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All the back issues of our newsletter can be found here going back to issue #042 in March 2007. Issues #042 through #174 are available only in html format and are best viewed within your browser. Issues #175 through #180 are available in both the original html format and a pdf version. Starting with issue #181 the newsletter has been published only as a pdf document.

We have an index for the major content in our back issues. Here is a key for which section of the newsletter contains the pertinent article:

CN = Chapter News
EP = Elmer (CW Assistance) Project
GCN = General Club News
MN = Member News
MS = Member Spotlight
OT = Operating Tips
SF = Special Feature

#319 - January 9, 2025

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the January issue, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez..., pg 2.
SF: John KK4ITX, Recon Mission for the Next GSQRP Outing, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: comics, pg 5.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 6-8.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 9.
SF: Brent WT4U, Build the Solder Smoke Challenge Homebrew DC Receiver with Me, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints and Reports, pg 12-16.
SF: Dave KY4IE, Thoughts on Getting Coax through the Wall of a House, pg 17-19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-22.
GC: NAQCC Chapters, pg 22-23.
GCN: NAQCC Prize Sponsors, pg 24
GCN: NAQCC Club Information, pg 25-26.

#318 - December 9, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the December issue, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
GCN: 20th Anniversary Prize Winners, pg 3-4.
MN: Member Polls, pg 5.
SF: Kris KM2KM, A Tri-Bank EFHW Experience, pg 6.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 7.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
SF: Jim WT2W, 40 Meter Michigan Mighty Might Flea Power, pg 11.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 12-14.
SF: John KK4ITX, Sprint Data & Antenna Hints, pg 15.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 16-18.

#317 - November 7, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the November issue, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
GCN: Rich KC3MIO, 20th Anniversary Wrap-up, pg 3-5.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-7.
SF: GUCW - Uranito Key Day, pg 8.
SF: Matthew N4LDA, A Little Radio Goes a Long Way, pg 9-10.
MN: Member Polls, pg 11.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 12-14.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 15.
SF: Harry KM3D, The Fabulous Perverted Double Vee Antenna, pg 16-19.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 20-22.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 23-24.

#316 - October 8, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the October issue, Call for N3A ops, GQRP 50th, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
GCN: Rich KC3MIO, 20th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3-5.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-7.
SF: Tom VA2NW, My CW Journey, pg 8.
SF: comics, pg 8.
SF: Jim AF3Z, Sprint at Big Meadows, pg 9.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 13.
SF: Jim N7RCS, Bucket & Fence Post Antenna Farm, pg 14-16.
MN: Member Polls, pg 17.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 18-20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-22.

#315 - September 10, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the September issue, Call for N3A ops, We're #10, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: comics, pg 3.
GCN: Rich KC3MIO, 20th Anniversary Celebration, pg 4.
SF: Bob WB1GYZ, Hot Chassis and Key Terminals, pg 5.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-7.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, Opposites Attract, pg 8-9.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 13.
SF: Gregg W8GG, Further Thoughts and Improvements on the Phoenix Vertical, pg 14-16.
MN: Member Polls, pg 17.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 18-20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-22.

#314 - August 9, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the August issue, East Coast Net revived, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: Paul W0RW, WORW Lending Library Update, pg 3.
GCN: Rich KC3MIO, 20th Anniversary Celebration, pg 4.
SF: Ken N0VA, My CW Journey, pg 5.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-7.
SF: Alan NM5S, Consolidating a Portable QRP Setup for SOTA, pg 8-9.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 13.
SF: comics, pg 13, 21.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-16.
MN: Member Polls, pg 17.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 18-20.

#313 - July 8, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the July issue, Stupid Morse Code Tricks, Help Make a Newsletter, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
GCN: Rich KC3MIO, 20th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: Jerry KI4IO, SWR 10:1 - No Problem, pg 6-7.
SF: Jody K3JZD, Return of the Bumblebees, pg 8.
MN: Member Polls, pg 9.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-13.
SF: comics, pg 13, 23.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 14.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 15-19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-21.

#312 - June 8, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the June issue, Light Beam QSO, 64th All-Asian CW Contest, newsletter help needed, articles needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: Jody K3JZD, Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint, pg 6-7.
SF: comics, pg 6, 11.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 11.
SF: John VE3IPS, Gabil GRA-7350 Portable HF Antenna Review, pg 12-15.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 16-18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: West Florida, May Eagle Point Park report, pg 21-22.

#311 - May 7, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the May issue, articles and newletter help needed, update your info, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: David K8BYP, Transmission Line Noise, pg 6-7.
SF: comics, pg 7.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 11.
SF: John KK4ITX, Read the Rules to Find Your NAQCC Fun, pg 12-13.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 17-18.
CN: West Florida, April Eagle Point Park report, pg 19-21.

#310 - April 5, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the April issue, Expenses, Articles and newletter help needed, update your info, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
GCN: Rich KC3MIO, Looking Forward to This Year's 20th Anniversary, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-6.
SF: Brent WT4U, Ridgetop Portable, WT4U's Got a Brand New Bag, pg 7-9.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
MN: Member Polls, pg 13.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 14.
SF: comics, pg 14.
SF: Gregg W8GG, More Observations on Vertical Aerials, pg 15-19.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 20-22.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 23-24.
CN: West Florida, March Eagle Point Park report, pg 25.

#309 - March 6, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the March issue, W8DIZ SK, lap shacks for portable ops, articles needed, update your info, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Gregg W8GG, Finding Ham Treasure, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: Paul W0RW, Field Spotting Guide to Radio Collectors, pg 6.
MN: Member Polls, pg 7.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 11.
SF: comics, pg 11, 13.
SF: Stacy W5WMQ, A New Ham Picks Up His Grandfather's Hobby and Hits the Trails, pg 12-13.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 17-18.
GCN: Start a Local Chapter, pg 19.

#308 - February 7, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the Feb issue, QRP CW from the Moon, Rethinking Dipole Models, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Paul W0RW, Converting an Iambic Bencher to Single-Lever Operation, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, A Micro Straight Key, pg 6-7.
MN: Member Polls, pg 7.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 11.
SF: David K8BYP, Optimizing Dipole Antennas by Transmission Line Model Principles, pg 12-14.
SF: comics, pg 14.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 15-19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-21.
GCN: Start a Local Chapter, pg 22.

#307 - January 8, 2024

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the Jan issue, Secret Agents, KH1, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: comics, pg 5.
SF: Jeff KA1DBE, Something Old, Something New, pg 6.
SF: Ed KJ4R, Thanks!, pg 7.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 7.
SF: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
SF: Brian NM7T, The "Fist-Matic" Electronic Keyers for Straight Key Lovers!, pg 11-13.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.

#306 - December 4, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the December issue, mW Sprint Prize, Vacuum Tube Transmitter in an Altoids tin, Articles needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 19th Anniversary Prize Winnters, pg 3.
SF: Gene N5GW, Pole Barn Interted-L Antenna, pg 4-6.
SF: Member Polls, pg 6-7.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Fables, pg 7.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 11.
SF: Gregg W8GG, Novice Memories, pg 12-14.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 15-17.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 18-19.
CN: West Florida - Eagle Point Park November outing, pg 20-21.

#305 - November 8, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the November issue, Instructograph YT, Articles needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 19th Anniversary Celebration Recap, pg 3-5, 13.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-8.
SF: December Member Poll, pg 9.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips, pg 9.
SF: Gregg W8GG, Modifying a Hitch-Mount Bicycle Rack for POTA Ops, pg 10-12.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
SF: comics, pg 17.
SF: Ken W2GIW, POTA Activation of K-1517, Mackinac Island State Park, pg 18-19.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 20-22.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 23-24.
CN: West Florida October Eagle Point Park recap, pg 25-26.
CN: Long Island October Captree State Park Outing, 27-29.

#304 - October 6, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the October issue, N3A operators needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 19th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3-5.
SF: comics, pg 5, 11, 15.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-8.
SF: October Member Poll, pg 9.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham History, pg 9.
SF: Dave KY4IE, The Past Becomes the Present, pg 10-11.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 12-14.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 15.
SF: Kevin KI4DEF, Milliwatting Adventures in Florida, pg 16-17.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 18-20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-22.
CN: West Florida September Eagle Point Park recap, pg 23-25.

#303 - September 7, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the September issue, N3A operators needed, newsletter submissions needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 19th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-6.
SF: August Member Poll, pg 7.
SF: comics, pg 7, 9, and 13.
SF: Gene N5GW, The Rube Goldbug, pg 8-9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 13.
SF: Glenn N4MJ, A High-Elevation Yagi Mystery Solved With a Bird's-Eye View, pg 14-15.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 16-18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: Long Island August Belmont Park Outing, pg 21-22.
CN: West Florida August Eagle Point Park recap, pg 23-25.

#302 - August 9 , 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the August issue, Ops needed for 19th anniversary event, Who Created Morse Code, Newsletter submissions needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: 19th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: John KK4ITX, Homebrew Mag-Mount for Portable Ops, pg 6-7.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
SF: Paul W0RW, Morse Code Isn't as Hard as You Might Think, pg 11.
SF: July Member Poll, pg 11.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 12.
SF: comic, pg 12.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 13-15.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 16-17.
CN: Long Island June Belmont Park Outing, pg 18-20.

#301 - July 5 , 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the July issue, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: 19th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: comics, pg 5, 21.
SF: John VE3IPS, The $2 Quick One Vertical/Dipole/Zig-Zag Antenna, pg 6-7.
SF: July Member Poll, pg 7.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
SF: Brent WT4U, 3D-Printed Jig and a Homebrew BCI Filter, pg 11-13.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 14.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 15-19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-21.

#300- June 7, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the June issue, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 19th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Al VE3RRD, Modify the MFJ-1019EX Mast for Use with the Buddipole, pg 4-5.
SF: Don VE3DQN, NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-8.
SF: John K3WWP #002 Elected to QRP Hall of Fame, pg 9.
SF: May Member Poll, pg 9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
SF: Gary K1YAN, Field Day Challenge, pg 13.
SF: John N6HI, Over 10,000 QRP(lp) QSOs, pg 14-17.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 18.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Lingo "Horn Antenna," pg 18.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 19-21.
SF: John VE3IPS, W6IPA 20m Portable Antenna Design Using Buddipole Whips, pg 22.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 23-25.
SF: comic, pg 25.
CN: Long Island - Bethpage State Park POTA Report, pg 26-28.

#299 - May 5, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the May issue, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: Steve Szabo WB4OMM #5913 SK, pg 3.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-6.
SF: Glenn N4MJ, Tips for Improving QRP Operation, pg 7.
SF: Sean KK9U, Yurt-Portable QSO Party Fun, pg 8-9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 13.
SF: Glenn N4MJ, Easy and Inexpensive Diversity Reception/Transmission, pg 14-15.
MN: Member Poll, pg 16.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips "Key to the City," pg 16.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 17-19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-22
SF: comics, pg 22, 30.
CN: Long Island - Bethpage State Park POTA Report, pg 23-24.
CN: West Florida - Eagle Point Park report, pg 25-27.
CN: Downeast Maine - Ham Radio Symposium Report, pg 28-29.

#298 - April 7, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the April issue, State QSO Parties, Board Help Wanted, Newsletter Submissions Needed, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Glenn N4MJ, Tips for Improving QRP Operation, pg 3.
SF: Bobg VE6RI, Fun Facts on Power Loss, pg 3.
SF: Ed N2GSL, A Month of QRP Operations, pg 4-5.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge, pg 6-8.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 9.
SF: Comic, pg 9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
MN: Member Poll, pg 13.
SF: Brent WT4U, Seeing the Forest for the Keys, pg 14-15.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 16-18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: West Florida - Ernie Waaver Yout Park report, pg 21-23.

#297 - March 6, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the March issue, State QSO Parties, WSPR, W8GG in QST, Video primer on State QSO Parties, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Genn N4MJ, Tips for QRP Operation, pg 3.
MN: Member Poll, pg 3.
SF: State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-6.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 7.
SF: Kevin KI4DEF, Rockbound, pg 8-9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 10-12.
SF: Rich KC3MIO, Using WSPR to Evaluate Antennas and Propagation, pg 13-15.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 16-18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: West Florida - Winter Field Day report, pg 21-22.

#296 - February 3, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the February issue, John KK4ITX takes the reins, pg 1.
GCN: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Genn N4MJ, Tips for Improving QRP Operation, pg 3.
SF: cartoons, pg 3, 13.
SF: NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge, pg 4-5.
SF: Paul W0RW, How to Convert the KXPD1 to single lever operation, pg 6.
SF: Jerry KI4IO, The Tuned 160m Inverted L, pg 7.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 7.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 8-10.
MN: Member Poll, pg 11.
SF: Jody K3JZD, You Have to Work Harder on CW with a Short Callsign, pg 12-13.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-18.
SF: Dick W9CBT, this month's cartoon: Ham Lingo, pg 18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: West Florida - Winter Field Day report, pg 21-22.

#295 - January 7, 2023

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the January issue, CW for the Hearing Impaired, 160m Antenna Time, send in your qrp experiences, update member info, pg 1.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 2-4.
SF: Genn N4MJ, Tips for Improving QRP Operation, pg 5.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 6-10.
SF: Dick W9CBT, this month's cartoon: Ham Quips, pg 10.
MN: Member Polls, pg 11.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 12.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 13-14.
SF: cartoon, pg 14.

#294 - December 7, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the December issue, Glue Stick PTO, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Prize Winners, pg 3.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Lingo "Dead Bands", pg 3.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 4-6.
SF: Member Poll, pg 7.
SF: comics, pg 7.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 8-10.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 11.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 12-13.
CN: West Florida - Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area outing, pg 14-17.

#293 - November 7, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the November issue, Mastodon.Radio, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 18th Anniversary Report, pg 3-5.
SF: QRPp Success, pg 6.
SF: Member Poll, pg 7.
SF: comics, pg 7 and 9.
SF: NAQCC State QSO Party Results, Review, and Reflections, pg 8-9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 10-12.
SF: Harry NV7K, Downsizing, pg 13.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-16.
SF: Mark W8EWH, An Afternoon POTA Activation with the Penntek TR-45L, pg 17-19.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 20.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips "Holy Ham Heaven Cemetary," pg 20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-23.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Chapter faces closure, pg 24.
CN: West Florida - WFL & Suncoast ARC at Eagle Point Park, pg 25-27.
CN: Long Island - LICW Outing at Captree State Park, pg 28-29.

#292 - October 8, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the October issue, 18th Anniversary Fun, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 18th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3-5.
SF: NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge Update, pg 6-7.
SF: John KK4ITX, N3AQC Club Call, pg 8-9.
SF: Member Poll, pg 9.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 10-12.
SF: Dijon SA3BOW, DIY Ladder Line, pg 13.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 14-16.
SF: Harry KM3D, 'Vintage' QRP Update, pg 17-18.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips "An End To QSO-Besity," pg 18.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 19.
SF: comic, pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-21.
CN: Western Pennsulvinia - Major changes predicted, pg 22-23.
CN: West Florida - WFL & HCARA QRP Event, pg 23-25.

#291 - September 8, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the September issue, call for N3A ops, Sep Activities, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 18th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge Update, pg 4-5.
SF: Tim W3ATB, Acadia Trip, pg 6-8.
SF: Paul N8XMS, So Where Have I Been?, pg 8.
SF: Member Poll, pg 9.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 10-12.
SF: Gregg W8GG, Portable Trailer Operations 2022, pg 13-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 18-20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-22.
CN: West Florida - Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area, pg 23-25.
CN: Long Island - Sunken Meadow State Park report, pg 26.

#290 - August 8, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the August issue, call for N3A ops, $200 Pocket Knife, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: comics, pg 2, 21.
SF: 18th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: NAQCC State QSO Party Challenge Update, pg 4-5.
SF: Dejan SA3BOW, Another QRP ATU, pg 6-7.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 8-10.
SF: "Morsle" Daily Code Game, pg 11.
SF: John K3WWP, Operating Tip: 'Dead' Bands, pg 11.
SF: Tom BE4AKI, Homebrew Essence, pg 12.
SF: Brent WT4U, QSO Party & POTA Activation at Cumberland Gap, pg 13-15.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 16-18.
SF: Member Poll, pg 19.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips, pg 19.
SF: Steve K9NUD, Just Call "CQ", pg 20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 22-23.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 24.
CN: West Florida - June Brasher Park Outing report, pg 25-27.
CN: Long Island - Belmon Lake State Park report, pg 28.

#289 - July 6, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the July issue, call for N3A ops, free QRP books, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: comics, pg 2.
SF: 18th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Paul W0RW, QRP Books in the W0RW Lending Library, pg 4-5.
SF: Jerry N1QLL, My Sailboat Antenna Story and Challenge, pg 6-7.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 8-12.
SF: John K3WWP, QRPp Tips, pg 12.
SF: Brian NM7T, A "Single-Dash" Squeeze Keying Adapter, pg 13-15.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 16-18.
SF: Member Poll, pg 19.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham History, pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-22.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 22.
CN: West Florida - Brasher Park June Outing, pg 23-25.

#288 - June 2, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the May issue, first call for N3A ops, two challenges for June, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: 18th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Curt WB8YYY, Operating the Para80set for Retro Experience, pg 4-5.
SF: Peter AA2VG, Daring Paraset Adventures, pg 5.
SF: NAQCC State Qso Party Challenge Update, pg 6-7.
SF: comics, pg 7.
SF: Wes KN4NPH, Making Fiberglass Rods Safe, pg 8
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 9-11.
SF: Jock N1JI, Enter Your State/Regional QSO Party for Fun and Excitement, pg 12-14.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Special Field Day Challenge, pg 15.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, Monthly Challenge, pg 16-18.
SF: Member Poll, pg 19.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Lingo, pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-22.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 22.
CN: Long Island - Captree State Park outing, pg 23-24.
CN: West Florida - Riverbreeze Park May Outing, pg 24-25.

#287 - May 5, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the May issue, 1,000 miles/watt and WAC winners, Portable antennas - good and bad, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: comics, pg 2, 5.
SF: Morse Cut Numbers, pg 3.
SF: Steve KC5F, Mountain Dulcimer CW,
SF: John KK4ITX, Zephr Park Expedition, pg 4-5.
SF: State QSO Party Challenge Update, pg 6-7.
SF: Ron N9EE, Florida QSO Party Outing at Eagle Point, pg 8.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 9-11.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Ham Radio Equipment Donation, pg 12-13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
SF: Member Poll, pg 17.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Parodies, pg 17.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: West Florida - Eagle Point Park March Outing, pg 21-22.

<#286 - April 7, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the April issue, Guitar CW, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Member Poll, pg 3.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips, pg 3.
SF: Gene N5GW, Cleaning Key Contacts, pg 4.
SF: State QSO Party Challenge Update, pg 5-6.
SF: How to Use, pg 7.
SF: Brent WT4U, Night Portable with the LNR Precision MTR-4B, pg 8.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 9-11.
SF: Dave WA4NID, Projects and Portable Ops, pg 12-13.
SF: comics, pg 13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 18-19.

#285 - March 6, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the March issue, Souteast directory needed, QSO parties, , articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: State QSO Party Challenge, pg 3-4.
SF: Mathew N4DLA, Winter Field Day Report, pg 4.
SF: Dave W0DCX, A Day Out. . ., pg 5-6.
SF: cartoons, pg 6, 16.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 7-9.
SF: Harry KM3D, Building a 'Vintage' Flea-Power Portable CW Station, pg 10-15.
MN: Member Poll, pg 16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 18-20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-22.
CN: Florida - Gemini Springs Park report, pg 23-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham History Cartoon "Vibroplex", pg 26.

#284 - February 5, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the February issue, upcoming QSO parties, co-founder receives ARRL attention, check out email list, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: State QSO Party Challenge, pg 3.
SF: John KK4ITX, NAQCC on, pg 4.
SF: Danny KI4KXO, Railroad Vibroplex Lightning Bug Restored, pg 5-6.
MN: Member Polls, pg 7.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 8-12.
SF: cartoon, pg 12.
SF: Greg W8GG/WB8LZG, Out West Portable 2021, pg 13-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 18-20.
GCN: Mark W8EWH, Introducing Your NAQCC Regional Net Control Stations, pg 21-24.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 25-26.
CN: Florida - January Hontoon Island State Park report, pg 27-25.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Lingo Cartoon "CW Hound", pg 31.

