NAQCC Prizes This page is here to inform you of our many club prizes as well as to help us keep track of the many different generous offers our members have made of items to be given away. You must be a member to win any of our prizes unless otherwise stated. Send all material dealing with prizes, including any questions about any of the prizes to club president John KK4ITX, at ![]() IMPORTANT (but sad): Due to some recent changes in US Postal and Customs policies we will no longer be able to mail out prizes to non-US members. (09/2018) CURRENT PRIZES:
Paddle Finger Pieces ![]() ![]() Paddle Finger Pieces (Pre-Drilled For Vibroplex) ![]() Paddle Finger Pieces (For Smaller or Special Paddles) ![]() Poker Chip Finger Rests For A Straight Key ![]() Spinner Knob Inserts ![]() K1 Side Panels ![]() Here are some pictures of what some of these great items look like when installed: ![]() All of the above items have been donated by NAQCC member and master woodworker Gregg W8GG, and we certainly thank him for his generosity. ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Any available numbered item from the pictures at the top of this page. (1 per month) DONOR: Gregg, W8GG HOW AWARDED: By random drawing among eligible participating members in our sprints. The winner can choose any available item from the pictures at the top of this page. Only the ones without a callsign listed are still available. A member can only win one monthly sprint drawing. After that they become ineligible for further sprint drawings. The winner will be notified via email shortly after the sprint and will have until the end of that month to make their choice or to turn down the prize. If someone doesn't reply their prize will be voided. TIME FRAME: TFN WINNER(s): 2/10 - K3RLL 3/10 - KD2MX 4/10 - KH6G (prize not claimed) 5/10 - N2COD 6/10 - W4KRN 7/10 - N8BB 8/10 - KD4UKW 9/10 - K4ORD 10/10 - KB1PBA 11/10 - KX9N 12/10 - K2GLS 3/11 - VE5BCS (Paddle finger pieces) 4/11 - WX4RM (Paddle finger pieces) 5/11 - KU4A (K2 knob) 6/11 - WD0K (K2 knob 7/11 - KA8VZB (Paddle finger pieces) 8/11 - WA8SAN (Paddle finger pieces) 9/11 - KX1NH (Paddle finger pieces) 10/11 - WD8KRV (Paddle finger pieces) 11/11 - NN9S (Paddle finger pieces) 12/11 - KE5YUM (K2 knob) 1/12 - N5QN (k2 knob) 2/12 - AK3X (paddle handles) 3/12 - WK6L (K1 spinner knob) 3/12 - WK6L (k1 knob) 4/12 - AI5I (declined the prize) 4/12 - WA4TNM 5/12 - KB0ETU (k2 knob) 6/12 - WB2QDG (never replied) 6/12 - NW2K (paddle handles) 7/12 - W3NP (never replied) 7/12 - K5GQ (waiting) 8/12 - WV8P (never replied) 8/12 - W5YDM (paddle handles) 9/12 - AB9CA (declined the prize) 9/12 - WA8HSB (k1 knob) 10/12 - W5AG (never replied) 10/12 - AC0AF (waiting) 11/12 - NU7T (poker chip finger rest) 12/12 - KG3W (paddle handles) 1/13 - WA2WUH (paddle handles) 2/13 - KB0KFX (could not use any of the prizes) 2/13 - N6MQL (paddle handles) 3/13 - N8LA (paddle handles) 4/13 - KB5JO (poker chip finger rest) 5/13 - KE7YTE (re-donated his prize) 5/13 - W0EJ (poker chip finger rest) 6/13 - NT8P (paddle handles) 7/13 - N5ATM (paddle handles) 8/13 - W7GAH (k2 knob) 9/13 - KA9FQG (poker chip finger rest) 10/13 - N3A (WB3T) (k2 knob) 11/13 - VE2TH (poker chip finger rest) 12/13 - NX8Y (paddle handles) 1/14 - KK4LLD (did not claim prize) 2/14 - N4MJ (paddle handles) 3/14 - CO8CML (paddle handles) 4/14 - W4UX (poker chip finger rest) 5/14 - W1SFR (paddle handles) 6/14 - WD4EXI (paddle handles) 