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QSO Party Map

The Challenge

The NAQCC QSO Party Challenge is our version of the State QSO Party Challenge where only QRP CW contacts count.

Set Your Own Goal

For some, it's beating last year's score. Others are intent on hitting Gold or Platinum, edging out a friendly rival, or working the events with the bare minimal equipment. Just having fun operating is also acceptable.

Low-Key Contesting Practice

QSO Parties bridge the gap between our friendly sprints and “real” contesting. Speeds are generally lower and many of the in-state ops are more interested in filling the log for other goals or the joy of being the “DX” than racking up a high score.

Grab that Multiplier!

Even if you can't spend much time on a given weekend, fire up the rig long enough to grab two quick QSOs to earn the multiplier.

Upcoming Parties

HF Freqs*
South Carolina
Feb 22 1500Z to Feb 23 0200Z
RST County
up 40; after 1800Z up 35
North Carolina
Feb 23 1500Z to Feb 24 0100Z
up 40

*see event rules for MW & VHF frequencies

Complete schedule here.

How to Participate

  • Work the QSO Parties. Rules differ slightly by state, so check those. Work at least two stations in each QSO Party.
  • Post a summary of your results for each QSO Party to the appropriate page on The links to the submittal forms are on the left side of the page in yellow. See our handy visual guide to the 3838scores form here
  • Under “club” choose “other” and then type in NAQCC. If enough people do that we can get added to the pulldown menu. If you're already committed to another club, don't worry about it. It won't affect our friendly competition, but it's nice to get NAQCC some visibility.
  • Some QSO Parties lump CW together with digital or other modes. For those events, send a note to QSO Party Challenge Manager Don VE3DQN at pix_email_donHekman (1K) and let him know that you worked strictly CW, or if mixed, how many of your contacts were CW.
  • Be sure to enter the number of QSOs, not the number of points.
  • Check the NAQCC Newsletter each month to see how everyone is doing.


  • Individual QSO Parties will do their own official scoring based on uploaded Cabrillo logs. We're just looking at the summary you post to 3830scores.
  • To participate, you must enter as a QRP station. You don't have to limit yourself to CW operation, but only those QSOs will count toward the NAQCC QSO Party Challenge.
  • Questions? Read Don VE3DQN's November 2021 article or contact him at: pix_email_donHekman (1K)