#283 - January 7, 2022

GCN: Key Clicks - Review of the January issue, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Bob WB1GYZ, A Bug Refurb, pg 3.
SF: Gene N5GW, A Poor Man's Key Dust Cover, pg 4.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham History, pg 4.
MN: Member Polls, pg 5.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 6-10.
SF: cartoon, pg 10.
SF: Luc ON7DQ/KF0CR, pg 11-13.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 14.
SF: QRP CW QSO Streak Reaches 10,000 Days, pg 14-15.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 16-18.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 19-20.
CN: West Florida - Anclote Park report, upcoming January Hontoon Island State Park, pg 23-25.
CN: Downeast Maine - A Challenge story, pg 26.

#282 - December 7, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Two sprints for Dec, Update member info, Articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Member Polls, pg 3.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 4-6.
SF: Greg WB8LZG, Rolling Your Own Antennas for Traveling Fun and DX, pg 7-11.
SF: comics, pg 11, 14.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 12-14.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 15-16.
CN: Florida, Bethune Point Parkpedition report, upcoming Jan 2022 Candace Strawn/Lake Dias Park report, pg 17-18.
SF: Brent WT4U, 2-in-1 Mini-key for the MTR-4B, pg 20.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 21-22.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham History "J-38," pg 22.
SF: Prize Sponsors, pg 23.

#281 - November 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Update Member Info, QSO Party Challenge, Articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Prize Winners, pg 3.
SF: Member Polls, pg 4.
SF: Rich KC3MIO, 17th Anniversary Report, pg 5-7.
SF: Don VE3DQN, State QSO Party Challenge and Casual Contesting, pg 8-9.
SF: Comics, pg 9 and 22.
SF: Gene N5GW, A Night Light for Portable Stations, pg 10.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 11-13.
SF: Jay N4NRL, International Jamboree On the Air Weekend, pg 14-15.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 16.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 17-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham History "Hallicrafter SX-73," pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-22.
CN: Downeast Maine, October outing, pg 23-25.
CN: West Florida, Anclote Park October outing, pg 25-26.
CN: Florida, Sunrise Park North "Operation in the Park," upcoming November Bethune Point Park operation, pg 27-28.
SF: Prize Sponsors, pg 30.

#280 - October 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - N3A underway this month, Prizes, September Sprint Success, Articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: Comics, pg 3, 15, 17, 25.
SF: Rich KC3MIO, 17th Anniversary Celebration, pg 4-6.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 7-9.
SF: William KR8L, Looking for a New QRP Challenge?, pg 10-12.
SF: Prepare Now for 160-Meter Season and Winter Events, pg 12.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 13-15.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 16-17.
SF: Member Polls, pg 18.
CN: West Florida, Parkpedition at Riverwalk Park report, upcoming October Sunrise Park outing, pg 20-22.
CN: Long Island, Belmont Lake State Park and Target Rock Wildlife Refuge POTA reports, pg 23-24.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 26.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Ham Quips "Holy Ham Heaven Cemetery," pg 26.
SF: Prize Sponsors, pg 27.

#279 - September 7, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - N3A September update, G-QRP Videos, Articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
SF: 17th Anniversary Celebration, pg 4.
SF: Gene N5GW, A WM-2 Wattmeter Clon5, pg 5.
SF: Rich KC3MIO, Why QRP, Anyway?, pg 6-7.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Quips, pg 7.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 8-10.
SF: Chris KU4A, Leg Broken, Streak Broker, pg 11-12.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 13-15.
SF: Comics, pg 15.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 16-17.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 18.
CN: West Florida, pg 20-21.

#278 - August 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - First call for N3A Ops, G-QRP Virtual Convention, Member Profiles and articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
SF: 17th Anniversary Celebration, pg 4.
SF: Wes KN4NPH, Ryobi Battery Adapter for Breadboarding and QRP, pg 5-6.
TIP: Mike K3WWP, Soapbox Recruitment, pg 6.
SF: Rich KC3MIO, Parks On the Air and QRP, pg 7-8.
SF: comics, pg 8, 18.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 9-11.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 12-14.
SF: Raymond G0EML, "The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy" review, pg 14.
SF: Gene N5GW, Splicing Dacron Polyester Antenna Rope, pg 15.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 16-17.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 18.
CN: Long Island - Captree State Park recap, pg 19-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Quips, pg 22.

#277 - July 7, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Directors needed, WB3AVD on QSO Today podcast, articles needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: Something Is Missing, pg 4.
SF: John VE3IPS, Ozzipole Antenna Build Out - DIY, pg 5-7.
SF: John K3WWP, Operating Tips, pg 7.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 8-11.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 12-13.
SF: comics, pg 14.
SF: Jake N0LX, Rowboat Mobile mW Sprint, pg 15.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 16-17.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 18.
CN: Long Island - Captree State Park recap, pg 19-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Quips, pg 23.

#276 - June 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Update on Co-Fopunder, FDIM Videos, QRP is Impossible, Wristwatch key, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2-3.
SF: Gene N5GW, Six Meter Reminder, pg 3.
SF: John K3WWP, Update on Tom WY3H #0001 Co-Founder and First President, pg 4.
SF: comics, pg 4, 17.
MN: Member Polls, pg 5.
MS: Bob Cardone N2EIM, A crystal radio kit gift started this ham's journey, pg 6-7.
SF: Gene N5GW, A Poor Man's QRP Wattmeter, pg 8-9.
SF: Bruce WY7N, 7QP Report, pg 9.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Book Review: Conquering the Electron, pg 10.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 11-13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-17.
SF: Ted WB3AVD, Thinking Small, Once Again, pg 18-21.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 22-24.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 25.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Lingo - "10 Meter Rig," pg 25.
CN: Florida - May Riverbreeze Operation in the Park, pg 26-29.
CN: Green Swamp WCF, April Withlacoochee River Parkpedition, pg 29-31.
CN: West Florida, Ron's cool NAQCC shirt, pg 32.

#275 - May 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Virtual FDIM, New volunteers, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: John KX2CWJ and Brenda KX2CWB, Retired RVers jumped into ham radio after reading e-books, pg 4-5.
SF: Ken N7KO, QRP? or QRPp? Bicycle Portable, pg 6-7.
SF: Layne Labaume AE1N, It's All About the Decibels, pg 8-10.
SF: comics, pg 10.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 11-13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
SF: John K3WWP, Elmer in the Archives - Pet Peeve, pg 17.
SF: Gene N5GW, Improving Your Code Proficiency, pg 18.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Portable Florida Ops - Part 5 Wrap up, pg 19-20.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, A Brief Trip Back in Time: The Crosley 52, pg 21-23.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Eureka, Morse Watch, pg 23.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 24-27.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: "Ham Quips," pg 27.
CN: Downeast Maine - QRP to the Field report, 28-29.
CN: West Florida - Anclote Park Event, pg 30-31.
SF: Ron K5DUZ, Copying Behind, pg 32.

#274 - April 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - highlights of this issue, volunteers needed, 7th Area QSO Party, Club callsign use, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: Keith K5WX, Getting Started, CW Traffic nets, QRP Operations, and New Frontiers have all excited this ham veteran, pg 4-5.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Tansatlantic QRP and some great antenna articles, pg 5.
SF: John KK4ITX, Use the Club Callsign, pg 6.
SF: comics, pg 6, 16, 21.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, Portable Center-Loaded Vertical, pg 7-8.
SF: Bruce WY7N, 7th Call Area QSO Party, pg 9.
SF: Andy N2CN, Sprint Scores Updated in Real Time, pg 10.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 11-13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Four Saturdays, Forty Meters, and 50 Years, pg 18-21.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Portable Florida Ops 2020 - Part 4, pg 22-24.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 25-28.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: "Ham Lingo," pg 28.
CN: Florida - Buschman Park Parkpedition, pg 29-30.
CN: West Florida - Chinsegut Nature Center and Lattuce Lake Park, pg 31-34.

#273 - March 5, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Fund NAQCC with AmazonSmile, Spring forward 3/14, Help Wanted, Stories needed,pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: Steve KC5F, 12 year old Steve and his buddy started their ham careers while riding their bikes looking for ham antennas , pg 4-5.
SF: comics, pg 5 and 16.
SF: Rick KC3MIO, ICOM 705 - First Impressons, pg 6-8.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, Mag Loop Mark II, pg 9-10.
MN: Bob VE6RI, Something to Aim For, pg 10.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 11-13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 17.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Portable Florida Ops 2020 - Part 3, pg 18-20.
MN: John K3WWP, Ever Work a Double QSO?, pg 20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: "Ham Quips," pg 24.
CN: West Florida, Weeki Wachi Park, pg 25-27.
CN: Florida - Gemini Springs Parkpedition, pg 27-28.
SF: Gene N5GW, Bug Brainstorm, pg 30.

#272 - February 6, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - 1LND Net on hold, Twitter manager needed, your stories needed, pg 1.
SF: cartoons, pg 1, 9, and 24.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: Steve WD4CFN, An early interest in electronics and a supportive family led this ham his Novice license and later on to SOTA, pg 4-5.
SF: Member submissions - Juergen DL4KE "Easy Zerobeat," pg 5.
SF: Andy N2CN, "New, Simpler Sprint Log Submission Formats, pg 6.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, "Portable Florida Ops 2020 Part 2," pg 7-9.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 10-13.
SF: Bob VE6RI "The Joystick: Small in Size, Big in Performance," pg 14-16.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 17-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: "Hot Ant-Tenna," pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 20.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 21-24.
CN: Long Island - Jones Beach outing, pg 25-27.
CN: Florida - Hontoon Parkpedition, pg 27-29.

#271 - January 5, 2021

GCN: Key Clicks - Sprint databases updated, Net listings pared, Contributions needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: Richard VA3RSA, love for radio grew over the years following his first crystal set, pg 4-6.
SF: cartoons, pg 6 and 9.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Portable Florida Ops 2020, pg 7-9.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 10-13.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham History, pg 13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
SF: 3D Printers' Alley, pg 17-18.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 20-23.
GCN: NAQCC Nets: Great CW Practice, pg 23.
CN: Long Island - Stehli Beach outing, pg 24-27.
CN: Florida - Candace R. Strawn/Lake Dias Operation in the Park, pg 27-30.
SF: Stan WB2LQF, Some Memorable Contacts, pg 32-35.
SF: Paul N8XMS, From the Archives, pg 35.

#270 - December 5, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - Two sprints this month, Challenge Drawing, Contributions needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
MN: Member Polls, pg 3.
MS: John KK4ITX, Fascination with shortwave led this member to QRP and spreading the word, pg 4-5.
SF: Stan WB2LQF, A Tour of the SL-170IN Bug, pg 6-8.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 9-11.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Quips "American Gothic Vertical," pg 11.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 12-14.
SF: cartoon, pg 14.
SF: 3D Printer's Alley, pg 15.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 16.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 17-20.
CN: Long Island - Robert Moses State Park Operation, pg 21-24.
CN: Florida - Bethune Point Park Parkpedition, pg 24-25.
MN: Gene N5GW - A Shielded Receiving Loop, Greetings from John N8ZYA, Dajan SA3BOW Wrap It Up, pg 27-29.

#269 - November 9, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - N3A Anniversary reports,stories needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Paul N8XMS, 16th Anniversary Report, pg 3-12, 14.
MS: Jim WX8J, Musician/band teacher enjoys sprints and contesting but is most proud of his elementary school ham club, pg 13-14.
SF: Member polls, pg 15.
GCN: Sprint Reports, pg 16-18.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Lingo "Frequency Check," pg 18.
GCN: Gary K1YAN, NAQCC Challenge, pg 19-20.
GCN: NAQCC Awards, pg 21.
GCN: NAQCC Nets, pg 22-25.
SF: comic - pg 26.
CN: Long Island - September/October Beach Trips, pg 27-31.
CN: Florida - Sunrise Park operation, pg 32-33.
MN: Dejan SA3BOW - Custom made antenna winders, Paul N8XMS - Vertical replacement, From the Mailbag: Mark NA4O thank-you, pg 35-36.

#268 - October 6, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - 16th Anniversary Celebration, FB activity picks up, your stories needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez. . ., pg 2.
SF: 16th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: The NOGAnaut - Then and Now, pg 4-6.
MS: Anton N9WAY - A high school teacher sparked interest in ham radio, pg 7.
SF: Brent WT4U - Quick, Cheap Antenna Catapult, pg 8-9.
SF: Member Polls, pg 10.
GCN: NAQCC Sprints - pg 11-13.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Quips," pg 13.
GCN: Gary K1YAN - NAQCC Challenge, pg 14-16.
GCN: NAQCC Awards - pg 17.
GCN: NAQCC Nets - pg 18-22.
SF: comics - pg 22, 26.
MS: Tom VE4AKI - A key made from discarded window blind, pg 27.

#267 - September 4, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - New PayPal donation address, GQRP Convention Sep 5th & 6th, New ARRL CEO a NAQCC member, new KPW contest, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez. . ., pg 2.
SF: 16th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Member Polls, pg 4.
MS: John KE4D - Hooked after instructor helped him make over seas contact, pg 5-6.
SF: comics - pg 6, 15.
SF: Jody K3JZD - Zero Beating, pg 7-8.
SF: David NA2AA - New ARRL CEO, pg 9.
GCN: NAQCC Sprints - pg 10-12.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Lingo: DX Hounds," pg 12.
GCN: Gary K1YAN - NAQCC Challenge, pg 13-15.
GCN: NAQCC Awards - pg 16.
GCN: NAQCC Nets - pg 17-21.
SF: A Contest that Gives QRP and Portable the Advantage, pg 21.
MS: Tom VE4AKI "Homebrew Co-Axial Feedthrough Adapter, pg 24.

#266 - August 6, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - Farnsword QRQ Net moves, sign up now for N3A, GQRP 2020 Convention, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez. . ., pg 2.
SF: 16th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Member Polls, pg 4.
MS: Dave WA4NID - Ham Radio interest started with a knock on the door, pg 5-8.
SF: Clyde NL7VH - The Price of Creation, pg 9-11.
SF: comics - pg 11, 18 and 26.
GCN: NAQCC Sprints - pg 12-14.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Quips," pg 14.
GCN: Gary K1YAN - NAQCC Challenge, pg 15-18.
GCN: NAQCC Awards - pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets - pg 20-23.
CN: Illowa - Chapter meeting, pg 25.
MS: Claude VE2DPE NVIS Antenna for QRP Portable, pg 27.

#265 - July 6, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - NAQCC.Inc., N3A Ops needed, K4KRW reaches 100th Sprint, W2JEK reaches 150th Challenge, Illowa Chapter innovative meeting, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez. . ., pg 2.
SF: 16th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Member Polls, pg 4.
MS: Frederick K8NGW - A gift of an old radio from his grandparents lit the spark, pg 5-7.
SF: Clyde NL7VH - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About a Telegraph Key and Anatomy, pg 8-12.
GCN: NAQCC Sprints - pg 13-15.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Quips," pg 15.
GCN: Gary K1YAN - NAQCC Challenge, pg 16-18.
SF: comic - pg 18.
GCN: NAQCC Awards - pg 19.
GCN: NAQCC Nets - pg 20-23.
CN: Illowa - Chapter uses Google Hangouts for meeting, pg 24-25.
SF: Paul W0RW - Sherlock Investigates Fire in BC-221, pg 27-28.

#264 - June 5, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - First call for N3A operators, Nets on the move, Submissions needed, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez. . ., pg 2.
SF: 16th Anniversary Celebration, pg 3.
SF: Member Polls, pg. 4.
SF: Ed KJ4R, Portale Ops w/ Minimal Setup, pg 5-7.
SF: Paul W0RW, Refitting a Scrap PRC319 for QRP, pg 8-10.
MS: Mike AD0YM, Introduced to Ham Radio by the Boy Scourts and the Radio Merit Badge, pg 11-14.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 15-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Lingo: Pie Network," pg 17.

#263 - May 5, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - 16th Anniversary planning continues, N0TA hits 100 sprints, New QRS net, Membership grows, pg 1-2.
SF: Find a Use for this Mystery Part, pg 2.
SF: Steve WB4OMM, The Prez Sez, pg 3.
SF: Member Polls, pg. 4.
SF: Rich KC3MIO, The Xiegu G90S Initial Impressions, pg 5-7.
SF: Mark W8EWH, Getting Started with Twitter, pg 8-9.
MS: Rich KC3MIO, Although part of his high school ARC, he became licensed later in life and then caught the QRP CW bug, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Parodies," pg 14.
CN: Illowa, Monthly Chapter meeting via Social Media, pg 22.
MN: Paul 'W0RW Danger in St. Elmo,' Gregg WB8LZG 'A Key from the Past,' Denis Obrien N2JJF 'Lifeboat Radios' pg 25-27.

#262 - April 2, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - Silver lining, Paul's last newsletter, Update your membership info, hilarious photo, pg 1-2.
SF: Steve WB4OMM, The Prez Sez, pg 3.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Old Kit Update, pg 4-8.
SF: Paul W0RW, 10 Steps for Successful Portable QRP Ops, pg 9-11.
SF: Paul N8XMS, COVID-19 Advice, pg 12.
MS: Barry NF1O, First QSO immediately followed his Novice exam and now he is staged for a antenna farm in New Hampshire, pg 13-14.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 15-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 25.
CN: Illowa, Monthly Chapter meeting, pg 27.
MN: Jerry VE6CPP - New Q Codes, W0AIB A "Sold out" cartoon, pg 33-34.

#261 - March 3, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - New Treasurer K4KBL, WG8Y and WA8SAN hit 100 sprints, Articles needed, New newsletter editor soon, pg 1-2.
SF: The Prez Sez....., pg 3.
SF: Messages from N8ZYA and K4KBL, pg 4-5.
SF: QRP Adventures from the Florida Keys, pg 6-9.
MS: Ken KN2G - A 15 acre farm in central New York keeps this qrp fan occupied, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 22.
CN: Long Island, Cap Tree State Park outing, pg 24-27.
MN: Jerry K4KBL Apple Watch Logo, Thanks from Mike WA8SAN, Web link for Dejan SA3BOW and latest CPO, Rich K1DJ reports that RBN includes NAQCC spots, pg 33-34.

#260 - February 4, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - WX4RM reaches 100 sprints, Chapter outings weather varies, Important poll for you, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 2.
SF: Howard K4LXY - Hard Drive Paddle, pg 3-5.
SF: Ed K8EK - A Comparison of End Fed Antennas, pg 6-8.
MS: Hank K5TSK - Ham Radio started in junior high, ham radio helps with a health issue, pg 9-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 22.
CN: Long Island, Cap Tree State Park outing, pg 24-28.
CN: Florida, Hontoon Island State Park January report, Upcoming February Gemini Springs Park outing, pg 29-32.
MN: Thanks from W8IJ, KG4UPO, and WX4RM; Gregg WB8LZG SSTV and ISS, Dejan SA3BOW A code practice piggy bank for his granddaughter, pg 41-42.

#259 - January 3, 2020

GCN: Key Clicks - Web site hacked, Web site updates overdue?, pg 1.
SF: The Prez Sez, pg 3.
SF: Gene N5GW "Open Wire Feedline, pg 4-5.
SF: Denis N2JJF "A Radio Officer Remember Maritime CW, pg 6-7.
MS: Duane WI8J, A co-worker prompted this long time radio enthusiast into ham radio, pg 8-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 21.
CN: Long Island - Breakfast at the Atlantis Diner followed by an outing to Captree State Park Overlook, pg 23-26.
CN: Florida - Candace Strawn-Lake Dias Park parkpedition, upcoming January Hontoon Island State Park outing, pg 27-29.
MN: Dejan SA3BOW Hot tea, buns, and solder smoke; Paul N8XMS Resolves to bolster QSO counts, pg 34-35.