7/14 - KB1UOH (poker chip finger rest) 8/14 - W5ODS (poker chip finger rest) 9/14 - WB0PYF (poker chip finger rest) 10/14 - K9JWV (paddle handles) 11/14 - N3PDT (K2 knob insert) 12/14 - W3TTT (K2 knob insert) 1/15 - K9OSC (paddle finger pieces) 1/15 - K4KRW 160m sprint (paddle finger pieces) 2/15 - N8NK (paddle finger pieces) 3/15 - NO2D (paddle finger pieces) 4/15 - N1JI (poker chip finger rest) 5/15 - K4BAI (prize re-donated) 5/15 - N6IET (poker chiip finger rest) 6/15 - AA0W (paddle finger pieces) 6/15 - VE3FUJ (earrings) 7/15 - N8XEE (poker chip finger rest) 8/15 - W4NJK (re-donated the prize) 9/15 - KV4XD (earrings) 10/15 - AC8JW (finger spinner knob) 11/15 - VE3DVC (poker chip finger rest) 12/15 - WD4OHD (poker chip finger rest) 12/15 - N9SE (paddle finger pieces) 1/16 - WA2EDN (paddle finger pieces) 1/16 - WI5H (paddle finger pieces) 2/16 - WA2JSG (re-donated the prize) 3/16 - KW4MG (paddle finger pieces) 4/16 - KJ4R (paddle finger pieces) 5/16 - N2CN (paddle finger pieces) 6/16 - WB4OMM (paddle finger pieces) 6/16 - K3JZD (paddle finger pieces) 7/16 - N4EWT (paddle finger pieces) 8/16 - K4WLW (earrings) 9/16 - NF5U (poker chip finger rest) 10/16 - AF3Z (poker chip finger rest) 11/16 - N4FI (prize re-donated) 12/16 - N0TA (prize re-donated) 12/16 - KF4BY (paddle finger pieces) 1/17 - K2JT (paddle finger pieces) 1/17 - AA4GA (paddle finger pieces) 2/17 - KA2KGP (poker chip finger rest) 3/17 - WA1GWH (prize re-donated) 4/17 - K0PF (paddle finger pieces) 5/17 - VE2BZO (K2 spinner knob) 6/17 - N4OW (paddle finger pieces) 6/17 - WA2ZOT (poker chip finger rest) 7/17 - AC5T (prize re-donated) 8/17 - AK4NY (prize re-donated) 9/17 - WM4AA (K2 spinner knob) 10/17 - NS3C (poker chip finger rest) 11/17 - KA4DRB (paddle finger pieces) 12/17 - VE7YU (prize unclaimed) 12/17 - KM4THR (prize unclaimed) 1/18 - KC1DVT (poker chip finger rest) 1/18 - K3WWP (poker chip finger rest) 2/18 - KD0DK (poker chip finger rest) 3/18 - KN1H (poker chip finger rest) 4/18 - KC3RN (poker chip finger rest) 5/18 - K2KGJ (poker chip finger rest) 6/18 - N4IAG (prize re-donated) 6/18 - KD9EBS (poker chip finger rest) 7/18 - KE3V (prize unclaimed) 8/18 - N7QR (poker chip finger rest) 9/18 - AC9EZ (paddle finger pieces) 10/18 - WV8DH (paddle finger pieces) 11/18 - N0RZ (paddle finger pieces) 12/18 - KD3CA (paddle finger pieces) 12/18 - KC9IL (prize re-donated) 1/19 - AJ4JA (prize unclaimed) 1/19 - N2ESE (prize unclaimed) 2/19 - W9CC (prize unclaimed) 3/19 - W4NLT (prize re-donated) 4/19 - K4RHG (prize re-donated) 5/19 - K3EMS (prize unclaimed) 6/19 - AA9L (prize unclaimed) 6/19 - K0EW (paddle finger pieces) 7/19 - NF8M (paddle finger pieces) 8/19 - K1IEE (poker chip finger rest) 9/19 - AB8RL (paddle finger pieces) 10/19 - AA2VG (poker chip finger rest) 11/19 - AD0YM (poker chip finger rest) 12/19 - AA5LH (prize re-donated) 12/19 - K9DRP (paddle finger pieces) 1/20 - KG4UPO (K2 spinner knob) 1/20 - WB9HFK (prize re-donated) 2/20 - AB9BZ (prize re-donated) 3/20 - WA3FIR (prize re-donated) 4/20 - K0FNR (prize re-donated) 5/20 - AC1BS (paddle finger pieces) 6/20 - AC5BX (paddle finger pieces) 6/20 - N4SO (K2 spinner knob) 7/20 - W2QL (prize re-donated) 8/20 - N8KQ (paddle finger pieces) 9/20 - KF6C (paddle finger pieces) 10/20 - KC3MIO (poker chip finger rest) 11/20 - K2CWM (prize unclaimed) 12/20 - K3EW (paddle finger pieces) 12/20 - KQ1P (paddle finger pieces) ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Any