole up abt 20 feet 72 Ray .

K4JPN - Tried 80M and 20M and no one heard, 40M was hopping. 72, Steve K4JPN .

N2CN - Operated portable at my father-in-law's QTH in Dallas, TX (he's K5QXY). QRO into a vertical in a postage stamp backyard. .

K3JZD - Seemed like a better than average participation this month. I'm rarely available on a Tuesday night. So I just show up on Wednesday night events. All of my contacts were on 40m, using a QCX-40 with 4 watts output to a 40m dipole. Great little radio. Jody - K3JZD

W8EWH - Band conditions not the greatest, but still managed to top by previous high score. Thanks to KF7Z for pulling me out of the noise for one last multiplier. MI to WY is not bad! .

K8UDH - The 40 meter band was very good at the start but had lots of static near the end. Thanks to everyone who dug my signal. 72 Bruce .

NA5N - Bands not bad for a change. Most of mine were good 559s instead of ESP. All S&P and only a couple that didn't hear me. A fun evening. .

KD0V - Good Sprint this month. .

NF8M - Despite poor conditions on 40 meters I was able to make a few QSOs from the parking lot of my hotel in Dayton. Rig is FT891 dialed down to 5 watts, antenna was a hamstick on the mobile mount and I used one side of the paddle as a straight key since I evidently left my portable key at home. .

WG8Y - Hi all, Started a little late & was surprised to hear 20m still open. Worked 5 Q's including Or,& Co.then my Brother, N8DPD texted with a radio issue.Off to SSB for 20 minutes with him. By then 20m was gone.Oh well. Wound up working 5 Q's on 40 which included 1 SKCC Q & 5 Q's on 80 then pulled the plug. Thanks to my last contact,WA8SAN, who lives in my old home state of OHIO for the repeats. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y .

KF7Z - Thanks for the Qs, band was very up and down tonight, strong and then gone, but one of my favorite sprints. 73 Danny .

K4KBL - Couldn't participate for the entire time this evening but had fun for sure ! .

KB1M - Best number of contacts in a long tine on 20 (5). 40 seemed good if not for the QRN. worked several stations who were below the noise floor which made for repeat request, thanks for your patience. My feelings were that they hearing me much better than I heard them. Thanks for QSO's, 72/73 Walt .


KE3V - There was some static on 40m, but I still had a great time. -Kevin .

WB4OMM - Band Conditions a bit noisy here on the North East Florida Coast. Signals ran from 559 to 339. Could only work the contest for an hour, but as usual, enjoyed every bit of it! 72/73 to all, Steve WB4OMM .

KJ4R - My travel with work has really picked up in the last 2 months. I missed the sprint last month and would have missed it again this month if not for the kindness of Scott, NB0W, #7007. My travels this week brought me to Broken Bow, Nebraska and I found that Scott lived just around the corner from my hotel. I contacted him and he graciously allowed me to use his QRP rig to make as many contacts as I wanted. I did not want to impose on him so I made one QSO on 20M. I had a nice visit with Scott and his family. By far the greatest blessing of ham radio is the friends you make along the way. Hope to be back home next month. Thanks to W4OEP for my one contact on hope you copied I was in NE and not SC. 73 to everyone. .

KB4QQJ - Late start and early out but still had fun. Was set up at the farm pond on a nice cool evening. Working portable with an MTR-4b and a Trail Friendly Endfed as a slopper with the top at 25 feet. Bands seemed great on 40. Very Crowded. Kept me busy and I only made one contact on 80 before I had to bail early. .

KB9ILT - Conditions on 20 and 40 were good here in NC. Tried 80 for a while, but not much activity heard.

K1IEE - Nice to have 20M open for the sprint. Had high QRN on 40M. Sprints are always fun. 73 Dick .

AA0W - Conditions were better on 40 meters. Signals were strong at times only to fade a few minutes later. KX2 internal battery.

KE5YUM - My 99th sprint. Thanks for those who worked me. Great signals to north Texas. Terry .

AB8SV - This was my first sprint! I heard pileups for a half dozen stations or so, but managed to log 2 stations. I'm very new to cw and this was a blast! .

WX4RM - Was glad to see 20 meters open tonight. I hope this trend continues!!

W6JIM - My 2nd contest ever! beat last month by 1 QSO! 3 total and one all the way in WY! .

WB8ENE - 40 meters was in unusually good condition this evening. It seemed more like 2014 than 2019. Fortunately, I remembered that there was a sprint going on before it was over. I only operated for about 20 minutes. Thanks for the contacts, and see you next time. 73, Art .

N8LA - KX-3, 200' dipole up 35', Western Union 2A Legless Hand Key. Sorry I was unable to participate in previous sprint; I had to attend a dinner from which no excuse would excuse me. This month XYL was visiting her mother, leaving me at home with my teenage girlfriend -- OK, so she is an eighteen year old cat! Many signals on 40, most of them weak. Apologies to those I could not pull out and thanks to all who worked me. Was able to make a few contacts on 80 as well. Happy to make contact with friend Gregg, WB8LZG, in my old home town. Best wishes to all. Lou N8LA .