#258 - December 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - New club president in place, visit the club website, please check and update you membership information, pg 1.
SF: Paul N8XMS, CUL ES 73 DE N8XMS, pg 3.
SF: Steve WB4OMM, A Message from our New President, pg 4-5.
SF: Paul W0RW, All About Mobile Morse, pg 6-9.
MS: Mark W8EWH, 35 years of ham radio operation, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 22
CN: Long Island - November Robert Moses State Park operation, pg 24-28.
MN: Austin KA3TTT comments about apartment operation, Lee AA5LH - John KM4JTE - Walt KB1M Thanks for the prizes, Jerry VE6CPP shares a social media cartoon, Dejan SA3BOW shares a snowy picture, pg 34-37.

#257 - November 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - 15th Anniversary is over, new CW Nets manager, 100th Sprint participant recognized, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS, NAQCC 15th Anniversary Report, pg 3-6.
SF: Paul W0RW, A Skin Deep BC-221, pg 7-9.
SF: Rick N6IET and Paul N8XMS, Apartment Hamming, pg 10-12.
MS: George K3EMS, An early interest in SWL eventually led this career paramedic, and his call sign, to lots of kit building and the NAQCC, pg 13-14.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 15-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Telegraphy Is Art," pg 25.
CN: Florida - October Sunrise Operation in the Park, upcoming November Bethune Point Park Operation, pg 27-29.
CN: Long Island - October Robert Moses State Park operation, pg 30-32.
MN: Jerry NF5U and Guy W5UAA, Thanks for the prizes, pg 38-39.

#256 - October 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - 15th Anniversary is here, review participation points, 2020 Challenge schedule out, incoming NAQCC President honored, pg 1-2.
SF: NAQCC 15th Anniversary, pg 3-4.
SF: John KK4ITX, Bumble Bee, pg 5-8.
MS: Kevin KE3V, limitation of CB brought this ham to Amateur Radio, pg 9-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 20.
CN: Florida - September Riverwalk Park report, October Sunrise Park operation, pg 22-24.
CN: West Florida - Anclote Park report, pg 25-27.
MN: Dejan SA3BOW - Simple splitters for counterpoise, pg 33-34.

#255 - September 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - 15th Anniversary coming up in October and last call for N3A operators, updated SprintLogger ready for download, review participation points, 2020 sprint schedule online, zero points clarification, articles needed, pg 1-2.
SF: Gary K1YAN, Cootie Keying, pg 3-4.
SF: Rob W0JRM, A Homebrew Cootie, pg 5-8.
MS: Jim W6JIM, while home on leave a friend suggested he study for the test - he did and passed and had plenty of opportunities as he moved through duty stations to operate, pg 9-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 22.
MN: Dejan SA3BOW - a discourse on SLA batteries, pg 32.

#254 - August 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - Nets Manager needed, Anniversary Ops needed, we are 10,000+ strong, articles needed, pg 1-2.
SF: John K8AB, Multi Z Tuner Mod, pg 3-4.
SF: Gene N5GW, Metal Roof Counterpoise, pg 5-6.
MS: Warren KC9IL, a girlfriend who he met on the CB channels who later became his wife had a grandfather who encouraged him to obtain his license, pg 7-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-17.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 18.
CN: West Florida - Upper Tampa Bay park report, pg 20-21.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - February through July report, pg 22-26
CN: Illowa - Chapter activity report, pg 27-28.
MN: John K3WWP web address change, Doc K2PHD link to CW article, pg 34.

#253 - July 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - New West Coast QRS net starting, Special Event ops needed, KE5YUM reaches 100th sprint, VA3RJ retires as membership database manager, pg 1-2.
SF: Richard K4KRW, The Bends at 80 Meters, pg 3-10.
SF: Bob K3CKO, Memory Lane, pg 11-12.
MS: Jack AI4SV, this global health researcher sets up QRP wherever he and his globe trotting ambassador spouse land, pg 13-14.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 15-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Morse Tips & Quips," pg 25.
CN: West Florida - Anclote Park Event recap, pg 27-28.
CN: Illowa - Meeting report, pg 29.
CN: Central Texas - Loss of chapter leader, pg 30.
MN: Terry KE5YUM Thanks for 100th sprint award, pg 36.

#252 - June 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - A Change In Leadership, Ops needed for Anniversary Event, pg 1-2.
SF: Meet the Next President, pg 3.
SF: James KH2SR HT-1A Transceiver Review, pg 4-6.
SF: John KK4ITX, Summer Portable in Maine, pg 7-8.
MS: Tom W1PQO, Fond memories of building electronic projects with his father led this ham to learning morse code and a later interest in SOTA and QRP, pg 9-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "CW Hound," pg 21.
CN: Long Island - Robert Moses State Park report, pg 23-24.
CN: Florida - Riverbreeze Park "Operation in the Park," pg 25-30.
MN: Gene N5GW - 2 watts reaches out, pg 38.

#251 - May 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - First call anniversary ops, CW article, thanks for donations, pg 1-2.
SF: Howard WB2UZE, The Attraction of CW, pg 3-5.
SF: Hal WA2AKV, Home-brew Transmitter, pg 6-8.
SF: John W2XS, Portable 10-40m Antenna, pg 9-13.
MS: Richard K4KRW, A grandfather's TransOceanic sparked an interest in radio, later on flying ham equipped weather balloons fuelled his ongoing interest in ham radio, pg 14-17.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 18-27.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "I Heart CW," pg 28.
CN: Long Island - International Marconi Day recap, pg 30-33.
CN: Florida - April Mill Lake Parkpedition wrap up, May Riverbreeze Park plans, pg 34-37.
CN: West Florida - Bayport Park recap, pg 38-40.
MN: Gene N5GW - Portable ops setup, pg 47-48.

#250 - April 1, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - Virginia QRS net closes, monthly polls, thanks for donations, pg 1.
SF: Jerry VE6CPP, McElroy Poster, pg 2-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, Tweezer Squeezer, pg 6-7.
SF: Paul N8XMS, New Antenna, pg 8-9.
MS: Sergey KD9EBS, An early interest in electronics and building then a move to the US eventually snagged a ham radio license, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "A Velveeta Radio," pg 20.
CN: Long Island - Robert Moses State Park wrapup, pg 22-26.
CN: Florida - March Lake Ashby Park results, upcoming April 19th Mill Lake Parkpedition, pg 27-31.
CN: Illowa - Chapter meeting recap, pg 31.
CN: West Florida - Bayport Park recap, pg 32-34.
CN: Downeast Maine - Member spotlight, pg 35-36.

#249 - March 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - 15th Anniversary Call Sign change, New version of NAQCC Sprint Logger, W4DUC reaches to lofty heights of 100 sprints, pg 1-2.
SF: Ron K4RHG, Voyager Radio Analysis, pg 3-5.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, Doing It In Style, pg 6.
SF: Gene N5GW 80/160 Antenna Tuner, pg 7-8.
MS: Lou N8LA, Interest in radio begin at a very early age and blossomed into long time love of ham radio and QRP, pg 9-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Parodies," pg 21.
CN: Long Island - Robert Moses State Park outing, pg 23.
CN: Florida - Gemini Springs Park outing, pg 24-26.
CN: Illowa - Chapter meeting recap, pg. 27.
MN: Gene N5GW resurrects a sliding key, Chuck N8NK appreciates innovative antennas under adverse conditions, Neil W2NDG talks about radio kits, pg 34-36.

#248 - February 4, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - New QRS Net, WB4OMM 2018 Award Winner, 15th Anniversary Celebration plan underway, pg 1-2.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, Sunspots, What Sunspots?, pg 3.
SF: Hal WA2AKV, Outdoor Winter QRP Outing, pg 4-6.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Are You Up for the Challenge?, pg 7-8.
MS: Phil K3EW, This ham celebrates 60 years in "the best hobby on earth," pg 9-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Hallicrafter SX-73," pg 21.
CN: Long Island - Chapter outing recap, pg 23-24.
CN: Florida - January Hontoon Island State Park outing, upcoming February Gemini Springs Park outing, pg 25-30.
CN: Western Pannsylvania - Winter recap, pg. 31.
CN: Illowa - Chapter meeting recap, pg. 32.
MN: Pete NO2D Thanks for the certificate, Nic KF2P Winter outing recap, Bill W2IIT Fun QRP contacts, Neil W2NDG Kit building, talks, and more, Gene N5GW Useful wire and line winder, pg 38-41.

#247 - January 5, 2019

GCN: Key Clicks - Check your participation records plan on participating in 2019, check our monthly polls, thanks for the donations. pg 1.
SF: Jody K3JZD, Batteries for Portable Ops, pg 3-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, DIY SWR Meter, pg 6-8.
SF: John W2SX, The Elecraft AX1, pg 9-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "National HRO-60," pg 21.
CN: Long Island - December Robert Moses State Park expedition report and chapter activities, pg 23-30.
CN: Florida - Lake Dias Park December outing, upcoming January Hontoon Island State Park outing, pg 31-35.
CN: Illowa - Chapter meeting plus upcoming January outing, pg. 36.
MN: Paul N8XMS Book review on "The Innovators" plus an SKN report with his stable of keys, Gene N5GW Anecdotal illustrations about wire antennas, Tom WB7EUX A "near" deer experience, pg 35-38.

#246 - December 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - Lots of useful information on the club website, new local chapter formed on Long Island, New Member Ambassador Award, Do you have a story to tell? pg 1-2.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, A Portable Transmitting Loop, pg 3-4.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Radio Roots Revisited, pg 5-6.
SF: Gene N5GW, Preventative Maintenance, pg 7.
MS: Lee AA6LH - Father helped this long time ham over the CW hurdle, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-18.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Fables," pg 19.
CN: Long Island Chapter *** NEW CHAPTER *** This newest chapter uses video conferencing to bring more hams in, pg 21.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - October and November chapter summaries, pg 22-27.
MN: Paul N8XMS reflects on QSO with former Pan Am Clipper radio operator, Ken W2GIW is a new member with a photo of a future operator, Val WD4EXI - Terry KE5YUM - Dick K1IEE - Al N4OW - thanks for the prizes, pg 35-38.

#245 - November 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - Counting Blessings, MAC spreadsheet retired, please update your personal information, ClubLog and Facebook reminders, spotter page available year round, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS, NAQCC 2018 Anniversary Report, pg 3-7.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Dakota DX, pg 8-9.
SF: Dejan SA3BOW, Antenna Throwing Weight, pg 10.
MS: Bernie VE9BEL - A local ARO club helped this ham enter the hobby plus an interest in low power and eventually CW brought him to the NAQCC, pg 11-12.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 13-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Fox Hunt," pg 21.
CN: Florida - Heat and rain cancelled Sep and Oct outings but Nov is set for the 16th, pg 23.
CN: Illowa - Monthly meeting plus and upcoming Jan coffee and doughnuts on the air event.
MN: Bruce NJ3K confirms you can garner awards with QRP, Tom VE4AKI An unfortunate incident did turn out well, Paul N8XMS YouTube video link on the history of telegraphy, John KN1H thanks for the clock, John KC7DM donates his prize back to the NAQCC, Steve WB4OMM thanks for the prize, pg 31-34.

#244 - October 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - 14th Annual Anniversary Event Oct 8-14, check your participation records, interviewed NAQCC Pres, new Swap & Shop manager and email plus a FB page to list items, pg 1-2.
SF: NAQCC 14th Anniversary, pg 3-4.
SF: Dave N6XJP, When Lightning Strikes, pg 5-7.
SF: Dejan SA3BOW, Portable Operating Table, pg 8-9.
MS: Dave AB9BZ, An early interest in electronics plus a NAVY specialist rating in HF led to Amateur Radio, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-20.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Appliance Operator," pg 21.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - BCARA Hamfest, Skeeter Hunt certificates, pg 23.
CN: West Florida - Gulf Coast ARC picnic, pg 24.
CN: West Virginia - SK, pg 25.
MN: Tom W3ATB new QRP contest, Merlin KD0V Park demonstration and YouTube video link, John K3WWP Report on a few activities, Blake KD2OUQ Looking for Qs, pg 31-32.

#243 - September 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - 14th Annual Anniversary Event in October, Ops needed, Battery/Solar Special Sprint?, 2019 Challenges/Sprints posted, Support ending for Mac Sprint Spreadsheet, pg 1-2.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, Garage Sale Gift, pg 3.
SF: Ted WB3AVD, Thinking Small, pg 4-7.
MS: Tonnie PA9CW, Early exposure to shortwave, CB, and electronics study led to ham radio, CW, and QRP, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: A Play on Words, pg 20.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Chapter report, pg 22-23.
MN: Some alternatives for grid square locators, Jerry VE6CPP - Link to a nice rig, Paul N8XMS - Thanks to our volunteers, John K3WWP directs you to his web diary, pg 31-32.

#242 - August 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - Additional N#3 Ops needed, Check your Anniversary Price eligibility, NAQCC Facebook page launched, Articles needed, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, Radios I've Known and Loved, pg 3-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, Attaching Portable Paddles to QRP Rigs, pg 6-7.
MS: Mark NX1K, Dad's hidden treasures in the attic led this aspiring ham to a license and years of public service, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham History: The J-38," pg 20.
CN: West Florida - July 18th NAQCC Event report, pg 27.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Chapter report, pg 29.
MN: Gene N5GW Suggests recording and listening to your CW sending, Peter G3JFS points to a useful locator program, Paul N8XMS An editorial on participation numbers, John K3WWP points to his online diary for information about what he's been up to, pg 30-31.

#241 - July 5, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - First call for N#A Ops, Clarification, NAQCC attains 9500 members, Swap & Shop Manager needed, Articles needed, New Facebook page, pg 1-2.
SF: Ron W7HD, The uBitX Transceiver, pg 3-7.
MS: Jerry K4KBL, his ham radio career began with Boy Scouts plus a Mom and Dad ham team, later this ham helped relay messages from Iran when the American Embassy was taken over, and more, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham History," pg 22.
DN: Illowa - Meeting and FD report.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - FD report, pg 31-36.
MN: Ed K8SZN Reflects on testing simple wire antennas, Walt KB1M Thanks for the prize, John K3WWP Latest policy is to check his web diary.

#240 - June 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - A busy June with Sprints and Challenges, 14th Anniversary Celebration, Possible Sprint rule changes, and Articles needed, pg 1-2.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, But Does It Work?, pg 3.
SF: Steve W3UEC, Buddipole Tripod Adapter, pg 4-6.
MS: Vlado Z35M, With almost 35 years on the air and more than 430,000 QSOs this Macedonian operator has gone guerilla with QRP, pg 7-8.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 9-18.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham History," pg 19.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - K3WWP's diary entry, pg 28-30.
MN: Gene N5GW - T.R.A.S.H. addiction, John K3WWP highlights for May, Paul N8XMS on the Challenges.

#239 - May 5, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - Plans under way for 14th Anniversary Celebration, new NCS needed, your donations are appreciated, pg 1.
SF: Bob K9OSC, Line Noise - the Radio Amateurs Scourge, pg 2-4.
SF: Gene N5GW, Home Brew Air Wound Coils, pg 5-6.
MS: Peter AA2VG, a colleague moved him from CB to Ham Radio, pg 7-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-17.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Lingo: Rice Box," pg 18.
CN: Central Texas - West Texas SOTA activation, pg 20-23.
CN: Downeast Maine - QRP to the Field contest, pg 25-27.
CN: Florida - April Mill Lake Park op, upcoming Port Orange Riverwalk Park op, pg 28-32.
CN: Illowa - Club meeting, pg 33.
CN: West Viginia - Wind gusts scuttle op, 35-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Requin subpedition, pg 37-38.
MN: Dave KC2ICA followup, Andy N2CN appreciated the Slide Rule spoof, Glen N1XF thanks for the sprint, Gene N5GW and his sprint setup, Peter AK3X thanks for the prize, John K3WWP points us toward his web siste, pg 39-41.

#238 - April 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - Plans under way for 14th Anniversary Celebration, Linux version of AC2C Sprint Logger, Autologger DST fix, Thanks for the donations, pg 1.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Surprises In Surprise, pg 2-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, DIY Audio Filter, pg 6-8.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Throwing Curve Ball, pg. 9-11.
MS: Brian KQ4MM, An ARC-5 receiver started this ham's radio adventure, pg 12-13.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 14-23.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham History-Velveeta," pg 24.
CN: Central Texas - SOTA activation on 4/21/2018, pg 26.
CN: Florida - March Lake Ashby Park op, upcoming Mill Lake Park op, pg 29-32.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Chapter report, pg 36.
MN: John K3WWP DX streak continues, pg 37.

#237 - March 14, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - 14th Anniversary Celebration planning underway, AC2C Sprint Logger, new poll, drop Tom a line, news letter articles needed, pg 1-2.
SF: Peter AA2VG, The Bayou Jumper, pg 3-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, Solder-Less Breadboarding, pg 6-7.
MS: Marty NR3Z, Early interest in CB paved the way to Ham Radio, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-18.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham History," pg 19.
CN: Florida - February Gemini Springs Park operation, upcoming March Lake Ashby Park op, pg 24-29.
CN: Illowa - February meeting, pg 30.
CN: West Florida, HamFest, pg 31-32.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Itching to go portable, pg 34-37.
MN: Thanks from Al N4OW, Short note from John K3WWP, Paul N8XMS on Az trip, Juergen DL4KE and Cryptography, pg 38-41.

#236 - February 4, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - WI5H 2017 Participation winner, 14th Anniversary Celebration planning under way, Special survey question, Cross checking extended to Special Sprints, and more, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Where Have All the Sunspots Gone, pg 3.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Autologger Report, pg 4.
SF: Bob K3CKO, Sun Power, pg 5-6.
MS: Tom AB8RL, 50 Years a Ham, pg 7-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Fables," pg 20.
CN: Central Texas - Several building project highlights, pg 22-25.
CN: Florida - Hontoon Island State Park operation, pg 28-35.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Cold, snow, and 2018 schedule, pg 38-39.
MN: Charles W2SH on cross checking, thanks from Walt KC1DVT and Mike WI5H for awards, John K3WWP January activities, pg 40-42.

#235 - January 5, 2018

GCN: Key Clicks - A lot of items in this section. Please take a read, pg 1-2.
SF: Anyd N2CN, New Database Project, pg 3-5.
SF: Jerry K4KBL, New Sprint Logger, pg 6-9.
SF: Gene N5GW, Random Wire Tuner, pg 10-11.
SF: John K3WWP, Farewell Address, pg 12-17.
MS: Steve WB7OMM, An early Boy Scout outing adjacent to a Field Day event hooked this ham, pg 18-20.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, NOTE: Some GREAT pictures in this report, pg 21-33.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "Ham Fables," pg 34.
CN: Downeast Maine - Highlight of a major DX Contest using QRP, pg 38-39.
CN: Europe - Retirements and recruitments, pg 40.
CN: Florida - December Lake Dias operation, January Hontoon Island State Park operation, pg 41-45.
CN: Illowa - Chapter news, pg 46.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - 2018 chapter activities, pg 49.
MN: John K3WWP The final word from John, pg 50.

#234 - December 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - Thanks John K3WWP for 13 years, Anniversary Challenge Winners, Australian research needs your help, WPA Chapter exceeds during ARRL Field Day, pg 1-2.
SF: Herb WA0YFB, The S-FORTY-9ER, pg 3-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, DIY Choke Balun, pg 6-7.
MS: Mark NA4O, Early interest in electronics leads to the 50th Anniversay as a ham, pg 8-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-19.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon: "CW Hound," pg 20.
CN: European - New workers needed, pg 25.
CN: Florida - Nov. Lake Beresford Park operation report, upcoming Dec. Lake Dias Park operation, pg 26-31.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Nov. hamfest and subpedition, pg 35-37.
MN: Don W2JEK, Larry AH6AX, Marty N9SE, and Ed KJ4R - Thanks for the prizes, Australian Public Broadcast needs your help, John's K3WWP Nov. activities, pg 38-42.