available numbered item from the pictures at the top of this page. (1 per month) DONOR: Gregg, WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: By random drawing of participating members in the regular monthly challenges. The winner can choose any available item from the pictures at the top of this page. Only the ones without a callsign listed are still available. A member can only win one monthly challenge drawing. After that they become ineligible for further challenge drawings. The winner will be notified via email shortly after the reporting deadline of the 10th of the month following the challenge and will have until the end of that month to make their choice or turn down the prize. If someone doesn't reply at all by that time, they will become ineligible for all future challenge drawings. That month's challenge will then simply have no winner and be marked as such. TIME FRAME: TFN WINNER(s): 8/14 - K1IEE (poker chip finger rest) 9/14 - PA7PYR (paddle finger pieces) 10/14 - I5SKK (prize donated back to the club) 11/14 - W4DUK (poker chip finger rest) 12/14 - VE3FUJ (paddle finger pieces) 1/15 - K4CML (poker chip finger rest) 2/15 - K0FNR (poker chip finger rest) 3/15 - N8XMS (poker chip finger rest) 4/15 - KD0V (paddle finger pieces) 5/15 - MW0RSS (poker chip finger rest) 6/15 - K9JWV (poker chip finger rest) 7/15 - N1JI (prize re-donated) 8/15 - SM5MEK (paddle finger pieces) 9/15 - K3WWP (paddle finger pieces) 10/15 - KA2PBO (prize re-donated) 11/15 - N3CU (paddle finger pieces) 12/15 - W2JEK (prize re-donated) 1/16 - K7TQ (earrings) 2/16 - PA0XAW (poker chip finger rest) 3/16 - NQ2W (finger spinner knob) 4/16 - NF1U (poker chip finger rest) 5/16 - N9BT (prize re-donated) 6/16 - WV8DH (paddle finger pieces) 7/16 - K9OSC (paddle finger pieces) 8/16 - W3IQ (earrings) 9/16 - G3RSP (prize re-donated) 10/16 - N9CX (K1 side panels) 11/16 - DH0DK (earrings) 12/16 - KU4A (prize re-donated) 1/17 - K8RJW (paddle finger pieces) 2/17 - KA5PVB (poker chip finger rest) 3/17 - N9SE (QRP Radio Stand) 4/17 - AH6AX (paddle finger pieces) 5/17 - K1SWL (prize unclaimed) 6/17 - NR3Z (paddle finger pieces) 7/17 - AA4NN (K2 spinner knob) 8/17 - PA9CW (paddle finger pieces) 9/17 - KI4IO (poker chip finger rest) 10/17 - KJ4R (poker chip finger rest) 11/17 - G3JFS (paddle finger pieces) 12/17 - K1YAN (paddle finger pieces) 1/18 - N8BB (K1 knob insert) 2/18 - W0ITT (poker chip finger rest) 3/18 - AK3X (poker chip finger rest) 4/18 - NN0SS (paddle finger pieces) 5/18 - KB1M (paddle finger pieces) 6/18 - KN1H (paddle finger pieces) 7/18 - VE3DQN (poker chip finger rest) 8/18 - WB4OMM (K1 spinner knob) 9/18 - N4OW (prize re-donated) 10/18 - K4KBL (poker chip finger rest) 11/18 - W8BUD (paddle finger pieces) 12/18 - WI5H (paddle finger pieces) 1/19 - WT4U (paddle finger pieces) 2/19 - W6SMF (paddle finger pieces) 3/19 - WX1M (finger spinner knob) 4/19 - N4RAY (paddle finger pieces) 5/19 - AC2C (paddle finger pieces) 6/19 - WA2FBN (paddle finger pieces) 7/19 - KC4GIA (paddle finger pieces) 9/19 - NN9K (poker chip finger rest) 11/19 - AB9BZ (paddle finger pieces) 12/19 - WI8J (paddle finger pieces) 1/20 - WA8SAN (prize re-donated) 3/20 - W2ITT (paddle finger pieces) 5/20 - KC5F (paddle finger pieces) 6/20 - N7PHI (paddle finger pieces) 7/20 - N9WVM (paddle finger pieces) 8/20 - ND9M (prize unclaimed) 9/20 - WY7N (poker chip fingdr rest) 10/20 - AG4CC (K2 spinner insert) 12/20 - NN3E (paddle