#233 - November 5, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - New celebration record set, BETA testers needed, Check you Challenge submission, Thanks to MFJ and Vibroplex, pg 1-2.
SF: 2017 Anniversary Report, pg 3-7.
SF: Shootout at the W8SH Corral, pg 8-13.
SF: Gene N5GW, DIY Choke Balun, pg 14-15.
MS: Larry AH6AX, A fellow sailor helped this ham into the hobby, pg 16-18.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 19-27.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon "King Tut," pg 28.
CN: Delmarva - Arduino projects, Lighthouse/Lightship weekend, and Bones operated non-stop, pg 31-32.
CN: Florida - Oct Sunrise Park Operation, Nov Lake Beresford Park Operation, pg 35-38.
CN: Illowa - Chapter news, pg 39.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - N3A Operation and more, pg 42-43.
MN: Frank NF8M 100th sprint commemoration, Mark KA9FQG Thanks for certificate, Daryl K9QEW thanks for clock, Don VE3DQN Thanks for analyzer, John K3WWP News from the shack, Steve W4OEP thanks for MFJ prizes, Steve NN0SS thanks for Vibroplex key, Phil KB0ETU thanks for prize, pg 44-48.

#232 - October 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - 13th Anniversary celebration upon us, Digital calendar ready, Western PA chapter 3rd place in Skeeter Hunt, Beta testers needed, NAQCC club call now has SKCC number, pg 1-2.
SF: NAQCC 13th Anniversary, pg 3-4.
SF: Charles VE4AKI - Fascinating Straight Key, pg 5-6.
MS: Eddie KJ4R - A chance find of the "SWL Guide" and a members web site brought this ham fully to QRP and the NAQCC, pg 7-8.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 9-17.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon "Hand Microphone," pg 18.
CN: Downeast Maine - Member projects, pg 22-24.
CN: Florida - After an Irma slap the next Parkpedition is set for Oct. 20th, pg 26.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Sub ops, antennas, and more, pg 30-33.
MN: Don K3RLL Thanks, Jock N1JI on CW Sightings, Gene N5GW Repurposing a PC CD player enclosure, John K3WWP Activities in Sep, pg 34-37.

#231 - September 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - 13th Anniversary next month - ops needed, 2018 Sprint Challenge schedule online, please keep your membership info current, thanks for the donations, pg 1-2.
SF: Lyle AF7OS - Paddle for the Masses, pg 3-5.
SF: Richard K4KRW, Beach Trip, pg 6-8.
MS: Stan WB2LQF, hooked on the "magic of radio" at age eleven after building a crystal radio this ham goes on to homebrew and kit building, pg 9-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-20.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help For Beginners - some building notes, pg 21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon "Ham Heaven," pg 22.
CN: Florida - Next Parkpedition Sep. 15, pg 28.
CN: Illowa - Skeeter Hunt report, upcoming Oct. Peanut Power QRP Sprint, pg 29.
CN: West Florida - Anclote Park report, pg 30.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Skeeter Hunt report, pg 33-36.
MN: Joe AA4NN Thanks for the spinner knob, John K3WWP August activity, Joe W3TTT Park-portable station, Gene N5GW Common Mode Impedance review, Paul W4KLY Radio stands for sale, pg 37-40.

#230 - August 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - QRP gear pack awarded, N#A ops needed for Anniversary event in October, spotting website for NAQCC, Western PA chapter buzzes the FOBB, sprint processors need your help, and more, pg 1-2.
SF: Stan, WB2LQF - Camp Chair Station, pg 3-6.
SF: Jody, K3JZD - KX3 Support Stands, pg 7-9.
MS: Walt, KB1M - An issue of CQ magazine led this long time ham back into the arms of the hobby, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-20.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help For Beginners - Report of the summer, pg 21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon "Old Movie Poster," pg 22.
CN: Downeast Maine - SOTA Ops at Beech Mountain on Mount Desert Island, pg 26-27.
CN: Florida - Next Parkpedition Sept. 15, pg 29.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Parkpeditions report, Jackite pole mount, pg 33-40.
MN: Marty NR3Z Picture of finger pieces, Dave N3NFL Thanks for the QRP pack, Paul N8XMS Upgrade to the K2, Terry KE5YUM Operates 78th Sprint, John K3WWP Comments on his QST article, pg 41-44.

#229 - July 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - 9,000 members and growing, Honor Roll Database manager needed, K3WWP article in Aug QST, and lots more, pg 1-2.
SF: Gene, N5GW - Rake-Tine Key, pg 3-4.
SF: Jody, K3JZD - SOTABeams DSP Filter, pg 5-7.
MS: Mark, WB9HFK - An early interest in electronics and short wave radio led the way to amateur radio, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-19.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help For Beginners - Home Brewing: A DC receiver, pg 20-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - This month's cartoon "A Real Full Featured Transceiver," pg 22.
CN: Central Texas - Field Day report, pg 24-28.
CN: Delmarva - Field Day report, pg 29-30.
CN: Downeast Maine - Field Day report, pg 31.
CN: Florida - Next Parkpedition Sept. 15, pg 33.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Breezshooters Hamfest, USS Requin, and Field Day, pg 37-42.
MN: Thanks from Frank NF8M, "Still Life with Finger Pieces" from Al N4OW, John K3WWP on how the QST article came about, pg 43-44.

#228 - June 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - June is Busy, Field Day Challenge prize, Please review Challenge Rules, and more, pg 1.
SF: John, K3WWP - Band Characteristics, pg 2-4.
SF: Jim, KJ4R - An Easy Attenuator, pg 5-7.
MS: Don, VE3DQN - As a teen he loved ham radio. Now camping, canoeing, and QRP are a passion he combines, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-19.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help For Beginners - Home Brewing, Part 2, pg 20-21.
SF: Dick W9CBT - Check out this month's cartoon, pg 22.
CN: Central Texas - Field Day activity as N5A, pg 24.
CN: Delmarva - FDIM and HamVention, pg 25-26.
CN: Downeast Maine - May Project month and VHF QRP, pg 27-29.
CN: Florida - May Buschman Park outing, pg 31-33.
CN: Illowa - Chapter news, pg 34.
CN: West Virginia - Chapter news, pg 36-37.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Kittanning Community Park outing, pg 38-40.
MN: Mike WA8SAN Thanks!, Brad WF7T Thanks!, Andre VE2BZO, Thanks!, John K3WWP with more info on his Jackite antenna, Paul N8XMS The Radio Slide Rule, pg 41-44.

#227 - May 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - Field Day Challenge prize, Thanks to MFJ, MAC Sprint Logger spreadsheet, New Maine Chapter, and more, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg, WB8LZG - Finding Beauty Within, pg 3-11.
SF: Bill, K6MGO - Indoor Antennas, pg 12-14.
MS: Mike, WA8SAN - A QRP rig was a wakeup call and the NAQCC helped this ham, pg 15-16.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 17-27.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help For Beginners - Home Brewing, pg 28-29.
SF: Dick W9CBT - Gushing DX is this month's cartoon, pg 30.
CN: Downeast Maine - NAQCC newest chapter and an outing to Ellsworth Harbor Park, pg 34-35.
CN: Florida - April Colby-Alderman Park operation and May Buschman Park outing, pg 37-42.
CN: West Virginia - Forest Lodge operation, pg 45-46.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Chapter News, pg 47.
MN: Paul N8XMS Morsum Magnificat magazine, Thanks from Chris K0PF, Dejan SA3BOW missing photo from last month, Chris N3MLB QRP and solar conditions, Gene N5GW 630 meter transmitter, Paul N8XMS link to a really tiny QRP transmitter, John K3WWP Jackite antenna mount, pg 48-53.

#226 - Apr 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - Special Sprint and Prize Drawing for April, New Guestbook, Logging Mentors needed, Update your personal info, new 60m Farnsworth net, and more, pg 1-2.
SF: Tom, VE4AKI - Acoustically Speaking, pg 3-4.
SF: Gene, N5GW - 1 Pic = 1000 Words, pg 5-6.
SF: Paul, N8XMS - First Time Sprinter?, pg 7-8.
SF: Paul, N8XMS - Suspicious Activity, pg 9-10.
MS: Don, VE3IDS - Shortwave broadcast listening and QSL cards fueled this ham's interest in amateur radio, pg 11-12.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 13-22.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help For Beginners, pg 23.
SF: Dick W9CBT - Hams Gone Wild is the theme of this month's cartoon, pg 24.
CN: Europe - March Alphabet Challenge, April Challenge underway , pg 28.
CN: Florida - Lake Ashby Park March operation, April Colby-Alderman Park operation, pg 29-32.
CN: Illowa - Chapter news, pg 33.
CN: West Florida - March Anna Maria Island operation, pg 34-35.
CN: West Virginia - DX catch and club news, pg 36-37.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Chapter News, pg 38.
MN: Bob K8RJW pictures of prize, Jim K0FNR Ten-Tec Century 21 Transceiver, Chuck N8NK wonders about getting along, Paul N8XMS follows up on Chuck's comments, John K3WWP offers highlights from his log, Dijon SA3BOW provides two techniques on ladder line separators and antenna wax , pg 39-44.

#225 - Mar 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - Special Sprint and Prize Drawing for April, New Member Ambassador Award, Spotter page, pg 1-2.
CN: A new award - The New Member Ambassador Award, pg 3-4.
SF: Tom, VE4AKI - LNR FX4A Review , pg 5-6.
SF: Paul, N8XMS - One of Those Days, pg 7-10.
MS: Randy, KF5RZG - Enjoyed communications in the ARMY Signal Corps which fostered interest in Amateur Radio, pg 11-12.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 13-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT, In this month's cartoon Dick pokes fun at himself, pg 25.
CN: Central Texas - Chapter news and a tower installation, pg 27-29.
CN: Delmarva - Chapter news and an antenna installation, pg 30-31.
CN: Europe - Results of February Challenge, March Challenge underway, pg 32.
CN: Florida - February Operation in the Park, pg 33-38.
CN: Illowa - Chapter news, pg 39.
CN: West Florida - Reports from Brooksville Hamfest and Anciote Gulf Park, pg 40-41.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Chapter News and Activities Calendar, pg 43-44.
MN: Gene N5GW A technique to collect reciprocal QSO cards, Ron N9EE Some statistics about the FT817, Curt WA2JSG Info on the NF8Q Schedule page, Paul N8XMS Folloup on his February QRPp Challenge, Gene N5GW Keep those plastic jars for parts storage, K3WWP February QRPp Challenge, Ed PY4WAS April CQMM DX Contest information, pg 45-49.

#224 - Feb 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - New Nets Manager, articles needed, 2016 Participation Award winnter, Z35M wins the Outdoor QRP Marathon, we are growing, welcome new members, pg 1-2.
SF: Tom, VE4AKI - Fun With Funmitters, pg 3-5.
SF: Jock, N1JI - BarbeQRPcon, pg 6-8.
SF: Bernie, KQ3Z - Does Anyone Hear Me?, 9-10.
MS: Dave, KD9VT,- Helpful parts store friend and a mentoring cousin brought this ham into the hobby at an early age, 11-14.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 15-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon is a play on a beloved movie classic, pg 25.
CN: Florida - January Operation in the Park at Hontoon Island, pg 30-34.
CN: Illowa - January meeting and building project, pg 35.
CN: West Virginia - Kanawha Trail Club Lodge operation, club breakfast, pg 37-38.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Chapter Activities Calendar, pg 39.
MN: Richard AG6QR - Comments on Iambic, Don K0KUZ - "CQ Boogie," Joe K5BRY - Central Texas Spots link, John K3WWP - asked to submit a QST article and more, Vlado Z35M - details on his Outdoor QRP Marathon Award, Paul N8XMS - pep talk on QRP and finishes the challenge, Charles W2SH - reflections on an SK, pg 40-43.

#223 - Jan 4, 2017

GCN: Key Clicks - Prize eligibility, Sprints dates intact, KD2MX reaches 100 level, update your callsign, pg 1-2.
SF: Gene N5GW, Double Tuned Filter, pg 3-4.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Iambic Mode A or B, pg 5-7.
MS: Jon AB3RU, An early interest in broadcast listening followed by his XYL presenting a shortwave radio for Christmas led this ham to the hobby, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-20.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ passes along note about "The Road To CW," pg 21.
SF: Dick W9CBT, This month's cartoon is "The Run for the Bacon," pg 22.
CN: Europe - January Challenge, January 24th Activity Day, pg 26.
CN: Florida - December Operation in the Park report, pg 27-30.
CN: Illowa - Meeting report, pg 31.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Two WPA Chapter events include toy trains and Santa, pg 34-35.
MN: Mike KG4MTN Perspective on challenges and GenLog, John K3WWP Busy month and a link to his web site, pg 36-37.

#222 - Dec 4, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - 4 clean sweeps, send in your sprint log, call for articles, Best Wishes cartoon, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, The Fist (Part 2), pg 3-6.
SF: Dijan SA3BOW, Lunchbox Radio, pg 7-14.
MS: Merlin Williams KD0V, Portable operation drives this ham's adventures, pg 15-16.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 17-24.
SF: Dick W9CBT Carron: "Brass Pounders" takes on a whole new meaning, pg 25.
CN: Central Texas - Upcoming December NPOTA as El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail, pg 27.
CN: Florida - November Field Event at Colby Park report, pg 30-31.
CN: Illowa - Meeting report, pg 32.
CN: Western Virginia - Operating from Kanawha State Forest and the 4H Club lodge, pg 34-36.
CN: Western Pennsylviania - Chapter gatherings, pg 37-39.
MN: Pictures and thanks for the Anniversary Sprint Drawings: Jock N1JI, Wener N8BB, Chris KU4A; Upcoming Ultra-lite DXpedition from Lloyd AA4W, Joe W3TTT with a way to practice zero-beating, John N8ZYA reminds us of the Official Santa Clause station, pg 40-43.

#221 - Nov 4, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - Farewell to K4UK (SK), 12th Anniversary Event in the books, Update your data file - Please!, New net manager, Volunteers help us thrive, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG - A Tale of Ham Horror Part 1, pg 3-5.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, The Frugal 40, pg 6-7.
SF: Paul N8XMS - Anniversary Wrap-Up, pg 8-10.
MS: Robby WB5RVZ - A neighbor's shack starts the spark, pg 11-12.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 13-23.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, "Gears Up" for this month's cartoon, pg 24.
CN: Florida - Lake Ashby Parkpedition, pg 29-31.
CN: Illowa - Meeting report, pg 32.
CN: West Virginia - Personal notes, pg 34.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Kittanning Community Parkpedition, pg 35-37.
MN: Pictures and Prizes from the Anniversary Event, Gene N5GW on Zero Beat, Dean NW2K writes about a QSO party, John K3WW on N3A ops and FISTS awards, Paul N8XMS and his hopes for winter ops, pg 38-43.

#220 - Oct 4, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - 12th Anniversary Event underway Oct. 10, N3AQC on LOTW, Newsletter articles needed, and lots more, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS - NAQCC 12th Anniversary, pg 3-4.
SF: Tom WY3H and John K3WWP - The Founding Fathers Anniversary Greetings, pg 5-6.
SF: Dejan SA3BOW - Field Strength Meters, pg 7-9.
SF: Eddit KJ4R - Vacation Portable, pg 10-12.
MS: Chris KQ2RP - Apollo Moon landings plant the seed for radio communications, pg 13-15.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 16-25.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon, pg 26.
CN: Florida - September Spruce Creek Op In the Park, pg 31-32.
CN: Illowa: - Meeting report, pg 33.
CN: West Florida - Upcoming Eagle Lake Park outing Oct 15, pg 34.
CN: Western Pennsylvania, pg 36-37.
MN: Herb WA0YFB Back on the air from the ship, Paul N8XMS An interesting book, Jerry NF5U Picture of a poker chip rest, Gary K1YAN A stair guage for flowing down a bug, John K3WWP Report for September, Gene N5GW Suggest names for homebrew proejcts, pg 38-41.

#219 - Sep 4, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - 12th Anniversary Event next month, 2017 Club Schedule, Website update, and lots more, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS - An Amazing web based App is waiting for you, pg 3-7.
SF: Bob K9OSC - Elecraft watt meter, pg 8-10.
SF: T.O.M. - Rotten Logging, pg 11-12.
MS: Jody K3JZD - Early scouting merit badge leads to ham radio, pg 13-15.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, and Awards, pg 16-21.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Time to check your antennas before winter, pg 22.
GCN: Nets, pg 23-26.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham In A Can, pg 27.
CN: Delmarva - Cookout and antenna building, pg 30.
CN: Europe - August Activity Day great success, August challenge results, September challenge underway, pg 31.
CN: Florida - Upcoming Spruce Creek "Adventure" Sept. 9th, pg 32.
CN: Illowa: - Meeting report, possible Island outings, Skeeter Hunt results, pg 33.
CN: West Florida - Cypress Point Park outing Sept. 17th, pg 34.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Followup on lightning strike with startling photo, NAQCC presentation, pg 35-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - N3AQC club call activated for Skeeter Hunt, pg 37-40.
MN: Bob K9OSC with a thank-you, humorous exchange with K4WLW, John K3WWP and popsicle keys, battery jumper, and more, Paul AA4XX suggesting thoughtful comments to the FCC, Ron N9EE shares a link for band conditions, pg 41-44.

#218 - Aug 4, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - An amazing 22 year streak by K3WWP, new QSL manager, card donation and much much more, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS - A followup to last month's Sprint ABCs with Sprint DEFs in a fictional conversation, pg 3-5.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG - SDR Dongle Upconverter, pg 6-9.
SF: John K3WWP - Summer Popsicle Treat, pg 10-17.
MS: Dave KG5HCF - A retired sheriff deputy finds enjoyment with QRP and CW, pg 18.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 19-27.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: "Homebrew" has whole new meaning, pg 28.
CN: Central Texas - Devine Lake Park and vintage QRP rig, pg 30-33.
CN: Florida - Too hot to op, pg 36.
CN: Illowa: - Meeting report, pg 37.
CN: West Florida - Lattuce Lake Park, pg 38-39.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Respect for weather and a near strike, pg 40-41.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Community Park and other activities, pg 42-45.
MN: Carlos CO8CML - On the air, Paul N8XMS - Major housecleaning leads to almost completing the alphabet challenge, Joe N3HEE - Thanks for the Chandler materials, N5GW - Uses a wheelbarrow for EmComm transport, John K3WWP - DX activities and more, pg 46-49.

#217 - Jul 5, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - Ops needed for N#A event, new local chapter founded, MAC spreadsheet tool for challenges, QSL manager needed, pg 1-2.
SF: John K3WWP, NAQCC Sprint ABCs, pg 3-5.
SF: Bob K9OSC, Field Strength Meter, pg 6-8.
SF: Paul N8XMS, A MAC based Challenge Tool, pg 9-11.
MS: Fred NF1U - A US NAVY Radioman jumps in to handle daily traffic that led to keying the beast, pg 12-13.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 14-24.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ, A look back into history at the Candler Morse Code System plus a drawing, pg 25.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Where Did the Rig Go?, pg 26.
CN: DelMarVa - First report from this newly founded chapter, pg 29-30.
CN: Europe - August Activity Day Aug. 18, June and July Challenges, pg 31.
CN: Florida - Buschman Park adventure and upcoming activities, pg 32-35.
CN: Illowa: - Chapter meeting report, pg 36-37.
CN: West Florida - Field Day report, pg 38-41.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Call for CW Op from other ARCs for FD, pg 42-44.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Breezshooters Hamfest, aboard the Requin and FD, pg 45-51.
MN: John K3WWP activities including a great cartoon, pg 52-53.

#216 - Jun 5, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - First call for N#A ops for Oct anniversay plus top prize announcement, check out monthly polls, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Home Brew Challenge with a BIG PLUS, pg 3-6.
SF: Gene N5GW, Tuna Tin Takeoff, pg 7-9.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, QRP Power Meter, pg 10-11.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, FDIM Report, pg 12-14.
MS: Chuck KA8HDE - Acquired his Novice ticket in high school and with the support and encouragement of family, got on the air 30 years later and soon found primary interest in CW and electronics, pg 15-16.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 17-26.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: An effective night "Beam". . ., pg 27.
CN: Central Texas - Memorial Day Weekend QRP in the Park Adventures, pg 29-32.
CN: Illowa: - May Chapter meeting and Backyark Weekend BBQ RF Bash, pg 35-36.
CN: West Florida - May Lattuce Lake Park event, pg 37.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Report from Dayton, pg 38-40.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Local ham activities and the Breezeshooters Hamfest, pg 41-42.
MN: David N0WKZ contacts the Mother Ship with ingenuity and 5 watts, Ron N9EE provides a link to the spec sheet for the new KX2, Glenn K3SWZ has an astounding collection of FT-243 crystals, Joe K8MP makes his own lyrics to a chart topper from 1986, John K3WWP and many activities in May, Mario K2ZD scores 100 QRP NPOTA contacts, pg 43-47.

#215 - May 5, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - Newsletter Archive, can you QRS?, Sprints good for CW skills, pg 1-2.
SF: Bob K9OSC Build a Trail Friendly Paddle, pg 3-5.
SF: Tom VE4AKI, A Tale of Two Antennas, pg 6-7.
MS: Art WB8ENE - A music collaboration lit the fire for this ham, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-19.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Winners of the tapes to help increase CW speed, pg 20.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: A Rotary "Beam". . ., pg 21.
CN: Central Texas - April ARRL NPOTA Big Thicket National Preserve and mosquitos, pg 23-26
CN: Florida - April Sunrise Park North Parkpedition, pg 27-28.
CN: Illowa: - Chapter news, pg 29.
CN: West Florida - April Anclote Park Event, pg 30-31.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Triplets!, QRS net revision, outing to Hurricane Wave Pool Park, pg 32-34.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Subpedition to the USS Requin, pg 35-39.
MN: Ed KJ4R loses "Boxing" match, Paul N8XMS pulls out everything for the May home-brew challenge, Tom VE4AKI offers tips on operating QRP, Glenn K3SWZ and a 20m PSK-31 rig from the Transverter Store, Steve K7EW lights up a stovepipe in central Oregon, John K3WWP reports on three activities from his shack, Dejan SA3BOW takes a "shot" at a dummy load, pg 40-45.

#214 - Apr 5, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - FDIM, Increase Code speed, You Donation Helps, pg 1.
SF: Bernie KQ3Z Restoring a J37, pg 2-3.
SF: Paul N8XMS, Who Invented Radio?, pg 4-5.
SF: Gene N5GW, A Multiband Dipole, pg 6-8.
MS: Tom Hardy VE4AKI - Brother introduces Ham Radio, QRP interests, and building antennas, pg 9-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-21.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Tapes to help increase your CW speed, pg 22.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Adjustable Arm, pg 23.
CN: European - March and April Challenges, pg. 26.
CN: Florida - March Operation at Hontoon State Park includes Sandhill Crane family, pg 27-30.
CN: Illowa: - Chapter news and possible operating locations, pg 31.
CN: West Florida - Lettuce Lake Park March Event, pg 32-33.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - New banner and Charleston HamFest, pg 34-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Quiet month, pg 37.
MN: John K3WWP reports on his activities, John K8AG and a lament for an antenna, Rick W2JAZ South Jersey Radio Association Centennial, Age PA0XAW Thanks for the Prize, Gary KW4MG and his prize photo, Gene N5GW Antenna Launcher, Howard K4LXY homebrew paddles, Rich AA9L In Memory of C. F. Rockey W9SCH, Jock N1JI Henniker NH hamfest, John N8ZYA Sprinting and competing with yourself, pg 38-47.

#213 - Mar 9, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - Promotional video available, 12th Anniversary celebration, call for articles, pg 1-2.
SF: Tom VE4AKI writes about making keyer paddles, pg 3-4.
SF: Gene N5GW shows us a use for Liquid Electrical Tape, pg 5-6.
MS: Bob Olsen WD4OHD - A Knight Kit Star Roamer sparked an interest in radio electronics and then ham radio, pg 7-8.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, plus an editorial, pg 9-20.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Cartoonist pokes fun at himself, pg 21.
CN: Florida - February Parkpedition with lots of ops, rigs, and antennas, pg 25-31.
CN: Illowa: - Chapter news, pg 32.
CN: West Florida - Florida Ham Fest and March plans, pg 33.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Special Event at the Museum of Radio and Technology, pg 34-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Lots of get togethers in February, pg 37-39.
MN: Gene N5GW and his logging cat, Joe K8MP repens a Bobby Darin tune, Dejan SA3BOW and a mic modification, Bob K9OSC and 100mw, Paul N8XMS operates on the road, pg 40-44.

#212 - Feb 5, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - N1JI wins Participation Award, changes occur behind the scene for NAQCC, K3WWP wins 4th Qtr Award, and lots more, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG - Refurbs a Vibroplex, pg 3-5.
SF: Gene N5GW - Ground Plane "Ugly" Construction, pg 6-9.
SF: Paul N8XMS - Editorial "Be A CW Elmer," pg 10.
MS: Will Jaacks NQ2W - CB and a trip to the library opened this hams eyes, pg 11-13.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, plus an editorial, pg 14-25.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ - Help for Beginners "Zero Beat, pg 26.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Ham Lingo and "Mic Fright," pg 27.
CN: Central Texas - West Texas Field Trip, pg 29-38.
CN: Florida - January Parkpedition rained out but wait. . . plus February plans, pg 40-41.
CN: Illowa: - February plans, pg 42.
CN: West Florida - January QRP Event, pg 43-45.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Snow Report and a trip to Central America, pg 46-49.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - January report, pg 50-51.
MN: Bill W2EDN - Finger piece retrofit, Chuck N8NK - YouTube link about QRP, Howard K4LXY - Loop antenna project and a web link, Ron N9EE - CW over the internet, Richard K4KRW - The Magic Box, Gregg WB8LZG - Early morning at Michigan State, David N4IVE - A computer program to help with word challenges, John K3WWP - January activities were a "noisy" endeavor, Paul N8XMS - A vintage key for every January QSO, Jerry VE6CPP - link to an article explaining history of the telegraph key, pg 52-58.

#211 - Jan 5, 2016

GCN: Key Clicks - Midnight offering, new chapter in Tampa Bay area, 2015 Silver Log winner, pg 1-2.
SF: John K3WWP - Mounting finger pieces, pg 3-6.
SF: Gene N5GW - Nifty hotel antenna, pg 7-9.
MS: Age de Jong PA0XAW - Early shortwave listening leads to an electronics career and a naval assignment where ham radio becomes a hobby, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, plus an editorial, pg 12-24.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: Play on Words, pg 25.
CN: Central Texas - Plans for 2016 outings including Winter Field Day, pg 27.
CN: Europe - December Activity Day has record number of participants, December early Challenge results, 2016 Challenge Theme, January's Challenge, pg 28-29.
CN: Florida - January Parkpedition, pg 30.
CN: West Florida - New chapter activity in December and plans for Janaury, pg 33-34.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - It's a puppies life plus December Picnic Table outing, pg 35-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Christmas activities, pg 37.
MN: Doug VE3DVC - Poker chip key disk, Bruce K3BDQ - Vibroplex Vibrokeyer cleanup, Gene N5GW - build a dummy load, John K3WWP - December activities including experiments with an 80m loop, pg 38-40.

#210 - Dec 5, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Highlights of K3WWP's 21 yrs of one QSO per day, monthly polls, participation goals, pg 1.
SF: John K3WWP, Power Pole distribution project, pg 2-6.
SF: Dejan SA3BOW, Rainbow Ladderline project, pg 7-10.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, DX-Pedition to NC Part 2, pg 11-13.
MS: Jenny SM5MEK, A cousin with his license and an early interest in radio and telegraphy has led this ham to ongoing QRP activities, pg 14-16.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, plus an editorial, pg 17-27.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, This month's cartoon: A Crystal Clear Set, pg. 29.
CN: Central Texas - Plans for 2016 SOTA activations, ARRL National Parks OTA, and Winter Field Day Weekend, pg 31.
CN: Europe - Voting for the 2016 Challenge Theme, December Acitivity Day, 2015 Participation Prize, and the Current Challenge, pg 32-33.
CN: Florida - November 2015 Field Event, pg 34-35.
CN: Illowa Chapter - November activities and crossover SKCC members, pg 36.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Activities, pg 37.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - Cedar Lakes outing, high school radio club, pg 38.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Washington PA hamfest, a QRP presentation to the Skyview ARC, and more, pg 39-44.
MN: Rick AA4W Buddies of the Caribbean, Craig K0CSL passes along an email of appreciation, Gene N5GW Crystal control examples, John K3WWP The 1000 day challenge - more on Power Poles and some stats, pg 45-48.

#209 - Nov 5, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - NAQCC reaches 8000, Club member interviewed, Did you submit your sprint log, N#A QSL request dealine approaching, news about Jerry W5JH, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg WB8LZG, DX-Pedition to ND, pg 3-4.
SF: Rick W2JAZ, What's In Your Basement, pg 5-7.
SF: Paul N8XMS, 11th Anniversary Report, pg 6-11.
MS: Jock N1JI, A swing shift and a radio fostered this hams interest, pg 12-13.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, plus an editorial, pg 14-26.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ, A practical way to choose a new rig, pg 27.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, Is it Sweep Stakes season?, take a look at the cartoon, pg. 28.
CN: Central Texas - Lots of rain, pg 30.
CN: Florida - October Operation In the Park, pg 31-38.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Activities, pg 40.
CN: West Virginia Chapter - High school radio club, pg 41-42.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Columbus Day Parkpedition, pg 43-46.
MN: Mark WG8Y and the Killer-Watt, Joe W3TTT on the Archie comic book, Gene N5GW - uses for obsolete TV set shielded boxes, John AC8JW - Sprint prize picture, , pg 47-49.

#208 - Oct 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Anniversay Celebration starts Oct 12, NAQCC team takes top honors, check out Challenge rules, Video production project, pg 1-2.
SF: Chuck N8NK, "Design Spreadsheets" with downloads, pg 3-4.
SF: Gene N5GW, Balance-Line Tuner, pg 5-6.
SF: John K3WWP, Sprint Log Issues, pg 7-8.
MS: Pete MW0RSS, Early interest in SWL, support from his parents, and the bug bit, pg 9-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-23.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ, Time for fall antenna checks, pg 24.
SF: Dick W9CBT, Timely cartoon for the ghoul in all of us, pg 25.
CN: Europe - Looking for 2016 Challenge ideas, challenge update, and August Activity Day, pg 28-29.
CN: Florida - Jumping in with lots of September activity plus an upcoming schedule of October Parkpeditions, pg 30-32.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Member activities, pg 34.
CN: West Virginia - QRS nets and breakfast meetings, discussion of CW training software, pg 35-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - lots of activity including projects, a BCARA meet, and an Archie comic, upcoming Oct events, pg 37-42.
MN: Steve W3UEC - fixes up an MFJ mag loop, Paul N8XMS - QRPp challenges, Gregg WB8LZG - First Spartan Radio Tailgate Party, Scott N0HOT - An app for CW with a twist, Jim K9JWV - A source for kitted 1w single band xcvrs, John K3WWP - Ham shack activities including a key box and an award, Gene N5GW - A key from various parts including a motorcycle, Dejan SA3BOW - Homebrews a DVM, Mark K8LD - QRP Go Box, pg 43-50.

#207 - Sep 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Volunteers needed for Anniversary Ops, Articles wanted for newsletter, NAQCC is official with Club Log, QRPp - what is it? and much more, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul, N8XMS, presents his own home brewed Logger for OS X, pg 3-4.
SF: John, K8AG, taming the Alligator (clip that is) for a reliable test tool, pg 5-7.
SF: Paul, N8XMS, writes about our club's upcoming Anniversary and how You can help, pg 8-9.
MS: Frank, K1IX, an early interest in Broadcast Band listening turned into a ham radio ticket and a career in electronics, pg 10-11.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 12-24.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, another priceless (and hilarious) ham radio cartoon, pg 25.
CN: Central Texas - QRP In the Park report plus a home brew 40m dipole, pg 27-29.
CN: Europe - September continues with Alphabet challenge and the Tour de France, current results of August challenges, August Activity Day results certificates coming, pg 30.
CN: Florida - Upcoming September monthly Field Event, pg 31.
CN: Illowa - Monthly meeting report, pg 32.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Chapter activities, pg 33.
CN: West Virginia - Cooler weather a hope but still lots of activity, pg 34-35.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Day in the park report, pictures of 3 well bezeled KX3s, Skyview Radio Society Swap and Shop, pg 36-39.
MN: Michael, KJ6DRG, CW Buddy System - John, K3WWP, a very busy month with lots of activities - Gene, N5GW, shows a great use for old circuit board edge connectors, pg 40-42.

#206 - Aug 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Beta testers needed for Apple OS X sprint software, founding president recovering, Club Log, and much more, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg, WB8LZG - Homebrew Key Covers pg 3-5.
SF: Frank, KB3AAG - Sprint Operating, pg 6.
MS: Peter, WH6LE - Military service and ham radio go together, SOTA and CW are part of this ham's hobby, pg 7-8.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 9-20.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ - CW Round Tables and the Zero Beat, pg 21.
SF: Dick, W9CBT - The "Ham Band" cartoon, pg 22.
CN: Central Texas - QRP In the Park report, pg 24-27.
CN: Europe - Upcoming August Activity Day, Current European Challenge, July Challenge, pg 28.
CN: Illowa - Mississippi Palisades Park July Excursion, pg 30-33.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - pg 34.
CN: West Virginia - Bike rides and the public piano, using EchoLink to publicize NAQCC, upcoming Huntington Hamfest, pg 35-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Flight of the Bumblebees report, pg 37-39.
MN: Chuck, N8NK - Simple antenna, pg 40.
MN: Danny, N5DRG - Link to YouTube video with drones and hams, pg 41.
MN: Greg, WB8LZG - Spread out for those sprints, pg 41.
MN: Gene, N5GW - Splicing stranded ladder line, pg 42-43.
MN: John, K3WWP - Lots of news from this busy ham shack, pg 44-47.

#205 - Jul 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Swap and Shop underway, October Anniversary Event needs volunteers, European Chapter announces great prize, pg 1-2.
SF: Gregg, WB8LZG - Build a multi key box, pg 3-4.
SF: Ed, K8SZN - Side by side test of a random wire and NorCal Doublet, pg 5.
SF: John, K3WWP - The "Magic" Band, pg 6-7.
MS: Mike, WI5H - Started out with SWL and now enjoys equipment and antenna building, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-21.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ - Cleaning and aligning the straight key, pg 22.
SF: Dick, W9CBT - Another "Hot" cartoon, pg 23.
CN: Central Texas - Field Day report, pg 25-28.
CN: Europe - Upcoming August Activity Day, beautiful Participation prize, current and June Challenge, pg 29-30.
CN: Illowa - New contact person, antenna topics, and plans for next outing, pg 31.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Soggy Field Day, pg 32-34.
CN: West Virginia - Weather and Field Day, pg 35-36.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Field with a tornado nearby, pg 37-41.
MN: Bruce, K3BDQ - QRPp QSO, pg 42.
MN: John, K3WWP - Two challenges completed, pg 42-43.
MN: Barry, KS4RT - Web link to a Carolina Windom construction article, pg 43.
MN: Ron, N9EE - QRP outing, pg 43-44.
MN: Gene, N5GW - Two gadgets for the shack, pg 44-45.
MN: Gregg, WB8LZG - FB QSO during Field Day, pg 46.

#204 - Jun 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Enhanced sprint result searches, Ops needed for Oct Anniversary Event, Swap and shop service, pg 1-2.
SF: John, K8AG - Paper Clip Paddles, pg 3-8.
MS: Mark, WG8Y - Cousin flames interest in radio, pg 9-10.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 11-24.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ - Shedding some light on Zero Beat, pg 25-26.
CN: Central Texas - Sprint places, membership grows, prepping for Field Day, pg 29-31.
CN: Florida - May Operation In the Park, pg 33-35.
CN: Illowa - May field event, pg 36-37.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Spring thunderstorms, prepping for Field Day, pg 38.
CN: West Virginia - Report from Dayton, pg 39-41.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Prepping for Field Day, NAQCC table at Butler Breezeshooters hamfest, pg 42-43.
MN: Merlin, KD0V - picture of prize paddle pieces, pg 44.
MN: Rick, W2JAZ - NAQCC May Challenge sparks a building project, pg 45-46.
MN: Paul, N8XMS - W1AW WAS Award, pg 47.
MN: John, K3WWP - DX streak continues, challenges, CQ WPX contest, pg 47-48.

#203 - May 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Ops needed for Oct Anniversary event, Sprint Districts clarified, 2015 Membership drive, and thanks for your donations, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul, W0RW, High Speed Morse, pg 3-4.
SF: Keith, KF4TAP, third installment of "Scratch Station," pg 5-7.
MS: Don, AA9WP, SWL and a Hallicrafters S-120 launched this member, pg 8-9.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-22.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ, discusses various aspects of Morse Code, pg 23.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, pens a musical ham cartoon, pg 24.
CN: Central Texas - report on April's Texas State Parks On The Air Contest, QRP In the Park, pictographs and petroglyphs, pg 26-29.
CN: Florida - April Operation In the Park, pg 31-33.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - April QRP outing in the rain, pg 35-37.
CN: West Virginia - VHF CW, links to school projects for kids, mixed results on 80m net, and crystal radios, pg 38-40.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Activities and Field Day plans, May shaping up for Parkpeditions, pg pg 41-42.
MN: Chuck, N8NK, thanks the NAQCC, pg 43.
MN: Jim, K0FNR, responds to April Fools joke, pg 43.
MN: Andy, N2CN, link to video on copying high speed CW, pg 43.
MN: David, N0WKZ, an adventure: CW, pg 44.
MN: Danny, N5DRG, a link to a shoot out, pg 44.
MN: Doug, WA5WD, a new member writes, pg 45.
MN: Paul, N8XMS, picture about the poker chip, pg 45.
MN: Danny, N5DRG, link to voacap, pg 45.
MN: John, K3WWP, DX streak continues, 52 years a ham, and a link to his web diary, pg 45-47.
MN: Chuck N8NK, 1000 mpw and move to Michigan, pg 47.

#202 - April 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Ops needed for Oct Anniversary event, no more mailed in logs, NAQCC VP N8ZYA named Amateur Radio Operator of the Year, NAQCC President interviewed on webcast, newsletter honored by Smithsonian, KF4TAP series will continue, pg 1-2.
SF: Stan, WB2LQF, gives a history of the "Forgotten Key," pg 3-10.
MN: John, K3WWP, lists the accomplishments of SK Steve NU7T, pg 11.
MS: Gary, KF7WNS, CW, QRP, and home built rigs, pg 13.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 15-25.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ, ponders the meaning of weight, pg 26.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, look at this cartoon carefully, pg. 27.
CN: Europe - March challenge results, April challenge open, and a prize worth going after, pg 30.
CN: Florida - Operation In the Park, pg 31.
CN: Illowa - hope for a late April outing, weather permitting, pg 33.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - Report from Florida, April shaping up for a mountain outing, pg 34.
CN: Virginia Chapter - Amateur Radio Operator of the Year awarded and meet the chapter members, pg 35.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - contemplating a parkpedition and weekend activities, pg 38.
MN: Jim, K0FNR, a poker chip picture, pg 40.
MN: John, N8ZYA, pictures of Ham of the Year, pg 41.
MN: Chuck, N8NK, on plastic and the look of the future, pg 42.
MN: John, K3WWP, challenge reports, pg 44.