finger pieces) ![]() ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Paddle handle keychains with your call sign engraved on them. (number as required) DONOR: Gregg WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: Automatically to a member who participates and sends in a report for his/her 100th regular monthly sprint. TIME FRAME: TFN WINNER(s): K3WWP KA2KGP W2JEK W9CC W2SH WB8LZG (alternate prize awarded) K4BAI N8XMS KD2MX KU4A NF8M K4JPN K3RLL K1IEE KD0V N4FI K2CWM W4DUK KE5YUM N2ESE WB8ENE WX4RM WG8Y WA8SAN N0TA K4KRW SOME PAST PRIZES: ![]() ITEM: ARRL Wire Antenna Book (1 per year) ![]() DONOR: K3WWP HOW AWARDED: To the member having the highest number of SILVER LOGS (previously GOLDEN or GOLDEN and SILVER) in our sprints for the year. MODIFIED RULES FOR 2016: 1. Members who have entered all 12 regular sprints during the year are elligible for this award but it can only be won once so previous winners of the award are excluded. 2. If no eligible members have entered all 12 regular sprints then the next highest sprint count will be used (11 or 10 ...). 3. The logs of all members who qualify under #1 or #2 above will be checked for errors and the one with the largest number of Silver Logs will be the winner. 4. If there is a tie in #3 a random drawing will determine the final winner. TIME FRAME: Ongoing WINNER(s): 2010 - WB8ENE 2011 - NQ2W 2012 - W4DUK 2013 - WA2JSG 2014 - KU4A 2015 - AB8FJ 2016 - N2ESE 2017 - WB9HFK MORE INFO/PICTURES: The actual volume may be different than the one shown. ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Gift card for 100 NAQCC QSL cards. (4) ![]() DONOR: NAQCC from your monetary donations, provided by Hal K6RF (NAQCC #0171). HOW AWARDED: To the member who recruits the most new members during each of the four quarters of 2015 (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec). A member can win only one time. A member will earn 1 point each time a new member application lists his callsign in the source field. The one with the most points during that quarter of 2015 earns one of the four identical gift cards. In case of a tie, a random drawing will determine the winner. So when you recruit someone by whatever method, be sure to tell them to list your callsign in the source field of the application. TIME FRAME: 2015 WINNER(s): Jan-Mar: K3WWP Apr-Jun: K5OSA Jul-Sep: EI4GOB Oct-Dec: K3WWP MORE INFO/PICTURES: See http://cheapqsls.com/naqcc.html ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): CD-ROM Book "Recollections of a Radio Receiver - the HBR Adventure 1957-2008" (1) ![]() Picture provided by the donor. DONOR: Jay Helms W6HHT (NAQCC #1911) - Re-donated by John K3WWP. HOW AWARDED: To the first member who works 50 unique NAQCC member numbers beginning on April 1, 2012 and applies for the prize. TIME FRAME: 2011 WINNER(s): K3WWP 8/20/11 - 141 unique member numbers - I have read and am re-donating the book (on CD) MORE INFO/PICTURES: See http://www.w6hht.com/ ![]() ITEM: Any available numbered item from the picture at the top of this page. DONOR: Gregg, WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: To each member who earns and applies for two club awards from a selection in the awards section of the web site. Recipients can choose any available item shown in the picture at the top of this page. Only applications received after October 1, 2008 count. TIME FRAME: This prize is currently suspended but