#201 - Mar 13, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - Scotty, NU0S, new Nets Manager plus new net listings, Ops needed for Oct Anniversary event, Prize eligibility, and 2015 Membership drive, pg 1-2.
SF: Keith, KF4TAP, continues his series on building a "Scratch Station," pg 3-6.
MS: Harold, VE5BCS, radio interest sparked by SWL, pg 7.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, Nets, and an introduction by our new net manager, Scotty, pg 8-18.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, with another wonderful ham cartoon, pg 19.
CN: Central Texas - April is the Texas State Parks On the Air Contest, pg 21.
CN: Florida - Feb "Operation In the Park," pg 23.
CN: West Viginia - Results from Huntington Museum operation and ARRL International DX CW Contest, pg 28.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Quite a few activities, pg 30.
MN: Paul, N8XMS, spots an interesting sign at Disney World and ops in Az, pg 32.
MN: Richard, K4KRW, success in the 160m Jan sprint, uses the prize to outfit a BY-1 with new paddles, pg 33.
MN: Jock, N1JI, QRP ops in the car and thanks to the NAQCC, pg 34.
MN: John, K2WWP, continues his streak with QRP DX, the ARRL DX contest, Feb was cold, and more, pg 34.
MN: Rich, WD0K, writes about a past gathering with a Merchant Marine, pg 35.
MN: John, K8AG, how to help an ailing K2, pg 36.
MN: Peter, NN9K, responds to earlier newsletter comments about remote operations, pg 37.
MN: Rick, KL7CW, operating 160m from Alaska, pg 37.
MN: Gregg, WB8LZG, refurbishing a Vibrokeyer, pg 39.

#200 - Feb 4, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - 200th issue of NAQCC News, Ops needed for Oct Anniversary, Prize eligibility, and 2015 Membership drive, pg 1-2.
SF: Keith, KF4TAP, A multi part series on building a "Scratch Station," pg 3.
MS: David, W4DUK, QRP by necessity and the result was plenty of contacts, pg 7.
GCN: Sprints, Challenges, Awards, and Nets a big part of NAQCC, pg 9-19.
SF: Dick, W9CBT, pens another wonderful ham cartoon, pg 20.
CN: Central Texas - Good weather and nice temperatures foster QRP outings, pg 22.
CN: Europe - February Challenge, January Challenge results, pg 24.
CN: Shenandoah Valley - 80m activity night proves popular, several members construct winter time projects, pg 27.
CN: West Virginia - Plans coming together for Huntington Museum operation, chapter presentation appreciated, pg 28.
CN: Western Pennsylvania - Model railroad spotlighted and frustration with a kit, pg 30.
MN: John, K3WWP, DX streak continues, pg 32.
MN: Chuck, N8NK, on remote operating and the internet, pg 33.
MN: Joe, W4ONC, patience garners Australia, pg 33.
MN: Paul, N8XMS, on the road with hopes of portable operation, pg 34.

#199 - Jan 5, 2015

GCN: Key Clicks - 11th Anniversary Celebration in Oct. ops needed, sprint changes made, prize eligibility, and Awards, pg 1-2.
SF: Paul, N8XMS, A background on the "Mystery Key," pg 3.
GCN: Sprint Scoring Changes, pg 6.
MS: Scott, W1ZU, A father/son hobby plus SOTA: the perfect combination, pg 8.
GCN: Sprints, challenges, Awards, and Nets, pg 10-18.
EP: Brion, VE3FUL, Help for Beginners - web site for Morse code, pg 19.
CN: EU - Submit your entries for Europe 2014 Challenge, announcing the 2015 Challenge, Alphabet challenges, pg 23.
CN: SV - 80m daily gathering, antenna builds for spring, pg 26.
CN: WV - Breakfast meeting and member captures NAQCC DXCC Award, pg 27.
CN: WPA - Chasing DX and making contacts, pg 30.
MN: Jerry, VE6CPP, web link to early days of radio article, pg 31.
MN: Paul, N8XMS, five watts to Australia, pg 31.
MN: Dean, NW2K, proposes a voluntary minimalist challenge for sprints, pg 31.
MN: John, K3WWP, KX3/PX3 best combo, enjoyable challenges, ham and canine friends, pg 32.

#198 - Dec 5, 2014

GCN: Happy Holidays! Membership drive starts in Jan., two new NAQCC chapters, monthly polls, and thanks for the donations, pg 1.
GCN: Prize drawing report, pg 2.
SF: Gregg, WB8LZG, continues his article on key restoration, pg 4.
MS: Bill, K6MGO, from aerospace to ham radio, pg 7.
GCN: Sprint reports, challenges, awards, and net news, pg 9-15.
EP: David, N0WKZ, has Help for Beginners, pg 16.
CN: NAQCC-CT First report from the newly formed Central Texas chapter, pg 20.
CN: NAQCC-EU Activity Day, Europe 2014 Challenge report, monthly Challenge, pg 23.
CN: NAQCC-FL "Operation In the Park," pg 24.
CN: NAQCC-IWA First report from the newly formed Illowa Chapter, membership growing, pg 27.
CN: NAQCC-WV Field, regular breakfast, Veterans Day, and a chance encounter with another ham club, 29.
CN: NAQCC-WPA Prize drawing, Veterans Day, and a Skeeter Hunt award for the NAQCC, pg 34.
MN: Arnold, KP0TPZ, a wonderful poem, pg 36.
MN: John, K3WWP, a good month with various activities, pg 36.
MN: Paul, N8XMS, completes the W1AW CW QRP WAS, pg 37.
MN: Jerry, VE6CPP, alphabet challenges spreadsheet being polished, you can help, pg 38.

#197 - Nov 5, 2014

GCN: A new NAQCC President and Vice President, pg 1.
MN: Tom, WY3H, reflects on the past and future for NAQCC, pg 3.
SF: Gregg, WB8LZG, restores a 1964 Vibroplex paddle, pg 4.
MS: John, N8ZYA, work the world with with five watts and a wire, pg 7.
SF: John, K3WWP, a special WZ8C memorial report, pg 9.
GCN: The NAQCC 10th Anniversary Report, pg 10.
MS: Danny, KF7TDF, talks about how his interest in radio was sparked, pg 12.
GCN: Sprint information starts on pg 14, NAQCC Challenges on pg 16, Awards on pg 17, and Net schedules on pg 18.
CN: NAQCC-FL Operation In the Park report - great location and great weather, pg 24.
CN: NAQCC-SV Net operations, a member "down under," and a report on an LNR type antenna, pg 26.
CN: NAQCC-WV One year anniversary, camping and QRP, pg 27.
CN: NAQCC-WP Two parkpeditions, pg 33.
MN: David, N0WKZ, reflects on restricted locations and one way to solve the dilemna, pg 37.
MN: Paul, N8XMS, stalking the W1AW WAS, pg 38.
MN: Chuck, N8NK, how he became an NAQCC member, pg 38.
MN: John, K3WWP, PX3 Panadapter and reflections on retirement from the NAQCC VP, pg 39.
MN: Bob, WB3T and Jack, K3CHR fire up two new kits on the air, pg 40.
MN: Richard, K4KRW, kudoes for the NAQCC, pg 41.

#196 - Oct 4, 2014

GCN: VP John, K3WWP, steps down, reminisces over the last 10 years, and says goodbye.
SF: Bob, WB3T, writes a delightful Halloween review of the Sawdust 40.
MS: Michel, VE2TH, 50 years a ham and the thrill of the contact is still there.
CN: NAQCC-EU Matt, MW0MIE, European August Challenge yields record participation, September may eclipse.
CN: NAQCC-FL The Florida Chapter's "Split-site" format shows flexibility.
CN: NAQCC-SV The Shenandoah Chapter has grown to seven members, first CW event held in September.
CN: NAQCC-WV West Virginia Chapter with Stars, Radios, Camping, and first time QSOs.
CN: NAQCC-WP Although the article claims it was a quiet September in West Pennsylvania, lots of activity took place.
MN: Provocative notes from K4EOR on adding a CW page to QST.
MN: Ron, N9EE, FT817 QRP Go Box build.
MN: John, KQ1P, a plastic radio bucket and week on an island.

#195 - Sep 8, 2014

SF: Bob Woish, WB3T, builds and reviews the MFJ Cub.
MS: Chris Gay, KU4A, #1960
CN: NAQCC-EU Matt, MW0MIE, wrap-up of August Activity Day, status of EU2014 plus August and July Challenges.
CN: NAQCC-FL Summary of August Field Event.
CN: NAQCC-SV Review of the Shenandoah Valley Chapter Inaugural operating event.
CN: NAQCC-WPA Skeeter Hunt Report, USS Requin Subpedition, and Skyview ARC outing.
CN: NAQCC-WV Huntington Hamfest summary.
CN: Nisha, VU2NIS, Reports on the 10th Asia Pacific Regional Air/Internet Jamboree.
CN: Gregg, WB8LZG, MSU Amateur Radio Club gets a "Grrreat Visitor."
MN: John, K3WWP and Paul, N8XMS capture Maine during the W1AW activation.

#194 - Aug 8, 2014

SF: John, K3WWP, continues his series on QRP DXing in part two of his earlier feature article.
MS: Alan Mowry KI6CFT #6875
CN: NAQCC-EU Matt MW0MIE shares details of the chapter's August Activity Day, the Europe 2014 Challenge and their Monthly Challenges.
CN: NAQCC-FL held their July field event at Airport Park in Port Orange FL with WB4MNK, WB4OMM, KG4LAL and AB8GU.
CN: NAQCC-WPA John, K3WWP discusses getting together with Mike KC2EGL and the impact of Tom WY3H moving to Northern Georgia.
CN: NAQCC-WVA John N8ZYA shares chapter membership activities and changes byK9ESE, N8NH and KC8URI.
EP: Brion, VE3FUJ discusses the impact of character spacing in CW operating.
MN: John, K3WWP shares his success earning the first NAQCC European Chapter 2014 Challenge Certificate.

#193 - Jul 8, 2014

SF: John, K3WWP,provides helpful information on QRP DXing and suggestions for success.
MS: Berkie Kapus, KQ3Z #3702
CN: Matt MW0MIE shares details of their European Activity Days that support QRP/CW operation in Europe and provide opportunity for contacts between members on the air.
CN: NAQCC-FL held their May field event on Hontoon Island, near DeLand FL with WB4OMM, KG4LAL and K3RLL. An unorthodox antenna feed method is duscussed along with how effective it can be.
CN: NAQCC-FL held their June field event at Buschman Park in Port Orange FL with WB4MNK, AB8GU and WB4OMM and share a group photo of the event.
CN: NAQCC-WPA K3WWP discusses some of the activities with KC2EGL and WY3H including their successful Front Porch Portable Field Day Event. Antenna and setup photos are included.
CN: NAQCC-WVA John N8ZYA discusses the first portable event by Jeff N8NH from Glenwood Park near Princeton WV. Along with a photo from that activity is a group photo of the Chapter breakfast in Charleston.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ discusses the use of punctuation marks on CW.
MN: Hoss N2GDS #5823 reports on using his homebrew gear int he field and includes illustrative photos.
MN: Mike N2COD #5554 shares a photo of K3WWP and Tom KA2KGP taken at the Butler PA Hamfest in June.
MN: Dejan SA3BOW #6935 shares, with text and photos, his non-electrogadget "ad on" that improves the audio on a Yaesu FT-817.

#192 - Jun 8, 2014

SF: John, K3WWP discusses the process by which he and KC2EGL completed "Mission Impossible" by using member contributions to obtain and present a KX3 to outgoing club President Tom WY3H. Photos of the presentation day are included.
SF: Paul, N8XMS shares "Mission Impossible 2" in how he successfully orchestrated club member participation to present John K3WWP with a ARRL 100 year anniversary Vibroplex paddle.
MS: Brion VE3FUJ #3011
CN: NAQCC-WPA K3WWP discusses the activities shared with KC2EGL this month including operating from the Butler Hamfest as N3AQC. Various photos of the event are included with John's review.
CN: NAQCC-WVA John N8ZYA reviews the Dayton Hamfest this year with Eric AC8LJ and provides photos of the event.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ discusses use of codes other than Q-Codes in ham radio and provides some guidance.
MN: Age, PA0XAW #7073 shares some of his homebrew rigs, inside and out.
MN: STEVE K2DEP #6205 shares his homebrew rig, a modified version of the old AMECO AC1.

#191 - May 17, 2014

SF: K3WWP discusses some of the many terms and intricacies of propagation.
MS: Don Younger, W2JEK #1135
CN: NAQCC-FL held their April field event at Colby Park in the "spirit enhanced" village of Cassadaga FL. WB4MNK again made the most contacts. KI4TI worked some great DX and WB4OMM, KG4LAL and K3RLL also participated. A group photo of the crew showing off their NAQCC-FL shirts and hats is included with this review.
CN: NAQCC-WPA KC2EGL discusses activities shared with K3WWP from John's website diary and plans for the June Butler Hamfest club presence.
CN: NAQCC-WVA Chapter activities as well as K9ESE's high altitude balloon Science project were discussed along with the ISS.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ discusses Q-Codes and their proper and effective use.
MN: Jenny, SM5MEK #6959 shares her portable setup along with a YouTube Video
MN: Pete, MW0RSS #5835 shares information and photos of his homebrew magnetic loop antenna.
MN: John N8ZYA #2279 discusses his DXCC achievement and the equipment and indoor antennas used for much operating.

#190 - Apr 5, 2014

SF: Paul N8XMS shares a version of an article originally published on eHam in 2003 about the finer points of (ham radio) logging.
MS: Dick Mayrand, K1IEE #3966
CN: NAQCC-FL held their March field event at Blak Park in Lake Helen, FL with WB4MNK, WB4OMM, K3RLL & KG4LAL. A photo to commemorate the event is included with their review as well as an image of the commemorative QSL card sent to those contacted.
CN: NAQCC-WVA John N8ZYA shows photos of a special QRP forum he presented at the Charleston Hamfest and the NAQCC banner displayed. Assisting were AC8LJ, KC4URI, K9ESE and NX8Z.
CN: NAQCC-WPA K3WWP discusses activities with Mike KC2EGL and WY3H's excellent showing in the monthly sprint.
EP: Brion VE3FJU discusses dealing with some of those difficult operators with whom we share the bands.

#189 - Mar 15, 2014

SF: K3WWP pays tribute to Nancy Kott, Wz8C (SK) who led FISTS
MS: Gene Warren, N5GW #5353
CN: NAQCC-FL held their February Field Event at Buschman Park in Port Orange FL and share photos of the event.
CN: NAQCC-WPA K3WWP discusses getting together over the last month with KC2EGL and plans made.
CN: NAQCC-WVA share photos and discuss their trip to the Huntington Museum of Radio and Technology where the N3AQC club call sign was used for this Special Event.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ discusses some other methods of improving one's CW speed and accuracy.
MN: Paul, N8XMS #0675 shows us some photos and discusses his trip to and portable operating from the Phoenix AZ area.
MN: Gregg, WB8LZG #1444 illustrates how to build a CAT Interface for the shack using Manhattan Style construction.

#188 - Feb 8, 2014

MS: Chas Powell, NK8O #5873
CN: NAQCC-WPA - K3WWP and KC2EGL model new WPA Chapter Hats in a new color for NAQCC and show us their Skeeter Hunt Certificate.
CN: NAQCC-WVA - Various trips and adventures including one to the QTH of W8PBO and N8GLB to see the full Elecraft K Line were discussed.
EP: Brion VE3FUJ discusses the road to CW Success.

#187 - Jan 11, 2014

MS: Glenn Simons, N3COB #5770
CN: NAQCC-FL - Review of December Field Event at Hontoon Island, FL With WB4MNK, KG4LAL, K3RLL and special guest from Copeland Island Ireland, GI0SSA. Photos are shown of the event.
CN: NAQCC-WPA - K3WWP and KG2EGL discuss enchancements to KX3, contest participation, projects constructed, operating from USS Requin and Field Day effort.
EP: VE3FUJ discusses the merits of milliwatting and what it takes.
MN: Paul, N8XMS showed us the historic straight key he used for SKN

#186 - Dec 7, 2013

SF: Paul N8XMS takes us into the realm of "Cartoon Code" and gives CW ops something to listen for in the media.
MS: Jeff Brone, WB2JNA, #6487
CN: NAQCC-WPA - KC2EGL discusses interfacing SDR software with the Elecraft KX3 to provide a panadapter display.
CN: NAQCC-WPA welcomes a new member Tom WB3FAE
CN: NAQCC-WV held a field event from a high point near Charleston, WV

#185 - Nov 16, 2013

SF: N#A Ninth Anniversary Wrapup by Paul N8XMS with soapbox comments and statistics.
SF: Pictures and results from the Ninth Anniversary NAQCC Sprint Prize Drawing hosted by K3WWP and KC2EGL
MS: Bob Hadjdak, N8QE, #1928
CN: NAQCC-EU running Activity Days with prizes to be awarded.
CN: NAQCC-FL held their October field event along the Intracoastal Waterway in Port Orange FL with WB4OMM, WB4MNK and K3RLL
CN: NAQCC-WPA held their most successful Parkpedition yet with KC2EGL and K3WWP in Kittanning Community Park
CN: NAQCC-WV welcomes lots of new members and held their first outing at Cedar Lakes Conference Center
MN: Rick, AA4W announces the upcoming December DXpedition to St. Lucia along with 7 others including three NAQCC members.
MN: Gene, N5GW, #5353 - shows us the sharp iambic paddle he created using rake tines as well as other paddles he has created.
MN: John, K3WWP provides a tutorial on creating special edition, limited quantity QSL cards similar to those provided from field events by some of our club chapters.
MN: Harry, KM3D illustrates his mobile station for those members interested in contacting various chapter field events but still dealing with the constraints of full-time employment.

#184 - Oct 5, 2013

SF: Paul, N8XMS continues with Part Three of our look back into time through the 1916 edition of The Northwest Telegraph & Telephone Review
MS: John Lemery Jr., N2DVD, #6291
CN: NAQCC-FL held their September field event in Holly Hill, FL with KG4LAL, WB4MNK and WB4OMM
CN: NAQCC-WPA visited and operated from the USS Requin moored in Pittsburgh PA
CN: NAQCC-WV is founded by N8ZYA and AC8LJ
MN: John K3WWP discusses a Zero-Beat Circuit and the value of the practice in addition to quoting some recent favorable receiver specifications on the KX3

#183 - Sep 14, 2013

SF: Paul, N8XMS continues our look back into time through the 1916 edition of The Northwest Telegraph & Telephone Review
MS: Don Drzewoszewski, Jr., KB3SLA, #4544
CN: NAQCC-WPA held another successful Parkpedition in Kittanning with K3WWP and K3RLL
MN: Greg WB8LZG #1444 reviews his building of the Four State QRP O-Meter complete with custom wooden case

#182 - Aug 10, 2013

SF: Paul N8XMS looks back into history through the 1916 edition of The Northwest Telegraph & Telephone Review
MS: Klaus Graef, DK1AX, #5213
CN: NAQCC-EU discussion of prizes for participation points
CN: NAQCC-FL held field event in Lake Helen FL with WB4MNK, WB4OMM and KG4LAL
CN: NAQCC-WPA held another Parkpedition in Kittanning PA with KC2EGL and K3WWP
MN: Dean NW2K #5407 discusses the 2013 CW Open Contest on August 31
MN: John K3WWP becomes the first NAQCC member to master the 2013 European Chapter Challenge involving working a specific list of 29 European countries in the year 2013

#181 - Jul 13, 2013

SF: First NAQCC Newsletter by Paul N8XMS, our new club editor
MS: Ron Park, AK4JL, #6628
CN: NAQCC-WPA does Field Day at QTH of WY3H assisted by K3WWP, KC2EGL & K3RLL
CN: NAQCC-FL portable op in Daytona Beach with KG4LAL, WB4MNK, WB4OMM, KJ4CIA & W1SGC.
MN: K3WWP reviews Field Day and acquisition of Hammarlund HQ-110 vintage tube receiver.
MN: WB8LZG reviews Dayton Hamvention and FDIM

#180 - Jun 8, 2013 --- PDF

SF: Tom WY3H and John K3WWP stepping down from primary club leadership roles
SF: Paul N8XMS accepting the baton.
CN: NAQCC-WPA represented at Butler Hamfest by WY3H, W3IRS and KC3AHO, KC2EGL, and K3WWP.
MS: Don Matthesen K0HP #5251

#179 - May 4, 2013 --- PDF

CN: Florida Chapter lumbers into Spruce Creek Park for April Field Event - - WB4OMM
CN: WPA Chapter builds the new Tuna Tin II transmitter and QRP Straight Keys - KC2EGL

#178 - Apr 6, 2013 --- PDF

CN: Florida Chapter again occupies Hontoon Island for March field event - WB4OMM
EP: Effective and proper techniques for working DX with QRP - K3WWP
MN: Modifying Heath HM-102 HF Wattmeter for QRP - VE7NI

#177 - Mar 16, 2013 --- PDF

GCN: NAQCC 100th Sprint Raffle Winners announced and pictured - WY3H
CN: European Chapter - European Sprint schedule announced - MW3YMY
CN: Florida Chapter works the world from remote Lake Ashby Park - WB4MNK
MN: Hand made red oak straight key - W4MPS
MN: A "Way Out West" Ham Holiday with photos - WB8LZG
MN: QRP Challenge winners announced - KB4QQJ

#176 - Feb 9, 2013 --- PDF

MN: Interfacing HDSDR with the KX3 - K3WWP
MN: Making effective use of less than perfect antennas - W5YDM
MN: Building a 1929 transmitter in the old Breadboard style - NF1O
CN: Florida Chapter signals bounce off Lake Diaz to members everywhere - WB4MNK
CN: WPA Chapter - Implementing SDR operating with KX3 - KC2EGL & K3WWP

#175 - Jan 12, 2013 --- PDF

GCN: QRP article about NAQCC in upcoming March issue of CQ Magazine - WY3H & K3WWP
GCN: GenLog with Windows 8 - K9OSC
CN: WPA Chapter - Using both a paddle and straight key on KX3 - K3WWP

#174 - Dec 8, 2012

CN: Florida Chapter welcomes additional members and announces next event - WB4MNK
CN: WPA Chapter boards and operates from USS Requin - K3WWP
MN: New Mantiz FX-2 dual band transceiver review - WY3H

#173 - Nov 10, 2012

CN: Florida Chapter liberates inland Hontoon Island - WB4MNK
CN: K3X - the sequel - Building another one - K3WWP
MN: KX3 desk mount for optimum operating angle - K3WWP
MN: Pneumatic Line Thrower for raising wire antennas - NW2K

#172 - Oct 6, 2012

CN: Florida Chapter of NAQCC formed - WB4MNK
MN: The KX3 Project - building a new KX3 - KG2EGL
MN: Automatic multi-key/paddle input box for K2 - K3WWP
MN: Return to and old friend - Argonaut 509 - WB8LZG

#171 - Sep 15, 2012

CN: WPA Chapter August and September outings, Skyview Hamfest gathering
MN: Build your own paddle in an Altoids box for $0.00 - K3WWP

#170 - Aug 11, 2012

CN - Mid Summer WPA Parkpeditions (K3WWP)
EP - Prosigns or Procedural Signals Explained (KA5TJS)
MN - Build Your Own Paddle For Free (K3WWP)
MN - Curiosity & Morse Code on Mars (N4OLN)

#169 - Jul 14, 2012

CN - Early Summer WPA Parkpeditions (K3WWP)
MN - Reverse Beacon Network (K6MGD)

#168 - Jun 9, 2012

CN - Butler, PA Hamfest Review (K3WWP)
MN - 20 Years of Operating (N8ZYA)
MN - Building a Zero Beating Aid (KK4EQP)

#167 - May 26, 2012

#166 - May 12, 2012

MN - Operating from Middle America (K9OSC)

#165 - Apr 28, 2012

GCN - 6,000 Members now in NAQCC (K3WWP)
EP - Calling CQ (K3WWP)
MN - Art & Skill of Radiotelegraphy download (G0EML)
MN - History of Keys, Bugs & Paddles (G0EML)

#164 - Apr 7, 2012

EP - The Importance of Zero-beating (K3WWP)

#163 - Mar 31, 2012

#162 - Mar 17, 2012

EP - UTC to Local Time Conversion (K3WWP)
MN - Source for batteries (K3WWP)
MN - QRP In the USA 1961-81 by Ade Weis download (G0EML)

#161 - Feb 25, 2012

EP - Using A Code Reader to Improve Sending (K3WWP)

#160 - Feb 11, 2012

#159 - Jan 28, 2012

EP - Morse Runner review (K3WWP)
MN - Mast database (NU7T)

#158 - Jan 14, 2012

SF - NAQCC vs. Spartan Sprints (K3WWP)

#157 - Dec 31, 2011

#156 - Dec 10, 2011

MN - The Longest Morse Code Messages & Telegrams (N4OLN)

#155 - Nov 26, 2011

EP - An Introduction to Morse Runner CW Contest Simulator (NW2K)
MN - A Review of Zero Beating (NI8N)
MN - The Perfect Condo/Townhouse Antenna with video (WB2LQF)

#154 - Nov 12, 2011

GCN - Club History Update (K3WWP)

#153 - Oct 29, 2011

GCN - Results of 2011 NAQCC Seventh Anniversary Operation (K3WWP)
CN - WPA Chapter Portable Op for Anniversary Week from Kittanning Community Park (K3WWP)

#152 - Oct 8, 2011

EP - QRPp and an RF Attenuator (K1YAN)

#151 - Sep 30, 2011

#150 - Sep 17, 2011

CN - Homebrew antenna tuner (K9OSC)
MN - Five Element Bruce Array for 20 Meters (WB8LZG)

#149 - Aug 27, 2011

GCN - Formation of WPA Chapter of NAQCC
CN - WPA Chapter Portable Op from Kittanning Community Park
CN - Minnesota Chapter engages Flight of the Bumblebees (and mosquitoes)
MN - Japanese Letter Opener Key (KB8FE)
MN - AA0ZZ EZKeyer (K3RLL)

#148 - Aug 6, 2011

MN - Converting a globe for 1000 mile per watt awards (K3WWP)

#147 - Jul 30, 2011

#146 - Jul 16, 2011

MN - Converting a Bencher double paddle into a single paddle (KB8FE)
MN - Using UTC for logging (K6XT)

#145 - Jun 25, 2011

#144 - Jun 11, 2011

#143 - May 28, 2011

#142 - May 14, 2011

MN - All Homebrew Station (N9KR)
MN - 1/4 Wave Vertical from SO-239 (N5UZ)

#141 - Apr 30, 2011

MN - Homebrew SMT hold-down tool (WB8LZG)

#140 - Apr 9, 2011

CN - Multi-band HB vertical (K9OSC)

#139 - Mar 26, 2011

MN - Missouri Windom OCF Antenna (K2HT)

#138 - Mar 12, 2011

#137 - Feb 26, 2011

#136 - Feb 5, 2011

#135 - Jan 29, 2011

MN - Station KPH, site of 'Night of Nights' (WB0BC)

#134 - Jan 15, 2011

MN - Using big rigs for QRPp with a RF Attenuator (K3WWP)

#133 - Dec 25, 2010

#132 - Dec 11, 2010

MN - Limited Space Vertical Antenna (AA4W)

#131 - Nov 27, 2010

#130 - Nov 13, 2010

#129 - Oct 30, 2010

SF - Portable multi-band dipole (K3WWP)

#128 - Oct 9, 2010

#127 - Sep 25, 2010

#126 - Sep 11, 2010

MN - Modifying the KX-1 case for 12 volt internal supply (N0EVH)

#125 - Aug 28, 2010

MN - Honoring K3WWP at Skyview Hamfest (K3WWP)

#123_124 - Aug 7, 2010

#122 - Jul 17, 2010

#121 - Jun 26, 2010

#119_120 - Jun 5, 2010

#118 - May 15, 2010

#117 - Apr 24, 2010

#116 - Apr 10, 2010

#115 - Mar 27, 2010

#114 - Mar 13, 2010

MN - Building an external speaker for KX-1 (K3WWP & KC2EGL)

#113 - Feb 27, 2010

MN - Emergency power alternative to generators (N6NZE)

#111_112 - Feb 6, 2010

#110 - Jan 16, 2010

MN - Homebrew Code Practice Oscillator project (KE8LF)

#109 - Dec 26, 2009

#107_108 - Dec 5, 2009

MN - 450 mW Rockmite Station (N8XMS)

#106 - Nov 14, 2009

#105 - Oct 31, 2009

#104 - Oct 10, 2009

#103 - Sep 26, 2009

#102 - Sep 12, 2009

#101 - Aug 29, 2009

GCN - USS Requin operation by NAQCC (K3WWP & WY3H)
MN - Interrupted Delta Limited Space Antenna (ZL5ML)

#100 - Aug 8, 2009

#099 - Jul 25, 2009

#098 - Jul 11, 2009

MN - 20 Meter QRP Wire Antenna Project (WE8C)
MN - Modifying a Globe for EZ QSO Distance Measurement (K3WWP)

#097 - Jun 27, 2009

GCN - Stats regarding volunteers for anniversary operations. Please volunteer. N#A call signs. Hidden call signs in newsletter. Butler hamfest experiences. Please send articles for newsletter. Will announce recruiter award winner soon. Member donations of prizes. Rules for republishing newsletter content. Thank you from Steve KT5H. Thirteen Colonies event. KMPW 100 award.
EP - QRS net going well. Elmers are available for those who want help.
MN - Mike, KC2EGL - Setting up for Field Day with help from K3WWP.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Thanks to WB8LZG for paddle pieces and knob insert. And thanks to NAQCC for awarding them for various challenges and sprints.
MN - John, N8ZYA - Update on 100 year old Bunnell Steel Lever Key with Picture

#095_096 - Jun 6, 2009

GCN - Good comments about club. World QRP Day operations. Hidden call sign in newsletter. Anniversary volunteers. Recruitment award ends soon. Breezeshooters Hamfest. Featured award of the month is "QSO-A-Day" award.
EP - QRS Net experiences. Please join us.
MN - John, K3WWP - Operating in Hoot Owl Sprint with Tom WY3H.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - May challenge experiences. Turning down the power on the ICOM 735 via the ALC jack.
MN - Woody, WD9F - Portable CW operation from Marquette Bay.

#094 - May 16, 2009

GCN - Hidden call sign in newsletter. N0A through N9A call signs to be used during anniversary week. Still need operators. Recruitment award update. Autologger and Membership form have new home thanks to Paul, N4LCD. Members to attend Breezeshooters hamfest. Joan, SWL-25 - Progress on member link checking. Alphabet Prefix Award is Featured Award of the Month.
EP - Please volunteer.
MN - Tim, KD8GZ - First non-Western Hemisphere QRP contact. What I enjoy in newsletter.
MN - John, KQ1P - Thanks NAQCC.
MN - Jay, W6HHT - e-book "Recollections of a Radio Receiver - the W6TC(SK) HBR Adventure (1976-2009)" will be available soon.
MN - Mitch, NA7US - Hooked on QRP.
MN - John, KM6NN - QRP at the Train Station.

#093 - Apr 25, 2009

GCN - Need new home for autologger and membership application form. Starting in issue #094 will hide member's call in newsletter and offer prize for noticing. Members attending Two Rivers Hamfest.
EP - Report from first QRS net on 80 meters. Switching to 40 meters.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Send QSL cards to non-members you work in sprints.
MN - Joseph, KF6VVQ - Thanks for Elmer project. Experiences with QRP as a newbie.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Operating KX1 from Murphy, NC.
MN - John, KQ1P - Thank you NAQCC for operating fun.
MN - John, K3WWP - 30m experiences with the days getting longer.

#092 - Apr 11, 2009

GCN - Help found for emailing newsletters. NAQCC writeup in "Monitoring Times." Email from WB0T about saltwater operating. Checking members web sites page links. FISTS area coe award. 5th Anniversary participation.
EP - First slow speed net. Members may use QRO power during learning activities (nets and CW practice sessions).
MN - Geoff, W1OH - Planned International Marconi Day operations from Coast Guard Station, Eastham, MA. 2nd station operating from Marconi station site.
MN - John, K3WWP - 1970s visit to Marconi station site. Changed K3WWP web site URL.

#091 - Mar 28, 2009

GCN - Manpower issues putting us behind schedule. Need volunteers. FISTS area code award. 5th anniversary plans. Recruitment award update. John, K3WWP (N3A/3) and Geoff W1OH (N3A/1) Pennsylvania QSO party certificates.
EP - Slow net update.
MN - John, K3WWP - UN Headquarters contact. VA QSO Party. Sprint.
MN - Jay, W6HHT - Ted Crosby HBR receivers designs from the 1957 to 1969.
MN - Don, WA3ZBJ - "Saltwater Amplifier." Operating from a Florida park's small island.
MN - John, KM6NN - QRP in the Park with D+ High Performance Field Day Antenna.
MN - Don, VE3HUR - Site for list of QSO parties. ARRL Year of the State QSO Party.
MN - Paul, KD2MX - Duane, WA0MJD. Project to promote Morse code communication in Ronald McDonald houses and Children's hospitals nationwide.

#090 - Mar 14, 2009

GCN - Need newsletter emailing help. FISTS Area code award. Need newsletter items. 5th anniversary planning. KX-1 Project complete. Donated prize item from Bill, W0EJ. Thanks for pictures. KX-1 Final installment.
EP - Slow net.
MN - John, K3WWP - Playing with Mike's KX-1.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Operating with an indoor antenna. If it can't possibly work, give it a try anyway!

#089 - Feb 28, 2009

GCN - NAQCC DXNA award. Fists area code award. 5th Anniversary volunteers needed. Recruitment award update. 3500 members and counting. KX-1 project update.
EP - Karl, N3IJR - Status update. Safe places to operate at slower speeds. CW operating tips online.
MN - John, K3WWP - ARRL DX Contest. KH6MB and KH6LC on 80m. QRP WORKS.
MN - Steve, NU7T - Comparing two inverted L antennas with different numbers of radials.
MN - Dick, N2UGB - Comments about operating in the solar minimum.
MN - Bob, KG4UGA - Sunspot website.
MN - Geoff, W1OH - WAS 1000 miles per Watt?
MN - Bill, KB3XS - QRP and random wire station update.
MN - Varadarajan, VU3ITI - Yercaud Ham get-together near Salemcity in South India pictures. Hamfest India.

#088 - Feb 7, 2009

GCN - Fists area code award. Restructuring of award fees. 5th anniversary plans. 240 new members thanks to Paul, KD2MX and Dave, VA3RJ. Members, send your pictures in for member list. Purposes of challenges, sprints and awards. KX-1 update.
EP - No update. Please volunteer.
MN - John, K3WWP - February presidents challenge. HF conditions.
MN - George, KH6OZ - Award for Illinois QSO Party operating as N3A/7.

#087 - Jan 31, 2009

GCN - Plaque for first NAQCC member to earn FISTS area code award. NAQCC members on ARRL A-1 Operators list. 5th anniversary plans. Tracking recruiters using reference info from applications. Malcolm Goosey NAQCC #0413 SK. KX-1 project progress update.
EP - Elmer project volunteers. Steve, NU7T, Paul N0NBD, Tom WY3H, Fred KC8FS, Bob KG4UQA. Web sites for learning CW.
MN - John, K3WWP - Computer woes. January challenge. FISTS area code award progress.
MN - Hank, K8DD - Going to Orlando Hamcation Hamfest. Then Nicaragua where will operate QRP.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Sending left handed. May try a bug soon.
MN - John, N8ZYA - Radio blog. Wonderful Brunell key received as a gift from a SK estate.

#086 - Jan 17, 2009

GCN - Fists again supporting participation award. Fists 100 area codes award. NAQCC awards program restructuring. 5th anniversary plans. KX-1 project plans. Best recruiter award.
EP - Program ready to start in earnest. Ron K4DUZ, Karl N3IJR and Fred KC8FS to run program. Karl N3IJR's introductory article.
MN - John, K3WWP - 2009 goal to learn to send CW left-handed. Fists area code award.
MN - Rick, AA4W - Going to Honduras to support International Health Service.
MN - Chris, KU4A - Mt. Sterling KY "QRP Road Show" presentation.
MN - Gene, KB3ONA - 1000+ mile per watt contacts. 1/2 Watt contact. Kit building and homebrewing.
MN - Nisha, VU2NIS - Lakshadeep DXPedition Reminiscenses.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - SKCC secures K3Y for CW special event.

#085 - Dec 27, 2008

GCN - Emtech donates 'Ladder Grabber' for award. John, K3WWP donates an antenna book for award. Now have 103 member photos in gallery. Ron, K5DUZ - Link to article about state of ionosphere.
MN - John, K3WWP - Despite band conditions, streak continues.

#084 - Dec 6, 2008

GCN - Passed 3000 member mark. Club giveaways summary.
SF - KX1 Project - Part II - Inventory, Tools and building environment. Built 2 dummy load kits. Built ATU. Toroid winding.
MN - John, K3WWP - CQWW DX Contest operation with Mike, KC2EGL.
MN - Mark, K8LD - Quick and easy knife switch.
MN - Roger, W6SQQ - QSO with Chris, WB5FKC. Chris running 50mw.
MN - Tom, AA8XX - QSO with Pete, VE2PID

#082_083 - Nov 15, 2008

GCN - N3A operations summary. SKCC members, send in your N3A contacts to SKCC. Chuck, K4PBY - Alphabet prefix award.
MN - John, K3WWP - Have 3 homebrew keys ready for the sprint.
MN - Maurizio, IZ1GJK - Will operate Naval Contest and INORC Contest from Italian frigate CARABINIERE.
MN - Joe, W4ONC - First QRP DX QSO.
MN - Francis, KF7ET - Personal ham radio history.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - N3A stations took 2nd and 3rd place in QRP category for SKCC Weekend sprint.

#081 - Nov 1, 2008

GCN - Ron, K5DUZ - Elmer Project status report.
MN - Roy, KC0RJ - Kadmat Island (India) activation.
MN - Geoff, W1OH - N3A/1 operation from new home.
MN - John, K3WWP - N3A/3 operation experiences.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Operating KX1 from a state park.

#080 - Oct 11, 2008

OT - Ending due to startup of Elmer project.
GCN - N3A Operation status. N3A in FISTS Sprint. KX-1 project about to start. New features, events and awards.
MN - John, K3WWP - N3A Operation.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Dublin, OH park operation.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - SKCC offers bonus for N3A stations in October Weekend Sprintathon.

#079 - Sep 27, 2008

OT - Genlog.
GCN - Recruitment. New certificates for N3A operation. RockMite to be given as prize for January challenge. Consider contributing to the NAQCC treasury.
MN - John, K3WWP - Looking forward to N3A operation. Also PA QSO Party.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - K3UK FISTS Sked page.

#078 - Sep 13, 2008

OT - Programs for learning CW.
GCN - N3A ops can participate in FISTS fall sprint. October Sprint. FISTS Get Your Feet Wet event. Ethan, W3IRS in charge of Members' Web Sites page. Fred, KC8FS printing and mailing certificates. KC2EGL and K3WWP will construct an Elecraft KX-1, 4-band version for serial publishing in newsletter.
MN - Mike, KC2EGL - My history in ham radio.
MN - John, W3IK - WAS with 500mw within a year. Bands are open. Don't just listen.
MN - Paul, N2XMS - Operating while traveling.
MN - Bill, AE3J - Activating Old Reedy Island Light.
MN - Bruce, WY7N - ATS-3B construction experience.
MN - John, N8ZYA - QRP operating experiences. Pipeline to northeast.

#077 - Aug 30, 2008

OT - How to make QRP CW Contacts.
GCN - Recruitment news. Gregg WB8LZG now making custom knobs for K1 and K2. New award. N3A Ops. Don, N9GOD new newsletter emailer. FISTS may share in October anniversary celebration. Modifying NAQCC email stationery. Guestbook underused. Send in your member news.
MN - Ron, K5DUZ - Link to BBC CW video.
MN - Hal, WB4AEG - QRP Spots.
MN - Ted, K4UFT - Operating QRP (1 Watt) during a power outage.
MN - Ron, VE7NS - Photos of operating at Norfolk Island DXpedition in June 2006.