may be resumed at a future date. WINNER(s): 12/08 - NU7T 6/09 - N8XMS 7/09 - WY7N 5/11 - G5CL 6/11 - NW2K 10/11 - K1YAN 10/11 - W9UX 11/11 - VE3FUJ 4/14 - K9OSC 12/14 - WY3H (poker chip finger rest) 12/14 - K0ALN (poker chip finger rest) 12/14 - G3JFS (paddle finger pieces)MORE INFO/PICTURES: Top of page. See Gregg's web site at http://www.egr.msu.edu/~mulderg/ ![]() ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Your call engraved on an oval the size of a Vibroplex finger piece. Suitable for use as a keychain fob or perhaps a plaque on a piece of gear. (4 per year) DONOR: Gregg WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: In a drawing among participants in our regular monthly sprints. The drawings will take place in the following months: March, June, September, and December. The March drawing will include all participants in the January, February, and March sprints. June will include April, May, and June. September will include July, August, and September. December will include October, November, and December. TIME FRAME: March 2013 through December 2014. This prize may be resumed at a future date. WINNER(s): March 2013 - NQ6E June 2013 - VE5BCS September 2013 - K5WX December 2013 - K4KRW March 2014 - WB0QQT June 2014 - W1ZU September 2014 - AB9YC December 2014 - N1JI MORE INFO/PICTURES: See Gregg's web site at http://www.egr.msu.edu/~mulderg/ ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): QRP Rig Kit(1) DONOR: Anonymous HOW AWARDED: To the NAQCC member earning the most points in the European Chapter Participation Award during the year 2013 TIME FRAME: All of 2013 WINNER: PA7PYR MORE INFO: On the European Chapter web site. ![]() ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): SPRAT ON DVD - Issues 1 to 148 - 1975 to 2011 - The Full Set (1) ![]() DONOR: Bob WD4OHD NAQCC (#0522) HOW AWARDED: To a drawing of current Friendship Club members through June 2013. TIME FRAME: Through June 30, 2013 WINNER: KB3AAG ![]() ITEM: 100 NAQCC QSL Cards DONOR: NAQCC from your monetary donations. HOW AWARDED: To the member who finds his OWN call hidden somewhere in one of our newsletters. TIME FRAME: Ongoing WINNER(s): KD1R, KM6NN, K4UK, K5RIX, N9AKF, W1ICU, N4OLN, K4MF, K1SHR, AD3K MORE INFO/PICTURES: We intend to continue our hidden call feature in the newsletters indefinitely. The source of the cards is CheapQSLs, a company run by member #0171 Hal K6RF. Cheap refers only to the price of the cards. The quality is anything but cheap. To see examples of the cards, go here. ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Gift certificate for 100 NAQCC color QSL cards (4 per year) DONOR: Hal K6RF (NAQCC #0171) of CheapQSLs.com HOW AWARDED: In a drawing among participants in our monthly sprints. The drawings will take place in the following months: March, June, September, and December. The March drawing will include all participants in the January, February, and March sprints. June will include April, May, and June. September will include July, August, and September. December will include October, November, and December. TIME FRAME: October 2010 through December 2012. WINNER(s): Dec 2010 - N7A(WY7N), Mar 2011 - VA3PEN, Jun 2011 - NA4O, Sep 2011 - AE7CG, Dec 2011 - WF5W, Mar 2012 - KE7YTE, Jun 2012 - WG8Y, Sep 2012 - WY7N, Dec 2012 - N3ER MORE INFO/PICTURES: Click here to see the cards. ![]() DONOR: Paul N8XMS HOW AWARDED: To the winner of a drawing among those who participate in both the September sprint and challenge. TIME FRAME: September 2012 WINNER(s): WU7F (redonated to the club) MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): $25.00 Gift Certificate (1) DONOR: Uncle Cy - The LED Guy HOW AWARDED: By a random drawing from all members who participate in the June 2012 mW sprint using a straight key (and mW power). TIME FRAME: June 21, 2012 WINNER: KC2VBU MORE INFO/PICTURES: Click here. ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): Audio Amplifier Kits (3) DONOR: Gregg, WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: By 3 random drawings from all those who submit a log for a sprint or challenge (only 2 entries per member - 1 sprint and 1 challenge per drawing) from July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011, October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, and January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2012. A member can only win one of the three drawings. TIME FRAME: July 2011 through March 2012 WINNER(s): Drawing 1 7-9/2011 - W4CUX, Drawing 2 10-12/2011 - NA4O, Drawing 3 1-3/2012 - VE5BCS MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): A hard cover copy of one of the Radio Boys books from the 1920's. This particular book is from 1922 and is titled, "The Radio Boys at Mountain Pass" The Radio Boys series deals with the adventures of several high-school comrades experimenting with early wireless. It would be a great gift for a child or grandchild who may be interested in ham radio (1) DONOR: Originally donated by Dick N2UGB (NAQCC #1565) Redonated by Brion VE3FUJ (NAQCC #3011) after he read it. HOW AWARDED: In a drawing among participants in our monthly challenges from May through August, 2011. The chance of winning depends on the number of challenges entered. Enter 1, you get one chance, 2 - 2 chances, 3 - 3 chances, and all 4 - 5 chances. TIME FRAME: May Through August 2011 WINNER(s): VE3FUJ - NU7T (5-8,2011) MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() ![]() ITEM (NUMBER): ARRL Operating Manual (2 - 4th edition 1993 and 7th edition 2002) DONOR: John, K3WWP from Bruce, AA3LX HOW AWARDED: By 2 random drawings from all those who submit a log for a sprint or challenge or an award application (only 1 entry per member per drawing) from January 1, 2011 to February 28, 2011 and March 1, 2011 to April 30, 2011. Winner of the first drawing gets his/her choice of the two and is not eligible for the second drawing. TIME FRAME: January 2011 through April 2011 WINNER(s): Drawing 1 - K0MDS (now N0TU), Drawing 2 - N8QY MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() ![]() ![]() DONOR: Anonymous HOW AWARDED: To the member who has the greatest MPW among all who earn our 1000 MPW Award between July 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. TIME FRAME: July 1 through December 31, 2010 WINNER(s): K3WWP (4,878 mpw - already has a plaque so it goes to the second highest total) - AA4W (2,647 mpw ironically in a QSO with K3WWP) MORE INFO/PICTURES: See http://www.hamplaques.com/o-naqcc.htm ![]() DONOR: Dick N2UGB (NAQCC #1565) HOW AWARDED: In a drawing among participants in our monthly challenges from September through December, 2010. The chance of winning depends on the number of challenges entered. Enter 1, you get one chance, 2 - 2 chances, 3 - 3 chances, and all 4 - 5 chances. TIME FRAME: September through December 2010 WINNER(s): VE3FUJ MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() ![]() DONOR: John K3WWP. HOW AWARDED: To the member who recruits the most new members to the NAQCC between Jan 1 and Jun 30, 2010. To be counted as a recruiter, the new member must list your call as the Source in his application, so be sure to tell that to your recruit. TIME FRAME: January 1 through June 30, 2010 WINNER: W9DAN MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() ![]() DONOR: John KO0KY (NAQCC #3854) HOW AWARDED: In a drawing among winners of our Friendship Club award. That includes the 7 who have already won the award plus those who earn the award BEFORE July 1, 2010. TIME FRAME: Through June 30, 2010 WINNER(s): K3RLL MORE INFO/PICTURES: See here ![]() DONOR: Anonymous HOW AWARDED: A points system based on participation in club events. One point for each of the following: Entering a NAQCC sprint and submitting a log Entering a NAQCC challenge and submitting a log Earning an award Earning an award endorsement AFTER receiving a basic award Making an award honor roll or updating an honor roll total Participating in an activity day and sending a report The award goes to the MEMBER making the highest point total during the time frame below. In the unlikely event of a tie, it will be broken by a drawing TIME FRAME: October 2009 through February 2010 WINNER(s): N8XMS with 18 points MORE INFO/PICTURES: The bug is in excellent condition and was never used by the donor who purchased it some 20 years ago. ![]() ![]() DONOR: W9CBT HOW AWARDED: To the one making the most QSO's in our December mW sprint. TIME FRAME: December 31 WINNER: KA2KGP MORE INFO/PICTURES: See http://www.k9ya.org/w9cbt/ ![]() DONOR: Bill W0EJ. HOW AWARDED: To the member who works the most different Call-Band combinations in our 5th anniversary celebration. For example working N1A on 80, N4A 40, N3A 20, N7A 40, N1A 30, N4A 40 counts as 5 combinations. The second N4A 40 is a duplicate and does not count. Ties will be broken by the following: 1. Most different N#A stations worked. 2. Most different bands used. 3. A drawing TIME FRAME: October 12 through October 18, 2009 WINNER(s): N1LU MORE INFO/PICTURES: See the October Challenge rules ![]() ![]() DONOR: Bill KB3XS. HOW AWARDED: To the member who finds his OWN call hidden somewhere in one of our newsletters. TIME FRAME: Variable in 2009 WINNER(s): KD1R in Newsletter #101 MORE INFO/PICTURES: ![]() DONOR: John K3WWP. HOW AWARDED: To the member who recruits the most new members to the NAQCC between Jan 1 and Jun 30, 2009. TIME FRAME: January 1 through June 30, 2009 WINNER(s): WB9PZB MORE INFO/PICTURES: See current items above ![]() DONOR: Rich N4ESS. HOW AWARDED: One set each in the March and April 2009 challenges. TIME FRAME: March 1 through April 30, 2009 WINNER(s): March - VE3HUR, April - N8XMS MORE INFO/PICTURES: Expanded Spectrum Systems ![]() DONOR: Emtech of Tracyton, WA. HOW AWARDED: To the member making the most President's wives names in the February challenge. In case of a tie, a drawing will determine the winner. TIME FRAME: February 2009 WINNER(s): WY7N MORE INFO/PICTURES: On the Emtech website. There are many other fine products listed there. If you decide to buy, be sure to tell them you heard about them from the NAQCC. ![]() DONOR: Tom WY3H and the monetary donations of NAQCC members. HOW AWARDED: To the member making the most mW QSO's in our January 2009 Milliwatt