#076 - Aug 9, 2008

OT - Best way to operate our sprints.
GCN - Recruitment update. Need help for emailing newsletter notifications. Need more pictures for gallery. N3A update.
MN - Jesse, AB0SR - Experimenting with operation duration limits at QRO levels on battery.
MN - Bill, K6MGO - New England SCAF Filter
MN - John, K3WWP - Up to 12 states on 6 meters.

#075 - Jul 26, 2008

OT - 'R' means everything. '73' not '73s'. 'QTH'. 'K' and 'KN'.
GCN - Small surge in recruitment. New fun award involving words in callsigns. Anonymous donations. Joe Valasek, K3MRT - Charter member now SK. N3A Ops.
MN - John, K3WWP - Cushy attic dipole and other attic antennas.

#074 - Jul 12, 2008

OT - #2 What frequency for first CW QSO? How to zero beat a signal.
GCN - Recruiting members. FISTS Summer sprint. K3WWP, WY3H, KB3QGW to be at North Hills ARC Hamfest. Spring rag chew award participation. Special event call signups. NAQCC Email stationery.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Black Widow paddles with WB8LZG finger pieces won in March challenge.
MN - Bud, W8LSV - CQ World Wide 160 Meter DX Contest winner QRP CW for Michigan.
MN - Paul, KD2MX - CQ World Wide 160 Meter DX Contest winner QRP CW for New Jersey.
MN - Kark, K3IJR - Jay Leno show clip of CW vs Texting.
MN - Steve, NU7T - NAQCC Awards.
MN - John, K3WWP - Enjoying 6 meters.
MN - John, K3WWP - Mike KC2EGL homebrew key junction box (with pictures).

#073 - Jun 28, 2008

GCN - Operating tips #1. Calling CQ. All members are NAQCC recruiters. New fun award. Fists summer sprint. 4th anniversary coming up. Steve, NU7T, Don, W2JEK and Mike KC2EGL donations for awards. Tom, WY3H first place in PA QSO party first timer category. John K3WWP first place in Armstrong County QRP and 5th place CW.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Radio Roots link
MN - Merlin, KD0V - QRPp experience.
MN - Jake, N0LX - CW contest from small boat.
MN - John, K3WWP - New WB8LZG paddle handles on Mike, KC2EGL's Vibroplex paddles.

#072 - Jun 7, 2008

GCN - Butler, PA hamfest experience. Bruce, WY7N in CA QSO Party. Rag chew award window ending soon.
MN - Dennis, N7HRO - Jefferson Award.
MN - John, W6HHT - Meissner Signal Shifters technical details request.
MN - Eric, KB3BFQ - WPX Contest. Future goals.

#070_071 - May 17, 2008

GCN - NAQCC will be at Butler, PA hamfest. Field Day. Spring rag chew award May challenge rules amended. Thanks to Bruce, WY7n for plaque for 7QP. Picture gallery has 83 pictures. Logbook of the World.
MN - Ed, PY4WAS - MMAA CW Contest
MN - Walt, KD8IGC - Getting back into hobby via QRP.
MN - Larry, W9CC - Morse Telegraph Club
MN - John, N6HI - WM2 QRP Wattmeter notes online.
MN - Dick, N2UGB - Thoughts about QRP vs QRO.
MN - John, N8ZYA - Operating from NC Outer Banks.
MN - John, K3WWP - American Morse experiences.

#069 - Apr 26, 2008

GCN - Larry, W2LJ stepping down as publicity officer. Dave, VA4RJ stepping up. Need newsletter emailers. Field day coming. Fists spring sprint coming up. Updating member info from FCC database is working. Paul, N8XMS donated book of ham cartoons for prize. Cal, K0DXC #2348 - Teen. More sprint adjustments to help MST/PST hams.
MN - John, K3WWP - Have TS-480SAT now.
MN - John, N8ZYA - Recent QRP experiences.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - April QSO party from caboose.
MN - John, N6HI - search engine for electronic components.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - SKCC Tribune award

#068 - Apr 5, 2008

GCN - Pleased with club progress. Need more award applications. Rag chew award. Altering newsletter publishing schedule.
MN - Jim, KS4DU - Plaque for QRP CW outside of 7th area single-op for 7QP.
MN - Rich, K8UV - Dayton plans?
MN - Karl, N3IJR - Met Tim, W3ZVT and now #2318 at hamfest. Key collector.
MN - John, K3WWP - Coming up on 5000 days in 'The Streak'

#067 - Mar 29, 2008

GCN - Norm, VE3SIC joining staff handling Canada and DX countries. Elmer project. Updating database directly from FCC. Looking for ways to help PST and MST members participate in sprints.
MN - Wolf, DI1CC/G4MR - Operating as GM4MR/P
MN - Joseph, KF6VVQ - Finally learning CW.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - QRP Party from Burlington, NC
MN - Paul, N8XMS - My Elmer Emory Cox
MN - Joe, W4ONC - Humor exercise.
MN - Steve, NU7T - QRP station and DX experiences.
MN - Rich, K8UV - Field day plans
MN - Bill, K6MGO - Received signal report from USNS Yukon.
MN - John, K3WWP - Fun with my homebrew key from November sprint.

#066 - Mar 15, 2008

GCN - Elmering project under guidance of Ron, K5DUZ and Karl, N3IJR.
MN - John, AJ9ON - Mini-DXpedition - Fripp Island, SC
MN - Tim, KD8GZ - Hobby restart and QRP experiences.
MN - Randy, KB4QQJ - QSO parties all spring and summer from the field.
MN - John, K3WWP - Reminder about NAQCC awards. Health. QSO streak continues.

#065 - Mar 1, 2008

GCN - Featured members solicitation. Autologger suggestions. Genlog suggestions. Status of K7QO books on Morse in question. NAQCC sprint dates. Loaning out club call.
MN - Herb, WA0YFB - Operating from USNS Yukon QRP.
MN - Joe, W4ONC - Sighting International Space Station.
MN - Paul, KD2MX - Finally getting AK QRP for QRP WAS.
MN - John, N6HI - Ducie Island worked 11 band/slots QRP
MN - John, K3WWP - Comments on other MN submissions.

#064 - Feb 9, 2008

GCN - Mac, W2TI #0815 SK. Our club stacks up well against other clubs for QSOs in club events. CW QSO with Ken WA8REI - recovering from stroke NAQCC club growth. Club member QRP ARCI scores. N3A/3 top QRP/CW Scorer in PA QSO Party.
MN - John, K3WWP - CQ 160M contest.
MN - Don, WA3ZBJ - Daytona Beach ARC park operations.
MN - Martin, K0BXB - Hendricks DC-40A kit experience.
MN - Stan, K4UK - Operating from Bermuda. RAC winter contest. FISTS Warc band challenge
MN - Rem, K6BBQ - Month of operating only CW and mostly QRP.
MN - Rick, AA4W - Solar power kit experience.
MN - Mark, NK8Q - Mac, W2TI SK. Some memories of Mac
MN - Setting up A Solar Power System (AA4W)

#063 - Jan 26, 2008

GCN - Roy, W5RJ newest newsletter emailer. PIMIX. Gregg WB8LZG wins and re-donates DC40 kit. New drawing details. Planning for allowing members to use the club call in sprints.
MN - John, K3WWP - HAARP HF Moonbounce test.
MN - Karl, N3IJR - SKN. Plus enjoying straight keys into the year.
MN - Checklist for using GenLog in Sprints (K3WWP)

#062 - Jan 12, 2008

GCN - Appeal to EU members for starting an EU tailored sprint. Participation award.
MN - Nate, KC2MJT - Soil conductivity correlation to the black hole.
MN - John, K3WWP - Jari OH6DC key collection link.
MN - Herve, F6HIQ - "New" Argonaut 505 and new aerial.
MN - Paul, KD2MX - RF Black Hole experience during RAC Contest. Stew Perry Event.

#061 - Dec 29, 2007

GCN - The Infamous Black Hole (many fewer sprint QSOs from great lakes region). Explanation of log cross-checking.
MN - John, K3WWP - Lery (UA3AO) key collection photo.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Vintage key sprint?
MN - Bart, N9AKR - 60th call sign prefix. AT Sprint III.
MN - Ivin, W9ILF - Thanks for paddle handles.
MN - Maurizio, IZ1GJK - New QRP challenge (Radio Nature Balade).
MN - Paul, KD2MX - New Years Resolution.

#060 - Dec 8, 2007

GCN - Thanks for challenge suggestions.
MN - Bart, N9AKF - Thanksgiving word challenge.
MN - John, K3WWP - ARRL 160M Contest.

#059 - Nov 30, 2007

GCN - Gallery picture influx. Thank you to Larry W2LJ for plugging club. Thanks to members for dedication.
MN - Karl, N3IJR - Operating 10 meter ground wave net.
MN - Larry, W9CC - Winner of CQ WW 160 meter contest in QRP category. QRP on 160M a pure delight.
MN - Paul, KD2MX - Operating on 160M.
MN - John, K3WWP - Portable outdoor operation. CQWW DX contest fun. 160M operation.

#058 - Nov 17, 2007

GCN - N3A operation summary. DC40 QRP Kit re-donated by Gregg, WB8LZQ. Will be awarded by drawing. Send pictures for gallery. 4th year of club operation. NAQCC is a club, not a group. It is about operating QRP and CW. Not about internet. New member Dick Sylvan W9CBT offers a cartoon a month for the newsletter. First cartoon in this issue.
MN - Neal, W3CUV - Allegheny National Forest operations with MFJ-9040 and friend Bob W3BBO and his K2.
MN - Ivin, W9ILF - Got Thanksgiving challenge between Friday evening and Sunday. John's grid system very helpful.
MN - John, K3WWP - Glad to see grid system is helpful for alphabet type challenges.

#057 - Oct 27, 2007

GCN - WAS Bear Hunt entering extended hibernation. Armstrong County, PA Board of Commissioners recognize NAQCC. Crossed 1,000 QSO mark for anniversary month. A "thank you" to those who join and become active in the club. Chuck K7QO interviewed by Wall Street Journal.
MN - Steve, NU7T - Thanks for prize (African Zircote wood paddles donated by Gregg, WB8LZG).
MN - Mike, AF4LQ - Poor sprint conditions. Hopeful for better next time.
MN - Richard, F2/W2RDD - Operating from France in October.
MN - David, KI4GLH/4 - Operation from Great Smokey Mountains National Park.
MN - Rick, AA4W - Operating from Red Top Mountain State Park (GA).
MN - John, K3WWP - Homebrew straight key.

#056 - Oct 6, 2007

GCN - Poor conditions. Explanation of newsletter publication schedule. Publicize the club.
MN - Rem, K6BBQ - My 5 year HF anniversary. Fun operating as N3A/6.
MN - Geo, N1EAV - N3A/1 experience.
MN - Rick, AA4W - N3A/4 experience.
MN - John, K3WWP - N3A/3 experience.

#055 - Sep 29, 2007

GCN - New autologger a success. Stan's (K4UK) homebrew key from Hector (NP4FW). 3rd Anniversary coming up. Explanation reasons for sprint categories.
MN - Martin, F6HIQ - OXO Transmitter.
MN - Greg, N3ZL - (Greg in the news). Hiram Percy Maxim Award.

#054 - Sep 15, 2007

GCN - Autologger web app improved. VA3RJ checked and updated member information.
MN - Paul, N8XMS - Operating from an apartment at OSU with KX1.
MN - Oleg, RV3GM - International QRP Holiday "Seaside Rendez-Vous 2008"
MN - Scott, AE5BH - Broken QRP rig blues. Time to build another rig.
MN - John, K3WWP - Thanks for member news items.

#053 - Aug 25, 2007

GCN - Alternating sprint nights (Tuesday and Wednesday). Update your info on the membership list. Finally, 2000th member signed up on August 14th. Sign up for N3A operation. Participation award results to date for 2007. FISTS events.
MN - Carl K7CWA - QRP CW operation experiences.
MN - Greg N3ZL - Hooked on CW. Now 100%. Eagle Scout Project - 2m antennas at emergency shelters. Hiram Percy Maxim award.
MN - Scott AE5BH - 45 Stats worked - 35 confirmed. Working on more. CW CDs will be put to use. Looking forward to N3A operation.
MN - John K3WWP - Baltasar Perez Dias - EA8BVP. Picture operating while visiting brother in Buffalo, NY.

#052 - Aug 11, 2007

GCN - Add NAQCC link to your web page. Add NAQCC number to QSL cards or eQSL cards. Need N3A operators. Hendricks NC40 to be given away. Giving out Gregg WB8LZG paddle handles now. Still waiting on 2000th member. Comparison of stats for NAQCC and ARS sprints.
MN - Scott AE5BH - 37 states worked. 31 confirmed.
MN - John K3WWP - Activity Days program activity.

#051 - Jul 28, 2007

GCN - Plug NAQCC in contest soapbox. Still waiting on member number 2000. Sign up for N3A call sign for October Sprint. FISTS events. Thanks for pictures and bios for featured members section of site. Club activity days drawing no interest.
MN - Paul KD2MX - Promote club on your web page with a link.
MN - Karl N3IJR - Army still using Morse code.
MN - Rich W2RDD - FT-817ND. Learning one facet at a time. Got Northern Ireland on 30m with 5 watts and a whip.
MN - Barry K4CZ - Operating more with straight key. Solicitation for tips and suggestions.
MN - Mike AF4LQ - Relearning sending with a straight key.
MN - John K3WWP - 800 point level for NAQCC Worked Members Award.

#050 - Jul 14, 2007

GCN - Tom (club President) has new vanity call after Extra upgrade (WY3H). Scott (AE5BH) and John (K3WWP) - Thoughts on Spring Ragchew Contest. Hendricks DC40 kit to be given away after October sprint. Gregg (WB8LZG) delivered beautiful key paddle handles. Competition to guess date of 2000th member sign up.
MN - Bill W9BOK - Discuss donating organs with family members.
MN - Mark WU7F - On Field Day demonstrated advantages of CW and QRP to non-CW hams and QRO operators.
MN - Bruce WY7N - Field Day fun - Putting up antenna with E-Z Hang.
MN - Paul KD2MX - Field Day in Chicago on the lake.

#049 - Jun 30, 2007

GCN - NAQCC Officers Have Their Heads Examined (participate in University of Pittsburgh Morse Code and memory study). Close to 2000 members. Club third anniversary coming up. GenLog more closely tailored for NAQCC sprints. WB8LZG donated homemade bug/paddle handles for club prizes.
MN - Mike KD8CQP - Learning CW with NuMorse. Need advice on equipment and bands to focus on.
MN - Karl K3IJR - Field Day QRP/CW station with Tri-County CW Amateur Radio Club.
MN - Mike KC2EGL - Field Day CW operator with Fort Armstrong Wireless Assocation.
MN - Bob VA3RKM - Field Day CW/SSB QRP operations with Ottawa Valley QRP Club.
MN - Scott AE5BH - Accidental 1/2 hour QSO at QRPp power level.
MN - John K3WWP - Please end my winning streak so I can mail out certificates.

#048 - Jun 9, 2007

GCN - World Radio article brings new members. Tom KB3LFC, Karl N3IJR and John K3WWP visited Butler, PA hamfest. Frank KB3AAG donated 5 code practice CDs. WAS club competition coming soon. Tom (KB3LFC) and Paul (K3WWP) visited Skyview Radio Society.
MN - John K3WWP - CQ WPX contest with QRPp got over 100 QSOs and got several new prefixes.
MN - Bill AA0RQ - Enjoying joy of QRP with Argonout 515 after its return from being on loan for 20 years.
MN - Paul KD2MX - Co-worker previously put off by code got license and is now persuing learning CW. The pressure is off now.
MN - Rod W5GZT - Pictures of Field Day go box.
MN - Bart W0ITT - K0N activated at OzarkCon QRP forum.
MN - Bob W3BBO - With Neal W4CUV operated at Alleghaney National Forest with MFJ and Sierra QRP rigs.
MN - Rich W2RDD - Selling QRO gear at hamfests.
MN - Mark WU7F - 80 meter local QSO with 100mW.
MN - Harold KC3EDY - Expressed interest in getting started with QRP operation.
MN - Karl N3IJR - Reflections on hamfest visit.

#047 - May 26, 2007

GCN - Tom KB3LFC, John K2WWP, Karl N3IJR and KC2EGL will visit Butler, PA hamfest. Thanks to members for helping out Lou, WA9TPZ. K3TWJ books will be top to prizes for next sprint. Compliment to FISTS for moving their sprint to not conflict with IARU contest.
MN - John K3WWP - Delighted with SWA category win in May sprint despite location and antenna limitations. Hope it encourages others.

#046 - May 12, 2007

SF - Survey of how members log their contacts for the NAQCC sprint.
GCN - Top two scores in sprint get K4TWJ book on key collecting. NAQCC being mentioned in July Popular Communications in Tomas, NW7US propagation column. Working on plans for WARC bands activity days (also non-WARK 160 and 10 meter bands). Worked Members Award simplified. Appeal to club for help for Lou WA9TPZ. Sympathies to family and friends of SK Peter Davies, M0DDX (#0600). Tom KV3LFC and John K3WWP will be at Butler, PA hamfest.
MN - John K3WWP - Got back into mW QRPp because of May challenge. Picked up another state (RI).
MN - Rod W4GZT - Obtained KX-1 in a swap. Likes it so much adding 30/80 module.
MN - Ron K4DUZ - Obtaining parts to build portable transceiver. Bought AADE LC Meter kit. Works well.
MN - Giurgiu YO6EX - Pro-CW Club information.

#045 - Apr28, 2007

SF - Featured award of the month. Discussion of multiple NAQCC awards including miles per watt, WAC, 30-30, 2XQRP and Worked Members by Paul KD2MX. Asking more members to join the fun.
GCN - Hearing positive feedback on newsletter. Donations received after recent appeal. Band Activity days (work 17 meters on the 17th...). Basic Worked Members Award being added. Web site has sorted by call list of members. NAQCC and FISTS have forged stronger bond and are publicizing each other's activities. Example: new article in WorldRadio magazine coming out in mid may.
MN - Young son showing interest in CW and is learning the code. (K7TEM)
MN - Rock-Mite is on the air. Listen for signal on 7039. (K2DMX)
MN - Having fun with April WARC Bands Challenge. (K3WWP)

#044 - Apr 8, 2007

GCN - Forms of donations allowed. Discussing options for a printed member list. Working on rules for recruitment award. New members can help club by telling how you found NAQCC. 55 new members last month. Members can help with club publicity.
MN - E-Bay bidding for straight keys shows CW is alive and well. Wild Woody WARC Key. (KB3LFC)
MN - Visit from Karl N3IJR (K3WWP)
MN - Purchased Index Laboratories QRP Plus Rig (N5DUQ)

#043 - Mar 31, 2007

SF - Featured award of the month - Spring Ragchew Award.
GCN - Elmer Project section complete. Special plans for June sprint. Newsletter archive started. Finances discussion. Donations and award applications need to pick up.
MN - Installed two CW filters and stability unit in TS-480SAT with help of K3WWP. (KC2EGL)
MN - Received W8FYO/Bencher paddle as a gift from KC2EGL. Comments on Mike's new TS-480. (K3WWP)
MN - Sponsoring new QRP operating event. Radio City Kennel Club Great Escape. (W0UCE)

#042 - Mar 18, 2007

GCN - New newsletter format by W2LJ. Recruiting award to be developed. New CW tutorials available online. 30-30 award reminder. FISTS donating membership to 2007 Participation Award Winner
MN - Solicitation for member news articles
MN - Added DXCC entity #205 (Kenya) & QRP QSO streak is now 4600 days (K3WWP)
MN - Contests are great ways to work distant states and countries. Examples 160m New Mexico and 40m New Zealand Contacts. (VA3KRM)
MN - Building ATS-3 - Accepts position of contest manager for NJQRP Homebrewer Sprint - 5Z4/9A3A Contact. (W2LJ)
MN - WAC QRP achieved after JA contacts. Building 40m Rock-mite. (KD2MX)
MN - Member survey report. (KD2MX)