Challenge. TIME FRAME: January 2009 WINNER(s): John W3IK MORE INFO/PICTURES: In the club newsletter #079 (Sept 27, 2008) ![]() DONOR: Rich N4ESS. HOW AWARDED: To the winner of the RockMite. TIME FRAME: Jan 2009 WINNER(s): John W3IK MORE INFO/PICTURES: Expanded Spectrum Systems ![]() DONOR: Uncle Cy, the LED Guy - K1TES #0911. HOW AWARDED: To a drawing among all those using a homebrew straight key in the November sprint. TIME FRAME: November 20 (UTC), 2008 WINNER(s): N8XMS MORE INFO/PICTURES: http://www.unclecytheledguy.com/ ![]() DONOR: Gregg, WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: Random drawing each month from all who master the monthly challenge and report their results. Only one set per individual after which they become ineligible. TIME FRAME: August 2007 - September 2008 WINNER(s): WY7N (8/07), NU7T (9/07), AB0SR (10/07), W9ILF (11/07), KU4A (12/07), K6BBQ (1/08), KB4QQJ (2/08), N8XMS (3/08), KH6OZ (4/08), KC2EGL (5/08), K1YAN (6/08), None (7/08), K4PBY (8/08), K2HPV (9/08) MORE INFO/PICTURES: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~mulderg/ ![]() DONOR: Chuck K7QO HOW AWARDED: A drawing among the top scorers in each sprint division. Can only be won once by an individual, so if the top scorer is a previous winner, the next highest scorer goes into the drawing, and so on. TIME FRAME: July 2007 - September 2008 WINNER(s): K4BAI (7/07), K1EV (8/07), KI4GLH (9/07), N1LU (10/07), KD2JC & KB4QQJ tie (11/07), N4FI (12/07), W9ILF (1/08), AA4W (2/08), KG4W (3/08), KA8MPT (4/08), W0JFR (5/08), NO2D (6/08), W5TM (7/08), KD0V (8/08), NU7T (9/08) ![]() DONOR: Paul N8XMS HOW AWARDED: Drawing among August 2008 Challenge participants. TIME FRAME: August 2008 WINNER(s): NU7T ![]() DONOR: Frank KB3AAG HOW AWARDED: To be given out at the Butler hamfest June 1st, 2008. TIME FRAME: June 1, 2008 WINNER(s): Timothy Bond, soon to be a ham ![]() DONOR: Karl N3IJR - Gregg WB8LZG HOW AWARDED: In a drawing to be held near the end of January from those expressing interest in the rig and making a combined total of 5 or more QSO's in our Dec 2007 and Jan 2008 sprints. The 5 QSO requirement will be waived for those affirming they do not currently, nor will have a HF rig before the January 17th sprint. TIME FRAME: ends January 2008 WINNER: Bart N9AKF MORE INFO/PICTURES: Gregg has added an enclosure and a printed out assembly manual to the basic kit donated by Karl. See here or visit the Hendricks web site at http://www.qrpkits.com/dc40a.html ![]() DONOR: Karl N3IJR HOW AWARDED: To the top scorer in our October 2007 sprint who has never won either a 1st or 2nd place sprint certificate or any of our other physical prizes. TIME FRAME: October 2007 WINNER: WB8LZG MORE INFO/PICTURES: http://www.qrpkits.com/dc40a.html ![]() DONOR: Frank KB3AAG HOW AWARDED: In a guess the date we sign our 2,000th member contest. TIME FRAME: July 2007 - ?? (contest entry deadline July 10) WINNER(s): WU7F, AE5BH, KC9LZK ![]() DONOR: Dave K4TWJ and the NAQCC HOW AWARDED: 1st and 2nd highest scorers in the June 2007 sprint TIME FRAME: June 2007 WINNER(s): KA8MPT, WB8LZG ![]() DONOR: NAQCC HOW AWARDED: To the first non-officer to reach 1,000 pts in our 2X QRP Award TIME FRAME: Variable WINNER(s): KD2MX The NAQCC is extremely grateful to the donors of the above prizes. Be sure to thank them if you are a winner. In fact, you might consider dropping them a note just to say thanks even if you aren't a winner. |